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教育王國 討論區 升中派位 St. Paul College

St. Paul College [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-7-7 13:53 |只看該作者

回覆 2# lindalowailing 的文章

Thank you for yours support, this year DBS, DGS, Queen's, SPCC, La Salle also no 6A or 5A in HKALE.   This two years St paul Headmaster want to 造好成績, 收生好嚴, Last year 考50 - 60的學生都收, But this year, i have 6 friends 入SPC, 個個在小學都頭十名, English & Mandarin very good, if you have friends study in Queen's , La Salle, pls look their past paper, SPC standard is
相似 as this two school.  尤其Maths & Science.  Some one said that St Paul's teacher very Hea, but do they know that Maths subject teacher Mr. XX willing every week help one 盲同學補習?
SPC三十年來都收肓人, 這顆心有幾間名校做到?透過盲同學, all of the students 更學會互助和知道自己的幸福

Rank: 1

發表於 11-7-8 01:32 |只看該作者
My friend studies in a University and know that this math teacher in SPC helps the blind student to study because he is doing his research, for himself, not as you think! Teacher should help all students. He only helps this blind student? Why he cannot accept the one with poor result. You know this school cannot accept all the students in his Primary school. What is the purpose of the education?

[ 本帖最後由 mrsfungfung 於 11-7-8 01:46 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-7-8 07:42 |只看該作者
Dear mrsfungfung,

When comparing to some other top schools, SPC, yes, SPC might not be qualified as top school, but SPC does take a higher percentage of students from their primary school.  

Regarding student support, the school has special arrangements for low performance students, such as Christmas special class by retired teacher, sufficient or not, is really up to one's own judgement.  

For vision disability student, one to one is a better arrangement, having a research alongside, will not only benefit the teacher and the student in question.  The research should be able to allow other teaching professional to have insight about teaching physical disadvantage children.  I am more than happy that the teacher, who helps the student with vision disability, can have some other gains from the work and, hopefully, through his/er research, more from the society can be benefitted.

Going back to the question of not taking all the students from the PS, some of those students might not reach the requirement in joining the secondary section or going to a better school, in my son's year, only 3-4 boys could not reach the requirements in joining the secondary.  The requirements then were, an overall fair pass with no fail in the 4 major subjects and without conduct issue.  When the system still allows some degree of freedom of choice for both side, it was a fair arrangement from my humble point of view.  Might be you can share your experience with us?

Education is a very difficult subject, however, your pointing finger to people giving support to disadvantage student is, to be honest, shameful.



[ 本帖最後由 hogwarts 於 11-7-8 08:22 編輯 ]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 11-7-8 08:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 hogwarts 於 11-7-8 07:42 發表
For vision disability student, one to one is a better arrangement, having a research alongside, will not only benefit the teacher and the student in question. The research should be able to allow other teaching professional to have insight about teaching physical disadvantage children. I am more than happy that the teacher, who helps the student with vision disability, can have some other gains from the work and, hopefully, through his/er research, more from society can be benefitted.




Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 11-7-8 08:46 |只看該作者
Yes, I also pay my respect to that Maths teacher.

原帖由 redkoni 於 11-7-8 08:18 發表



以一間香港最老歷史的傳统名校,轉咗直資還撥出資源 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-7-8 14:58 |只看該作者
singtao smartparents


2011-07-07 issue

Rank: 1

發表於 11-7-12 22:23 |只看該作者
Today I visit St Paul's College, the students look very politie and smart.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-7-29 20:19 |只看該作者
原帖由 ElizaW 11-7-5 18:20 發表

Every one know that St Paul already Brand 1 , 但為何仍天天駡它點差點衰,只為need to pay HK$3,800?

If no need to pay , 是否順氣些?鬼唔知入Queen's, La Salle, St Joseph, St Paul co-edu, 入唔到是否要死?= no career?

Last year SPC also have two 8A students, 讀書靠自己不是靠名氣. St Paul students多数乖, 多有錢人, 好多叻人F3去留學, after school you can see many Benz and private driver 接學生.Ying Wa HK$1,500就唔駡?


首先跟其他 SPC 家長講唔好意思, 借個位俾我發表一下對 ElizaW 的意見, 多多得罪

今天有幸, 無意中再回到這貼, 拜讀到你呢兩篇大作, 見你又燒到其他學校個叠, 所以想回應一下

(1) ElizaW : ".....只為 need to pay HK$3,800?
If no need to pay ,
是否順氣些?...... St Paul students多数乖, 多有錢人……. after school you can see many Benz and private driver 接學生. Ying Wa HK$1,500就唔駡?....."

Lugano 回應: 多有錢人!! Benz!! Chauffeur來接送!! 又代表甚麼?

你的價值觀是否用錢來衡量? 就是要有錢學生家長/相同背景聚在一起? 有錢仔才讀得聖保羅男校? 又或者代表自己屬於"高等華人"? 推崇貴族男校文化?

我對此很反感, 據我所知和認識的 SPC家長, 很多都不是你形容的, 很多都是務實謙厚型的, 請不要讓大家覺得 SPC是有錢人階級的小圈子, 我都是 SPC 家長, 但我不會用錢來衡量其他同學

(2) ElizaW : ".....好多叻人F3去留學...."

Lugano 回應: 好多名校的學生也是中五前去留學, 津貼的喇沙亦如是, 官立的皇仁亦如是, 直資的聖保羅男女亦如是, 但人家的成績卻是……

What is your point? 你係咪想講 SPC所有最叻的學生永遠都在 F3 走哂, 所以成績一直未如理想?


[ 本帖最後由 lugano 於 11-7-29 22:55 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-7-29 20:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 ElizaW 11-7-7 13:53 發表

Thank you for yours support, this year DBS, DGS, Queen's, SPCC, La Salle also no 6A or 5A in HKALE.

This two years St paul Headmaster want to 造好成績, 收生好嚴, Last year 50 - 60的學生都收,

But this year, i have 6 friends SPC, 個個在小學都頭十名, English & Mandarin very good, if you have friends study in Queen's , La Salle, pls look their past paper, SPC standard is
相似 as this two school. 尤其Maths & Science.

Some one said that St Paul's teacher very Hea, but do they know that Maths subject teacher Mr. XX willing every week help one 盲同學補習?

SPC三十年來都收肓人, 這顆心有幾間名校做到?透過盲同學, all of the students 更學會互助和知道自己的幸福


(3) ElizaW : "...... SPC三十年來都收肓人, 這顆心有幾間名校做到? ........"

Lugano 回應: 數學老師的事當然值得敬佩, 讓我更感動的反而是一間專為窮人服務 "非名校" 鮮魚行梁校長千百個溫暖人間的故事

(4) ElizaW : ".......this year DBS, DGS, Queen's, SPCC, La Salle also no 6A or 5A in HKALE......"

Lugano 回應: 見你挪揄喇沙, 皇仁, 聖保羅男女, 男女拔 A-Level 高考成績未如理想 !! 你真的很天真, 唔知你知不知道什麼是中六拔尖?? 未聽過? 不認識? 好多叻人一早拔尖去也, 看看喇沙和皇仁的拔尖人數吧


【大公報訊】2011年高級程度會考昨日放榜。由於中六拔尖計劃令皇仁, 喇沙等多間傳統名校高考狀元幾乎絕跡,造就恒生商學書院蟬聯「奪A工廠」,不但囊括全港四名六優狀元,更在十七名五優生中獨佔其九。今年唯一的六優女狀元李泳枬..........


1A32 74.70 63.96 --
1A25 83.30 --6.09
1A20 84.00 59.52*5.34

[ 本帖最後由 lugano 於 11-7-29 23:17 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 11-9-11 22:57 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 11-9-12 00:00 |只看該作者
Oh my God! 有法文學, 有風琴學,去冰島就等於好強......

Rank: 2

發表於 11-9-12 00:07 |只看該作者
不是否定SPC是好校, 但不是用有法文,風琴,冰島去衡量吧! 若是這樣,恕我直言,有些家長真的好好呃啦!

Rank: 1

發表於 11-9-12 00:32 |只看該作者
It means that SPC do a lot things to train your son being great !! as a well-round player in the society.
The school is willing to  takes time and smartly apply  the govt's fund for students' summer tour.

SPC = 160 years' history = HKU + CU

Go to their home page. see what is famous school.

Rank: 2

發表於 11-9-12 00:55 |只看該作者
Calm down!
I do think SPC is a good school but some parents only focus on whether there are French lessons, what musical instruments the students learn and where they go for their study tour in summer. Actually, I don't think all these are the key point to judge a school.

發表於 11-9-12 10:55 |只看該作者

回覆 52# gloriafu2009 的文章

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Rank: 2

發表於 11-9-12 11:00 |只看該作者

回復 54# gloriafu2009 的帖子

Absolutely agree!

If an average of 80% is considered to be the passing score, then what is the total score? 100 or 160? If it is 80 out of a 100, would it seem a bit odd?

Beside, 5% of the students have to be repeated is strange, the criteria of requesting a student to repeat is not up to the academic standard, then what is the point of setting the 80% as the passing score.

The only possible explanation is 95% of the students would get a scoring of 80% and above on the safe side. And there must have a poor 5% (not more, not less) to fulfill the gap.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-12 22:23 |只看該作者

回復 50# boyu 的帖子

學法文好似係課外活動之一, 要比$
去冰島都係要$,加埋好似係某個學會便可以去, 另外,學校考試時要考埋樂器及樂理,以上種種, 要同學仔願意付出及 勤於练習才才唯之掂.

Rank: 1

發表於 11-9-14 00:47 |只看該作者
SPC is absolutly good school and very traditional british school. I believe that the bad result in HKCEE was occasional case in the past near year. Try to think that the subject passing rate is over 80 marks and over 18 students cannot promote nearly to S2 this year. General students' public exam result will be improve very significantly.

發表於 11-9-14 14:14 |只看該作者
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