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教育王國 討論區 備戰大學 CUHK vs Durham (LLB)
樓主: daisychan

CUHK vs Durham (LLB) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 15-7-27 23:14 |只看該作者


原帖由 nintendo 於 15-07-22 發表
越叻就越要出去讀,我識兩個在英國讀,都成功可以在香港入到 PCLL。
會唔會因為出面攞 First Class 或者 Second upper 易過香港呢?

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 2

發表於 15-7-28 07:42 |只看該作者
會唔會因為出面攞 First Class 或者 Second upper 易過香港呢?

Grade inflation is only seen in non-professional degrees.

For a subject like Law from a reputable university like Durham with it's  long list of illustrious alumni in legal professions I think this is a moot point.

A Durham LLB is held in high esteem if not more so than one from HKU esp with international firms.


ANChan59  Also in professional degree in Overseas degree.  發表於 15-7-28 13:11
daisychan  Thx for the advice.  發表於 15-7-28 09:28

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-7-28 09:24 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 daisychan 於 15-7-28 09:27 編輯

回覆 chenlily 的帖子

Thanks for your advice.

I also don't think the conversion test will be a problem to her. Our concern is mainly the relatively less chance of getting a PCLL place with an overseas degree, as compared with a local LLB graduate. This is the problem faced by my friends' kids. From the CUHK website, for the past 4 years, over 70% of their LLB graduates can enter into their PCLL programme right after graduation.

As my daughter has two years' boarding experience in an international school in HK, I'm not worried with her English fluency, independence, exposure and global perspective. College fee should not be a problem.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-7-28 10:44 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 wloi 於 15-7-28 14:47 編輯

回覆 daisychan 的帖子

Yes, it is fair to let the local law students have priority in getting PCLL places.
We are in the same shoes as you 3 years ago.  My daughter took the DSE and has offers from both HKU and UCL Law school.  

We have chosen HKU instead of UCL as we are worry that it is hard to get a PCLL place.  My daughter may be a bright student for DSE but we do not know whether she will be a bright Law student as they are totally different programs.

You should not worry about international exposures if you choose local uni for Law degree. Take my daughter as an example, she has participated in many international moots (held both locally and overseas) in the last 3 years.  This Sep, she will go to a UK Uni for her final year in LLB as a visiting student.  Then she will be back to HK for PCLL.

For the HKU law students, if the academic results meet the exchange program criteria, most of the Law students will spend up to 1 year at overseas uni during their 4 or 5 year program.

However, I have no idea about CU Law school.  It is harder to choose between CU / Durham then HKU / UCL imo.


daisychan  THx for sharing.  發表於 15-7-28 10:48

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-7-28 14:22 |只看該作者
回覆 wloi 的帖子

如果是HKU的話, 一定選HKU LLB, 因為HKU提供的PCLL位是最多的.
如果是CU and Durham, 還有時間慢慢騐.


daisychan  Thx  發表於 15-7-28 14:35
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