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Woodland Montessori vs. Montessori School of Hong Kong [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 04-12-27 01:05 |只看該作者

Woodland Montessori vs. Montessori School of Hong Kong


I'd like to know if you have any experience with the Woodland Montessori on Caine Road and the Montessori School of Hong Kong (also on Caine road). I am looking at both schools for my 2 year old and I would appreciate if you could share your thoughts/comments on the two schools.

Thanks a million !


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-27 11:46 |只看該作者

Re: Woodland Montessori vs. Montessori School of Hong Kong

我舊老細太約2年前比佢個仔讀Montessori School of Hong Kong (因大囡之前都係呢間到讀), 讀左一個term 到就急急腳轉Woodland Montessori, 因佢話佢個囡讀個時, 有好多得老既小朋友(真係外籍人士既小朋友), 但當佢個仔讀時, d 外籍小朋友就無mug 喇, 反而好多asian, 所以佢就轉左woodland, 而家佢個仔讀緊半山FIS.
我的寶貝傻豬豬 - 嘉盈囡囡 ;-) [img align=left]http://www.hkphome.com/kaying/albums/11th-Month-Hong-Kong-Park/IMG_3467.thumb.jpg[/img] [img align=left]http://www.hkphome.com/kaying/albums/11th-Month-Hong-Kong-Park/IMG_3437.thumb.jpg[/img]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-12-11 23:55 |只看該作者
My daughter is turning 2 years old and has been going to M,W,F playgroup at Woodland Montessori since this August. So far so good, the reason I joined it because I want to find a playgroup about 2-3 times a week and have an organized program like dancing, singing, drawing, playing, snack time. Woodland could give me that. But the tuition is quite deep and it really depends on the teachers and the other kids. You're lucky if the other kids are talking well then they could be a good model for your own.

My girl and myself have visited the Montessori of HK and offered her place for pre-nursery (means no parents in the class allowed) when she was 18 months. Too early. Besides, I find their facilities are less aedquate then Woodland but they are equally expensive.

Another choice you can try is the Hong Kong Playgroup Association on Borrett Road. http://www.hkppa.org/
I tried a trial class. Their facility is good and have snack time and the fee is cheap, about $100 each time. But there is only 15 minutes organized program (dancing singing) at the end of the class and the rest of the time is the parent and the kid playing by themselves.

My co-worker tried kinderU in Causeway Bay. Her daughter is only 23 months and speak both English and Mandarin already. http://www.kinderu.org/index.asp
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