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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 聽說有人放棄 MCS 自行分配的學位
樓主: ym403

聽說有人放棄 MCS 自行分配的學位 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 04-12-10 14:53 |只看該作者

Re: 聽說有人放棄 MCS 自行分配的學位

WaWaMom 寫道:
She was so willing to express herself as her international school's teachers admired that is her strength. Once she switched to the local school, teachers complained she is talkative. From then, she changed. I won't blamed on the teacher as there is nothing wrong with her, just the teaching approach is different between local and int'l kg.

Yes, that's why some parents want their kids study in international KG rather than local KG. You pointed out the main reason. Of course, we can't exclude the 'native english teacher' & 'famous brand name' effects.

Therefore, as parents, we have to spend more affort to encourage her. So, she always comes up with rare questions at home.

That's your duty, right. Be parents, I think no one will say that's all teachers' responsibilities. Do you believe 'Home Education' is more important than 'School Education'?

Strongly agree that copying is necessary to strength our memory.  Moroever, certain amount of pressure for kids is necessary, so personally, I think examination is required. However, a question raised: is it essential to have 2 or 3 tests each week?  For instance, if your boss tests your knowledge 2-3 times per week, do you like it?

Ooops, please do not mix them up. If you think that they were related, sorry I couldn't see the point. Even you are right, if your boss really tests your knowledge 2-3 times per week, I think you must accept it otherwise you could resign and find another job. Apply this in this 'case', you could find a suitable school for your kid just like 'resign' and find a new job.
If you think 2-3 times is over, how many times do you think is acceptable? Please do not forget, they [teachers/principles] are professional in this field. Of course, there are some exception, right.

Another issue about language ability. I have never heard any one send their kids to learn Chinese grammar. Why? Should the basic purpose in learning a language is for communication? If you heard an English native speaker expresses something in a strange way (actually a grammar mistake) but all others seems understand what he talks about. Would you say that you have a better English language foundation than him? My daughter English is not too good, but she won't feel uncomfortable speaking English to Chinese or foreigners. To her, English is a communication tool for her to make friends.

What is your meaning of 'Chinese'? If your meaning is Cantonese, sorry I have no comment but if  Chinese is meaning '普通話'. I knew some parents send their kids to learn 普通話 in Education Centre. Of course, they will learn 普通話 grammar also.

BTW, my daughter has to copy the words 10-12 times. My daughter's question is if her classmates can't remember the words, then he/she should copy many times, if not, what's the purpose for copying. Should teacher allow flexibility?

Well, if the teacher perform your kid's will, do you think that it is about discrimination?

To conclude: everything should get a balance.

Yes, it need a balance and who make it, of course the teacher himself/herself. Maybe in your kid's class is 10-12 times but in other class is 20 times. Who knows, right.
[img align=right]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/Bruceleehk.jpg[/img]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-10 15:23 |只看該作者

Re: 聽說有人放棄 MCS 自行分配的學位

Every parent wants the kids to be creative, but seems it has conflicts between traditional education and creative.

I agree that for those kids who have already know the word, it is wasting of time if you ask them to repeat writing the same word. But it is useful for those that don’t know the word. It is quite difficult to judge which method is the best because different one has different needs. That’s why so many parents today choose DSS schools because they think they are more flexible and will not suppress the kids like the traditional one, but parents also expecting these schools can teach their kids with good language skills

I quoted the examples of the people I met and stated that those from good schools had good writing skills, it is because I wanted to emphasis that in good environment, it really helps to nurture good students. I am not saying that traditional is the best and I agreed for those very active children, maybe traditional teaching does not fit them.

The main points what I want to say here are good learning environment can help the kids to develop better but the most important all are parents’effort in guidance the kids. Whether the kids can be success or not mainly due to how parents teach them and will be more better if they are in a good school. Parents are the role models of the kids, if they like watching TV and gambling, how come their kids will not like it. We can see “James Wong” 黃霑the one that every people know that he was creative and he was very good in all aspect – literature, music. Who can say he suppressed by the traditional school. He recalled why he was so hardworking because his father was very hardworking too, all parents are the heros of the kids.

Sure even the expatriates may not correct in grammar or spelling, but should we think that it is all right and no problem if we are the same with them.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-10 18:05 |只看該作者

Re: 聽說有人放棄 MCS 自行分配的學位

I have never disagreed with you in family education. Parents should behave well if they want their kids to be the same. Although I don't have a good EQ, I really want my kids do. I had never criticized  teachers and I teach my kids to respect teachers. I told my daughter that she should never say NO to teachers even though she doesn't agree with them. What she could do is go home and discuss with me as she is too young to make judgement. That's why she asked me to call teachers and discuss with teacher as she won't complain to teacher directly. As what I said, I really cherish teacher-student relationship. In school, parents can do nothing but should totally trust the teachers, shouldn't we? I would try my best to avoid any conflict betwen my daughter and her teachers; at the same time, I would update my daughter's behavior with teachers from time to time. Teachers and parents should work mutually.

The example I quoted about Caucasian can't speak good English doesn't mean that kids shouldn't learn good language. Also, provide good learning environment, which includes peer groups, school culture, etc, is important too. So, I did research all the targeted schools before applying.

About Chinese grammar course, I refer to mother-touge. My aunt was graduated from one of famous Us in China in 197X. She teaches Putonghua, she found it hard to teach HK kids (both primary and secondary) as they can't even master their mother-touge well to express themselves. That's why I ask how come no one take Chinese grammar course?

You are right that I can switch to another job if I don't like my boss. However, I don't think kids have such priviledge to switch school if they don't like the school, right?

To me 2-3 times tests per week is too much if the test result would be counted as part of final annual result. Then, most kids would spend the weekend preparing the tests. I think if those tests are assessments, then, it makes more sense. Parents would realize kids' weekness and try to improve but not try to get good marks.

Well, if the teacher perform your kid's will, do you think that it is about discrimination?
Refer to my answer,  I didn't agree with her that she should only copy once if she knows the word but just encouraged her to enjoy her homework.

Yes, it need a balance and who make it, of course the teacher himself/herself. Maybe in your kid's class is 10-12 times but in other class is 20 times. Who knows, right.
That's why I have never said that the DSS school would fit my daughter perfectly. But just realize that many schools still not able to get the balance.
BTW, I also won't quesion teachers' professionalism as many of my friends are teachers.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-10 19:41 |只看該作者

Re: 聽說有人放棄 MCS 自行分配的學位

WaWaMom 寫道:
To me 2-3 times tests per week is too much if the test result would be counted as part of final annual result. Then, most kids would spend the weekend preparing the tests.

I am confused. Do you mean MCS offers 2-3 times tests per week? If not, could you let me know which schools have 2-3 tests per week in Hong Kong?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-16 18:04 |只看該作者

Re: 聽說有人放棄 MCS 自行分配的學位

Once again, I have to clarify that I was not pointing finger to MCS while making comments.

Sorry for the confusion. ‘Test’ means something for measuring the skill or knowledge; for instance, dictation or answer a series of questions.

In that way, what do you think?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-17 10:46 |只看該作者

Re: 聽說有人放棄 MCS 自行分配的學位


Not an issue at all. This is manageble. For dictations,  kids do not need to spend every weekend to prepare. One day prior is fine.  

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 04-12-17 12:04 |只看該作者

Re: 聽說有人放棄 MCS 自行分配的學位

我又咁睇,如果完全無dictations / tests又唔得既。
我仔係讀傳統學校的,但佢地既安排都唔錯,每個學期一次測驗、一個期考。佢地測驗拖到好長的,一星期一科,alternate week先再測多一科,中、英、數、常、宗教足足測了8個星期!有人話唔好,因拖得太長,但我反而覺得唔錯。小朋友唔使迫晒一星期測晒咁多科,不過要持續溫習,可養成個良好習慣。同埋都唔使用晒所有時間只係溫習的,我地weekend都成日出街架!如果小朋友玩完返屋企肯坐定定溫書,其實一、兩個鐘佢已讀到好多架喇!我仔每星期都有兩次默書,佢合作的話坐定溫,多數一個鐘內識默晒。
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