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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 IQ test for children
樓主: agoodfox

IQ test for children [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 04-10-8 11:01 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

Dear all,
My son is 4 1/2.  He visits a government child assessment centre half a year for follow-up purpose.  Will the doctor there refer him to any IQ test when he is 5?  

My son's teacher told me that parents could write down their children's situation in the special education column in the P.1 application form.  The Special Education Division of the EMB will screen those needy children for an assessment.  Is this the IQ test?  If I don't write down my child's situation in the application form, will he be free from the IQ test?  Is IQ test a must for all the less able children?  Can anyone answer my question?  I am quite ignorant about this.  Thanks a lot.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-8 12:47 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

Dear mrsphcheung

Child Assessment Centres are supposed to conduct IQ test for children on files when the children reach 5.  This will give an idea to parents on which kind of school they should choose.  However, due to long queues, cases might be neglected if you don't chase them.  Why don't you check with them next time you go there?  You might also let your child conduct the test by private clinical psychologist.

In my son's time (8 years' ago), if you fill in the special ed column in the P.1 application, EMB Special Ed Division will contact you.  If you have done IQ test at CAC they won't repeat.  They will also advise you which kind of school you should choose.  But the final decision lies with the parents.  I don't know whether there are any changes now.

We have talked a lot on IQ test.  Whether it shows the real ability of the child or not, it's just a kind of offical standard to understand the child's condition.  It's up to you whether you want to tell the school or not.  EMB will never expose your case to school due to privacy.  I myself prefer to let the school know the real picture, provided that you find a school which accept special children.  This will avoid a lot of misunderstanding later.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-8 14:11 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

mrsphcheung 寫道:
The Special Education Division of the EMB will screen those needy children for an assessment.  Is this the IQ test?

EMB will only do very superificial group assessment, if they visit the school at all, and mainly rely on teachers' reports. Certainly that will not be a Wechsler. So don't worry that EMB will test your child again without your acknowledgement.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-11 01:01 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

Dr. T,

小兒終於完成I.Q Test,因他當日去到中心門口,話很驚不敢入內。後期由另一親人陪同,終於完成個多小時Test,有121分。
當初做I.Q Test原因是開學頭數天,仍未正式上課時,班主任致電給我,說可能個仔有學習障礙,英文程度及反應都是全班最差,到正式上課後,功課又是全班最差,程度追不上。幼稚園老師及課外活動的老師都覺正常及不錯。到現在一個月了,測驗及默書都很高分。測驗不會通知家長,故真的靠他實力。
我想是否情緒表現較大影響?而專家又說IQ正常不等於沒有學習障礙。學習障礙是否指怎教他都不明白或容易忘記?一般小一生的學習專注力可維持多久?我通常給他功課十五至三十分鐘便休息。是否用時間判斷小孩的專注力。雖然花了錢做IQ test, 我有甚麼可以做幫到小兒呢?


Rank: 4

發表於 04-10-11 14:13 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

Dear Dr. T,

That's okay, sometimes "words are the source of misunderstandings"!

But do you mean taking the same IQ test within weeks/months, same Welscher test for example?  If yes, it's ridiculous.  I believe the type of parents you mentioned do exist and such behavior is "自欺欺人".   

Dear agoodfox,

Sorry for mistaking you as you mentioned "cert" in your original post. Just I have too many parents having their children tested just for that piece of paper. It's not uncommon for kids being tested more than once within weeks/months just because the parents want to see that magic number 130. And those parents will hide the fact that the child has already been tested once from the second psychologist (which unfortunately is me...)

Yes Wechsler will certainly provide you more objective information on the child.

I personally do not think that letting the child goes with the flow is a good idea as at the end of the day parents are the one who arrange their kids' schooling. A child/teenager will not have much decision power of what they should learn till University level (may not be so in some cases.)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-11 15:42 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

Seems to be emotional problem at the beginning.

I think the psychologist meant reading difficulty which is independent of IQ scores. You can have IQ of 150 but still have problem in reading.

Depends on what kind of problems you are talking about. Not every child with "learning problem" is the same.


Normal P.1-3 students should pay attention for about 15 minutes. But that also depends on the task given to them.

***雖然花了錢做IQ test, 我有甚麼可以做幫到小兒呢?

The psychologist should have explained to you what the IQ subtest profile means and the final score (121) really doesn't have much practical value. S/he should tell you what to do next, based on his/her analysis of the results. I'm not sure I can give any advice here as I'm not the one who tested him...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-11 23:27 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

Dr. T,

Thank you very much.


Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 04-10-12 09:58 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children


Is that you?  I'm Angus's Mom. I'm glad to see you here.   Angus's phonics is better now.  He can read the passage 80-90% accurately even some words he does not know. And also he can spell words more easy now.  Thanks for your help.  However his emotion is getting worse.  His school was moved.  He can not settled down till now.   He losts his temper always.  Someone said  that gifted child will start to have emotion problem after P.3, however he is P.2 only.  

Is Mr. P means 新xx 那位. Mr. P C W?  I knew him.  He is very nice also.  Just like you.  :  :
Latte, 又名臭Te或臭喵.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-12 18:26 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

Dear veronna,


I remember Angus well and glad to hear that his English is improving. Regarding his emotion, I think that part and parcel of growing up and not necessary because him as a gifted child. Also his huge discrepancy between V & P IQ might also play a part. He needs lots of verbal explanation in order to "observe" other people's emtional response.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 04-10-12 21:02 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

Dr. T

Oh, sorry.............. 報告 Dr. T,已經成功於口部安裝了拉錬, 適當時候會自動關上 over ..................   

Actually, Angus is not patient enough to listen my explanation.    He will become "out of control" while his mistake was pointed out.  Sometimes he will even kick me or push me.  
Latte, 又名臭Te或臭喵.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-12 21:13 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

Dear veronna,

It's often difficult for parents to play this kind of role as kids often have a love/hate relationship with parents. Might be better if the school counsellor could do this.

I really can't imagine Angus kicking other people or performing any kind of aggressive behaviour. But kids usually behave badly in front of their parents Ask my mother and she'll tell you lots of stories.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 04-10-13 13:59 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

Dr. T,

Angus had the first interview with the counsellor last Wednesday already.  Today he will have also. However, the counsellor is not from the school but the 托管中心.  He drew the picture to show his understanding of "happy" last Wednesday.  The picture was full of hearts.  The windows of the building, the sun, the cloud, the fruit on the tree, the flowers and the human, all are in heart shape.  

  Then, please make sure you will not cry after you introduce your mom to me.  
Latte, 又名臭Te或臭喵.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-13 23:35 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

Dear Dr. T,
when will the IQ test done? at 5 years old? how is the accuracy?
is it have performance and language part in the IQ test? will poor language ability affect the IQ test results?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-14 00:01 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

ninin 寫道:
***when will the IQ test done? at 5 years old? how is the accuracy? is it have performance and language part in the IQ test? will poor language ability affect the IQ test results?

Sorry as I've been asked thousand of times before allow me to quote one of my past interviews here...


...時至今日,智能測驗經過超過 100 年的演變,目前有若干個智能測驗。家長應按孩子的年齡,為他們選擇合適的測試:

1. 香港韋氏兒童智能量表 (HK-Wechsler Intelligence Test for Children)
年齡層:為 5 歲至 15 歲的兒童而設。
特點:該測試分為語文組和操作組。語文組包括常識、類同、算術、詞彙、理解、數字廣度等測驗,而操作組包括圖畫補缺、圖片排列、積木圖案、物體拼組、譯碼 (符號填充)、迷津 (迷宮或八陣圖) 等測驗。

2. 梅柏二氏智力量表 (Merrill-Palmer Scale of Mental Tests)
年齡層:歲半至 3 歲。

3. 史丹福比奈智力測驗 (Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale:Fourth Edition)
年齡層:在外國供 2 歲至成年的人士使用,然在本港則只予 2 至 5 歲使用。
特點:主要分為 4 大範疇,當中包括:語言理解及運用 (問答題)、圖象分析、數學概念、記憶能力 (圖象及聲音)。

測試年齡:除非家長懷疑孩子在發展上有特別的問題出現,如發展速度較一般孩子快或者慢等。否則在 5 歲或以後才進行測試會較為理想,這樣可以對孩子的能力有較為全面的理解。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-18 20:08 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

Dr T,
您好.  本人有兩個女兒.  大的11歲, 小的8歲, 於本年7月參加了在浸大舉行的雷文iq test, 得分大女兒有120, 而小女有135+,  及至上星期決定花了3千多元為小女兒來一個韋   氏智能評估試, 希望能看看女兒的強項再加以栽培.  但到了考試那朝早, 平時活潑開朗的女兒明顯地緊張, 面部肌肉綳緊, 玩遊戲也很不自在.  看見她完成了評估後, 也是苦瓜面孔.  最後經那位CP口頭分析,  女兒得分是123, 而只有秋象和 想像力 較為特出.  其他如記性, 心算, 專注, 社交能力等只合附水準.  老實說, 有點失望 ,  不是對女兒失望, 而是對這個評估失望,  也不是虛榮和自以為女兒很了不起,  老實說, 女兒自半歲便已懂hum出”三隻白白”朱” 的音樂,  一歲半便已好快將24pcs puzzle砌好.  自小跟我們玩memory game遊戲總是過目不忘,  記憶力真係好好.  自上小學以來考試前只是稍溫習便能在全級考前3名, 因平時上堂很專注.  老實說我並不在乎分數(under130不是資優) ,   我只懷疑這個評估的準確度, 和是否會很受當時小朋友情緒所影響呢?  因自問女兒的記憶力和專注度真是很好的, 但為何出來的result竟是一般水評呢?  有點不 甘心,  而聽女兒說也會問較高年級的常識題的,  那麼即是考小朋友後天的知識, 而不是其本人的真正資質,  那麼如那個小朋友就讀名校, 而該校又教快人一頭半個學期的,  那麼該小朋友便能拿高分了, 是這樣嗎?    在此請Dr T賜教,  解答我以上的不明白.  謝謝您.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-18 22:59 |只看該作者

Re: IQ test for children

Cammy 寫道:
1. 我只懷疑這個評估的準確度, 和是否會很受當時小朋友情緒所影響呢?  
2. 而聽女兒說也會問較高年級的常識題的,  那麼即是考小朋友後天的知識, 而不是其本人的真正資質,  那麼如那個小朋友就讀名校, 而該校又教快人一頭半個學期的,  那麼該小朋友便能拿高分了, 是這樣嗎?

1. Unfortunately, yes. That's why it'd be better to find an experienced psychologist who knows how to calm kids down and make them laugh...

2. Most of the content in IQ test is NOT curriculum related. What your child mentioned seems to be 常識(Information) and it is only one out of 10 subtests in Wechsler (I myself usually will adminster an extra one, Digit Span. So for me that'll be 11 subtests). In fact strictly speaking Information is also not related to the school curriculum.
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