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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 St Catherine 學生入私立/直資, 有優先?
樓主: lamba

St Catherine 學生入私立/直資, 有優先? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-3 23:05 |只看該作者

Re: St Catherine 學生入私立/直資, 有優先?

我的兒子不是在名牌幼稚園就讀 ,但我知道在那些名牌幼稚園畢業生所教的課程深度比一般幼稚園/幼兒園深,可能為了迎合家長或市場需要,而作為私校/直資學校有收生自主權,亦希望收一些高質素學生去保持水準。我不是少看普通幼稚園/幼兒園學生的水平,但要明白如果小朋友沒有在學校學過一些東西,你在家中強行教他可能是 "事倍功半"。當然我們不會否認普通幼稚園/幼兒園亦有優秀突出的學生,但問題是比例多不多?

要知道,就讀一所好的小學會直接影響你是否能升讀一所好中學,就讀一所好的中學直接影響你能否讀大學。我以前在一些普通中學讀書,中五時來了一些曾在 Band 1 中學就讀但會考考不好,去多間好的中學都不收的中五 repeater,但在我校卻個個考頭幾名。

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-4 09:23 |只看該作者

Re: St Catherine 學生入私立/直資, 有優先?

"中五時來了一些曾在 Band 1 中學就讀但會考考不好,去多間好的中學都不收的中五 repeater,但在我校卻個個考頭幾名" so ?????? Ah see " Band 1 中學就讀但會考考不好" means the results are not from the school but from the student. Yeah, I think you've figured out what I am talking about. I was from a famous school but you were not. Therefore, you don't know the fact and you would like your kids to do what you couldn't do. Ha ha!

If your kids are stupid, school makes no difference. The university would just look at your O and A level results but not from which famous school. What about a student from DXS or St. Paxl but just got 5 E in O level and 2E in A-level, do you think he/she can entre the U?? Don't be stupid la. I have so many friends around me that are very smart, good in acdemic, from famous U but not from famous secondary school. You should boarden your view. Do be a forg in a well.
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