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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 典型普通香港家庭的小朋友是否適合入讀IS? ...
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典型普通香港家庭的小朋友是否適合入讀IS? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-3-14 23:49 |顯示全部帖子


我spoken English is very basic, 係ok elite 英中女校讀, 浸過2年咸水, 叫做at least 溝通到咁啦。老公有Master Degree 但英文係我角度係叫唔得嗰隻。But 我倆公婆英文read write and listen 都ok (of course slang 及好快如Sherlock Holmes就唔得)。唔知道考ESF Primary 時會唔會見我地英文唔得而fail? 另外英文唔好但有外國passport 會唔會加返啲chance 考到呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-3-15 22:03 |顯示全部帖子

引用:回覆+chumiguan+的帖子 ISs+show+great+co

原帖由 YauMum 於 14-03-15 發表
回覆 chumiguan 的帖子

ISs show great concern on the performance on the kid, not the parents but the ...
Thank you! Both my husband and I love the IS teaching method so much, esp. myself. I always think if I were brought up under an IS curriculum, I will be much different from what I am now. I hope my little girl will explore this world herself, not being taught how this world is. I hope my girl will think independently, and can criticize different views, not being fed with ideas. Be self-confidence to herself, and trust herself. I definitely think LS is killing kids' creativity, imagination, independence, curiosity etc. On the other hand, IS or DSS seems can provide rooms for kids to learn and grow properly. I really really hope my girl can be accepted into ESF, as it is the most economic IS which I can afford. I worry that my English is not native fluent and affecting the chance of entry.

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