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St Jo(灣仔) or 華仁小學比較!? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 06-7-9 21:18 |只看該作者

St Jo(灣仔) or 華仁小學比較!?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-10 00:01 |只看該作者

Re: St Jo(灣仔) or 華仁小學比較!?

Again, I am unable to tell the answers you required but the background and history of St. Joseph Primary School for your information.  Below is extracted from the web-site of Hong Kong Lasalle Organisation.

"The Birth of Lasallian Schools in Hong Kong

If there is one person, apart from the Brother Superior General, who should be credited with getting the Brothers to come to Hong Kong, it is Father Timoleone Raimondi.  This man of ardent zeal and boundless energy was determined to obtain the services of the Christian Brothers to look after the education of Catholic boys in Hong Kong.

For many years Father Raimondi pestered and peppered the Brother Superior General, Brother Philip, with requests.  Despite many refusals, Father Ramondi would not take no for an answer. His persistence eventually paid off when, just before his death, Brother Philip promised to do his utmost to send a few Brothers to Hong Kong.

And so, on the 7th November 1875, there landed in Hong Kong the six pioneers who formed the first Community of the Christian Brother Schools.  Brothers Hidulphe Marie, Hidulphe de Jesus, Hebertus who were from the Boarding school of Marseilles; Brother Adrian Edmund, Aldolphus Marie from the Novitiate of London; Brother Isfrid from Paris.

The new Director had experience and success with schools in Agra and Colombo. On the arrival of the Brothers 75 boys were attending English classes and were accommodated in 4 rooms in Pottinger Street; the limited space had so far been sufficient for all the boys that sought admission, but the number of pupils was likely to increase, in the near future, as hundreds of Portuguese families had been made destitute by the disastrous typhoon which had swept over Macao in 1874, and they had taken refuge in Hong Kong.  After a few weeks the enrolment had doubled and it became evident that an extension to the present building must even then be contemplated. Mgr. Raimondi, in June, 1876 purchased for $14,000 a fine house situated at No. 9 Caine Road and the Brothers at once moved into it.  Here a class was opened in January, 1878, for Chinese boys who desired to learn English conversation and correspondence. Brother Alphonsus was entrusted with the class, which numbered 30, in July 1878.

April, 1880, Brother Cyprian was appointed Director.  He had been a distinguished teacher in New York and Quebec and had held the directorship of several schools in his native land, Canada, previous to his experience in London and Paris.

In January, 1884, Brother Ivarch Louis arrived in Hong Kong as Director.  The College had already secured a prominent place among the leading education establishments and its influence radiated through all the countries of the Far East. Brother Louis bore up with great fortitude under a long series of trials: never once did he complain but more than ever his religion was manifested in an absorbing devotion to duty.  In 1889 he was called to Colombo and Brother Abban took his place. In 1893 he was appointed Provincial of the English speaking houses of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in the Far East which included Burma, Singapore, Malaya, Ceylon.  After Brother Abban's departure the venerated Vicar-Apostolic, Mgr. Raimondi went to his eternal reward. On being told that he had but a few hours to live, he cried out "Well, if I had to begin life all over again, I would do just what I have done."  He breathed his last, September 1894, having worked on the missions for 42 years.

During the period under review the staff of St. Joseph's College received very valuable additions.  Brother Alphonsus (Kildare) has his name linked with the success achieved by St. Joseph's on all the sports fields of the Colony for many years. Brother Stephen Buckley (Cork) as teacher of the Oxford Classes was responsible for the laurels won by St. Joseph's boys at the annual examinations.

We find the organisation of the studies then very much the same as they remained until 1915: the three higher class prepared their students for the Oxford University examinations: Senior, Junior, Prelim, and it was quite usual to see St. Joseph's heading the list of results both in quantity and quality.

In 1914, Brother Aimar arrived.  He was a great administrator of remarkable foresight and organising ability.  He bought the site of the Old Germania Club in 1918 where St. Joseph's College now stands.  Noting that pupils living on the Kowloon side had to cross by double-trip ferry every day, he set up a school in Chatham Road, Kowloon (St. Joseph's College Branch School) which was ably conducted by the late Brother Paul O'Connell.  When Brother Aimar opened La Salle College, in 1932, St. Joseph's Branch was the basis of the student body of the new school.  Brother Aimar brought the new school, La Salle College, to an admirable height of intellectual activity, discipline and prestige right from its first years.

As the number of Brothers increased and with the support of the people of Hong Kong more Lasallian schools opened in the 1950's, 60's and 70's.  They are La Salle Primary (1957), De La Salle Secondary School, N.T. (1965), St. Joseph's Primary (1968), Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College (1969), Chong Gene Hang College (1971), Chan Sui Ki Primary (1973) and St. Joseph's College Kindergarten (1974).

Our Lasallian schools in Hong Kong now cater for about 11,000 students, 500 teachers and 1,700 Catholics. Father Raimondi's dream has come a long way."

                     " 香港喇沙會學校的誕生
除了在羅馬總會的Brother Superior General外,促使總會派遣修士到香港服務的人士中,最費用心的是Father Timoleone Raimondi (後來尊稱為高主教) 。高主教精力充沛,做事充滿熱忱。為了使香港當時的天主教學生能夠接受良好的教育,他不停請求Brother Philip, 當時的Brother Superior General,派遣修士到香港。由於當時世界各地對喇沙會修士都需求甚殷,高主教的請求,並未即時得到接納。可是高主教並不氣餒,不停重覆他的要求,終於在他去世前,他的堅持得到Brother Philip的認同,答應盡快派遣修士到香港。

一八七五年十一月七日,六位修士首次踏足香港;這六位先驅者成立了香港喇沙會。他們包括來自馬賽的Brother Hidulphe Marie, Brother Hiduphe de Jesus和BrotherAldophus Marie,他們都是有豐富經驗的教師。

修士們的第一班學生只有七十五人,校址是在砵典乍街,那裏只有四個課室。可是幾星期後,學生的人數急增。由於1874年澳門的一場風災摧毀了很多樓房,不少葡國人移居香港,他們都送兒子到修士的學校接受英語教育。有見及此,高主教在1876年6月,用了14000元買下堅道九號作為聖若瑟書院的新校址,並於1878年開始收取中國學生。第一班英語會話及書信班共有三十位中國學生,1878年7月起由Brother Alphonsus亞方素修士任教。

1880年4月,Brother Cyprian被委任為香港的新院長。他祖籍加拿大,曾在魁北克及紐約當教師,也曾在加拿大、倫敦及巴黎的學校擔任領導工作,管理經驗非常豐富。

1884年1月,Brother Ivarch Louis接任為院長,此時書院已經在香港及遠東的教育界處於領導地位。Brother Louis以堅毅不屈的精神,帶領書院經歷不少考驗。他凡事以基督為本,盡忠職守而從不抱怨。Brother Louis後來在1889年被派往可倫坡,由Brother Abban接替院長一職。1893年Brother Abban被委任遠東區英語基督學校修士會(即喇沙修士會) 主管,管區包括緬甸、星加坡、馬來西亞及錫蘭。Brother Abban離任不久,備受尊重的副宗座高主教也走到人世中最後歷程。在他離世前,他說若他可以重新再活,他也會選擇走同樣的路。為天主給他的使命努力了四十二年,高主教終在1894年9月息勞歸主。

不少修士都曾對聖若瑟書院作出甚有價值的貢獻。當時聖若瑟書院能稱霸各項校際體育比賽,Brother Alphonsus (Kildare) 居功至偉。而Brother Stephen Buckley (Cork) 教導下的牛津班,每年在公開試都得到非常優異的成績。


1914年,Brother Aimar接任為新院長。他是一位極有遠見及組織能力極強的領導人。他在1918年購入舊德國會在堅尼地道的會址,即為聖若瑟書院的現址。又鑒於住在九龍區的學生,每天都要長途跋涉,坐渡海小輪上學,他在漆咸道創立了聖若瑟書院分校,交由Brother Paul O’Connell管理。這分校就是1932年創辦的喇沙書院的前身。Brother Aimar在1932年決定購入喇沙利道喇沙書院的現址,經歷史証明這是極具遠見及智慧的抉擇。Brother Aimar為喇沙會學校在香港的發展奠下了鞏固的基礎。

因為得到香港市民的支持及有足夠的人力資源,在50至70年代,喇沙會學校相繼創立;計有喇沙小學(1957) ,上水喇沙中學(1965) ,聖若瑟小學(1968) ,陳瑞祺喇沙書院(1969) ,張振興書院(1971) ,陳瑞祺喇沙小學(1973) 及聖若瑟幼稚園(1974) 。


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