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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價 ...
樓主: WinnieT

DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-4-12 13:59 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

我無換呀,我係2003年買,但供o既利息已好貴,此外佢地教育顧問無搵我,我亦忘記了,而我小朋友一出世就買,好多係會員o既couse同電話美語,根本就用唔到,我唔明點角唔可以延遲,我連新會員卡都唔得閒去換,都唔知遲左有無得換,有時真係續會又唔係,唔續又唔係,都好煩,bb細都係唔好買住 :cry:

Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-12 17:47 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價




Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-12 18:03 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

Geoffreymom 寫道:
This idiot policy is asking the ex-customers to compensate the price increase due to timing and inflation by adjusting the future service price which is totally not acceptable in normal consumer market. ...Although I haven’t spent a penny on this upgrade, I must voice out my concern or otherwise my position will even worse off ... After knowing my anger, she offered me some gifts as a gesture of comfort but I rejected.  I requested her to reflect our views to company management and abort this policy immediately. I further requested the company to publish a new and fair upgrade policy with published listed price and be fair to each member. I remind her that the company spend over a million every year in advertising the product but on the other hand mistreat the existing members, she will soon know the outcome
“你就話看到這論壇這標題所以會去攪請楚啊,不知還有多少無辜的會員還蒙在鼓裡呢”.  WF is making use of this point to point B2C direct sales relationship and therefore members can’t directly communicate to each other for companies’s policy. ...

Totally agree with you. But it seems that we(members) really don't have a effective way to contact with each other by now. Do you think we should unite together to fight for our rights and benefits? Any member has any good idea?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-4-12 23:08 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

can we group all the complain to the company .

發表於 06-4-13 12:18 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

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發表於 06-4-13 12:22 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價


Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-13 14:34 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

matthew_mama 寫道:
can we group all the complain to the company .

But how can we group all the complains?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-13 14:38 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

Honestly “職員告訴我消委會是沒有太多實際執行權力的機構,提醒我有機會出現:縱消委會介入,DWE不聽勸告仍我行我素的情況。還提議我到時可嘗試去小額錢債仲裁處...” this is expected and I don have much expectation on them, especially up to now, we haven’t spent a penny on this problem “upgrade”. We even have no right to claim in 小額錢債仲裁處.

What I expect is to create a noise with Consumer Council and to alert WF that “ Hey! Guys, we shall not remain silent if being prejudice by your idiot policy as we are still paying for your services”.

If we really want to unite to give WF pressure, EASY. Tell the WF members that we know about the problem, ask them to call our education consultant, get a quotation, make the same complaint if the quote over $1,000 and post here. However, I have alerted my consultant few days ago about our anger and I was informed that the official “upgrade” offer expired yesterday. I expect WF will not give any quote in order to stop further complaints as the “upgrade” business is minimal. If so, we can raise same topics in every popular family chatrooms. As long as we are telling our true stories, none can challenge our voices as we have speech freedom and not contradict to the Privacy Act. Soon the media will report this and ask WF for feedback. I think WF will withdraw the policy or publish a new upgrade with “sky” price to “punish” us so as to stop further discussions on this.

Anyway, may be we get nothing at the end as I don think WF cares further businesses from us as it is minimal as compared to new sales.  I just want to give all potential buyers a warning that WF is operating in such an unethical manner and they have to take into account when they consider to buy their product. WF will soon know that they are the end losers as
1) they lose further business from us although minimal;
2) they lose our positive recommendations to potential buyers cos I believe existing users’ recommendations play a key role in their consideration for buying such an expensive educational product.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-13 14:57 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

tazmanic 寫道:
as suggested before, complain to the media specially to the X週刊.  
those media likes to work on "big case" I think DWE is big enough for them to work on.  

這不失為一個好辦法,但我想最後先用,因我想如果 DWE會因為我們這些會員近來的投訴而承諾以後對每一位會員都公平的話,如果她們有誠意解決問題的話(因這是我們的最終目的)我們可能用不著為自己再添麻煩呢(雜誌不知難應付否?)當然這有機會又是奢想。我很快要回一趟大陸(拜山)待我回來後看事情能有沒有一個好D的idea,再沒有的話可能麻煩都要這樣做了。謝謝你的題議。

Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-13 14:57 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

tazmanic 寫道:
as suggested before, complain to the media specially to the X週刊.  
those media likes to work on "big case" I think DWE is big enough for them to work on.  

這不失為一個好辦法,但我想最後先用,因我想如果 DWE會因為我們這些會員近來的投訴而承諾以後對每一位會員都公平的話,如果她們有誠意解決問題的話(因這是我們的最終目的)我們可能用不著為自己再添麻煩呢(雜誌不知難應付否?)當然這有機會又是奢想。我很快要回一趟大陸(拜山)待我回來後看事情能有沒有一個好D的idea,再沒有的話可能麻煩都要這樣做了。謝謝你的題議。

Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-13 15:23 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

Geoffreymom 寫道:
this is expected and I don have much expectation on them, especially up to now, we haven’t spent a penny on this problem “upgrade”. We even have no right to claim in 小額錢債仲裁處.



Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-13 15:34 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

Geoffreymom 寫道:
What I expect is to create a noise with Consumer Council and to alert WF that “ Hey! Guys, we shall not remain silent if being prejudice by your idiot policy as we are still paying for your services”.
If we really want to unite to give WF pressure, EASY. Tell the WF members that we know about the problem, ask them to call our education consultant, get a quotation, make the same complaint if the quote over $1,000 and post here. ” ..... we can raise same topics in every popular family chatrooms. As long as we are telling our true stories, none can challenge our voices


Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-13 16:06 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

I call WF yesterday.  I brought the set in 2002 and they gave me the quotation $2000+.  I said to them  a lot of parents dissatisfied with this quotation system.   But they answer," really? we did not receive any complains from our customers so far"  very wonder about their reply

Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-13 16:20 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

cheng 寫道:
I call WF yesterday.  I brought the set in 2002 and they gave me the quotation $2000+.  I said to them  a lot of parents dissatisfied with this quotation system.   But they answer," really? we did not receive any complains from our customers so far"  very wonder about their reply

她們竟說從未收到有任何會員的投訴??????簡直係“睜大眼講大話"!!!!!! 呢間公司真係令人好失望,好失望!!!   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-14 00:17 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

How about we all stand together to log an official complain to that company?  If so, pls list down your name.

1. Teresa Poon

Rank: 2

發表於 06-4-14 01:48 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

After reading this topic,
I have decided to turn down the DWE sales la!!

Very sorry for your situation!
Hope you all can get back the "Fairness" from DWE!

Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-14 11:27 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

tpoon 寫道:
How about we all stand together to log an official complain to that company?  If so, pls list down your name.

1. Teresa Poon
2. Winnie Tsang

發表於 06-4-14 13:46 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-19 11:35 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

Pls count me in: Geoffreymom

Pls keep this posting alive in this forum.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-19 12:08 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

明白WinnieT的感受, 有點像到外地旅遊時, 遇上紀念品的小販開天殺價.

話分兩頭, 是不是"真的有"或"一定要有" 平等的售價呢?

一間公司因不同"原因" 給不同客人有不同的"折扣", 可以嗎?

1. 你到菜檔買斤菜心, 事頭婆送你兩條蔥; 而我去送一條
2. 你到百老匯買了個數碼相機, 因為你好似唔多想買, 個店員就話送多粒電俾你;而我買時就即買即走, 沒有電送.
3. 老人/小童 搭車 平過我
4. 我個仔去 Disney Land 唔洗錢
5. 你今日去上電話台, 可能是 $100 / 1000 分鐘, 而我聽日去就可能是 $101/ 1000 分鐘

所以, 不用動怒. 以上情況, 作為消費者, 只可以去搜集多d情報, 成為議價能力, 而消費者最大的議價能力就是唔買.
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