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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 HKUGA講一套做一套,實在令人失望
樓主: angry_mom

HKUGA講一套做一套,實在令人失望 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-7-11 14:46 |只看該作者
原文章由 HuiTung 於 07-7-11 13:07 發表

I think you get me wrong.  I was trying to say some dss like DBSPD, SPB is not a 直升 (one dragon) school.    For DBSPD, students need to pass the school's academic requirements to secure a sea ...

I see.  But my understanding of "one dragon" is never unconditional.  In the same manner I don't expect the boy to be promoted automatically to G2 if he performs badly in the examination.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-11 15:45 |只看該作者
原文章由 Unclejt 於 07-7-11 14:46 發表

I see.  But my understanding of "one dragon" is never unconditional.  In the same manner I don't expect the boy to be promoted automatically to G2 if he performs badly in the examination.

Don't worry.  The school will not expect all students to have good result for the 1st term in G1 as told by my friend who teaches there ....  Anyway, I look forward to your sharing about that school when your kid goes to G1 this Sep.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-12 09:21 |只看該作者
請問有無家長會知道取消ib課程之後, 學校在課程方面會有什麼改變?  對學生的要求有什麼不同?  老師對學生的教學態度亦是否有轉變?


Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 07-7-13 20:17 |只看該作者
我又來喇...........去左旅行, 所以連9/7個家長會都無去到.......
我比angrymom早少少知道取消ib既事--早幾個禮拜啦! 由中學部家長口中知道
我知hkuga係一直plan行ib, 不過emb正式decline左, 理由同以上網友講一樣, 因為emb話, 直資學校應該以提供本地課程為基楚, 真吹漲! hkugac由day one已然話plan行ib, emb一路都無話唔得! 總之, hkuga面對2個選擇, 一係淨334, 一係334+ib雙軌, 雙軌既後果, 一: 會將學生標籤化, 二: 由於分薄左資源, ib制度本身所包含既flexibility將無法實施(eg 明明一間學校, 同樣一科都可以開幾個level, 學生可根據自己能力, 去揀自己強項讀advance level, 不過如果唔夠資源, 又點可以一科開幾個level呢, 其實, 香港其他行雙軌制既ib學校, 一樣有呢個問題), 所以揀左334都係一個理智既決定(當然作為家長, 我自己鐘意ib模式啦)
其實, 中學行334, 定係行ib, 我都可以接受, 一條龍亦唔係concern, 正如有家長講, 第一年創校, 個個學生中途加入, 材料唔同背景又唔同, 有人跟唔上升唔到中(我既資料係十幾個), 可以理解, 不過眼前面對staff turnover, 我都覺得好頭痕! 我相信工作壓力一定有關係啦, 因為轉左校長一年, 我地見各方面都好smooth, 亦無聽過管理層同下面有咩唔妥, 總之知道老師要走, 一定有d唔開心lor
教書都係搵食, 都係打份工姐, 哎! 我有次返學校整d野, 成十一點(夜晚)都仲見到校長突然出現! 可想而知, 做老師既亦唔會輕鬆...........我梗係想d好老師留耐d啦, 無奈呀.............

[ 本文章最後由 Charlotte_mom 於 07-7-13 22:24 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-14 00:02 |只看該作者

我作為一個家長,絕對不想老師因為要教導我的子女,而完全犧牲了他們的私人生活. 尚且,一些好學校也能培養出一些出色的學生,而不需老師完全犧牲他們的私人生活.

聽說HKGUA的老師每年都會為每個學生寫三十多頁的REPORT. 但一個平時有跟進子女學習的家長,又是否須要這樣的REPORT.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-14 00:47 |只看該作者
Creative 不是DSS, 是私校, 所以不受影響, 應會繼續 proceed IB application

原文章由 Dr.Cool 於 07-7-10 00:13 發表
If many HKUGA parents really like IB and willing to pay. I think those parents can discuss with the school and try to find a way to get it done.

This is not problems of an individual DSS but of all those DSS which planned to offer IB like Logos, Creative, St Paul etc...

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 07-7-14 13:45 |只看該作者
我正拎住份school report, 等我俾個正確數字:
term one report, 6版紙
term two report, 6版紙
term three report, 12版紙
當然中間有好多係course description, 評分準則, 個個人都一樣, 不過可以睇出, 老師所付出既心機時間實在唔少
原文章由 bk2005 於 07-7-14 00:02 發表
聽說HKGUA的老師每年都會為每個學生寫三十多頁的REPORT. 但一個平時有跟進子女學習的家長,又是否須要這樣的REPORT.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-14 20:16 |只看該作者
went to the P.1 parents briefing this afternoon, very impressive, this is the ideal school of my kid

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-14 20:58 |只看該作者
原文章由 LA 於 07-7-14 00:47 發表
Creative 不是DSS, 是私校, 所以不受影響, 應會繼續 proceed IB application

Creative Secondary is a DSS.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 07-7-14 21:17 |只看該作者
女女校園生活, 真係好開心, positive reinforcement唔係得個講字, 師生關係融洽, 好多學校都做唔到(或者不屑做)
從高年班家長口中得知, 學校中英水平都唔錯, 我都放心, 我女女讀完小一, 好肯定普通話係學得比一般學校深, 英文唔重gramma反而令小朋唔怕錯, 肯去寫, 我個女洋洋洒洒, 真係心口掛個勇字去作一大篇, 呢d training, 係一般傳統教育provide唔到既!
不過, 正如上面有網友講, 想做utopia, 談何容易丫! 真係好多野, 仲要俾allowance lor!
原文章由 yyfather 於 07-7-14 20:16 發表
went to the P.1 parents briefing this afternoon, very impressive, this is the ideal school of my kid

Rank: 1

發表於 07-7-14 21:53 |只看該作者
1. 今午也出席新生家長會, 很欣賞現場的家長和校長, 直率的問, 老實的答.
2. 校長和老師們, 由今早七時開始工作, 辛苦了.
3. 女兒知道我們今日去新學校, 一早七點幾走入房,叫我們問問老師: 筆盒可帶幾多支鉛筆? 幾多舊擦膠?係咪同同學仔一齊坐(圍住坐)? 我們沒有問, 但想告訴老師, 小朋友已充滿盼望, 開學後有著老師的用心, 小朋友絕不會令你們失望.
4. 不過, 校長和老師們, 請勿夜晚十一點至走, 太夜啦.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-7-14 21:54 |只看該作者
:-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 07-7-14 22:45 |只看該作者
我都係, 好admire老師/校長果份熱誠...你估positive reinforcement咁易做? 其實以往傳統方式, 大喝一聲全班discipine晒, 簡單直接! 要用耐心去教化, 心血少d都攪唔掂! 以前我唸, 車! 邊得架, 幾個貼紙就想呃到d細路乖乖地, 傻架咩! 而家發現, 傻既係我, 原來o係小朋友心目中, 果幾個貼紙, 襟章, 真係好重要!
HengDad, 你可以用愉快既心情, 幫你女女準備任何款式既文具, 餐具, 餐墊, 髮飾, 只要唔係過份誇張, 咩款都可以! 當然, 帶幾多支鉛筆都得啦! 呀, 唔駛做原子印, 學校會做, 不過你可以自備clothing label

原文章由 HengDad 於 07-7-14 21:53 發表
1. 今午也出席新生家長會, 很欣賞現場的家長和校長, 直率的問, 老實的答.
2. 校長和老師們, 由今早七時開始工作, 辛苦了.
3. 女兒知道我們今日去新學校, 一早七點幾走入房,叫我們問問老師: 筆盒可帶幾多支鉛筆 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-17 22:49 |只看該作者

At present, it seems that parents all feel that the EMB is forcing the school to abandun the plan of using IB. However, I would like to know why parents can be so sure that a school can really run IB program with such low school fees. It has been so many years, and the school has still not got the IB approval. I was thinking, if they have already got IB approval one or two years earlier, then they would have something in their hands to bargain with the EMB. Obtaining approval is not really taking much time. Renaissance College (an international school managed by the ESF) got approval from IBO for their IBD program a couple of months earlier. Renaissance is actually a new school which opened in August 2006. So it took them less than one year to be officially listed on the IB school list. And they have provided parents with timetable of the inspection by IBO for their PYP and MYP programs. So I just wonder whether HKUGA has any intention at all all these years to obtain approval from IBO. In fact, it appear to me that many other schools that marketed themselves to be adopting IB program, do not seem to have real intention to obtain approval at all.

發表於 07-7-18 08:54 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-18 10:52 |只看該作者
原文章由 ckwliu 於 07-7-18 08:54 發表
obtaining IB approval is both intensive and expensive.  and after obtaining IB status, they need to pay a quite a large sum of money to retain the status.  if a school is only proproviding IB Dip ...

Everyone knows that IB is an expensive program.  Starting up a new school is a huge job.  Extensive researches should have been made.  The schools should know well what the IB approval fees (and requisites) are and THAT should have been put into consideration when deciding on school fees.  If they want to keep their school fees low then they should not even think of adopting IB at all.  If they want to adopt IB programs, they should proceed with obtaining approval asap.  If they are not an IB school and they claim to provide or are in fact providing IB programs, then the quality cannot be guaranteed.  And we would not know whether such programs would be recognised by other IB schools or univertisites even.
My point is, I can only feel that those schools are cheating on parents. If they do not think IB program is worth the money, just don't even mention IB in their marketing campaigne.
Now, what I feel is that parents are tricked into investing their children's future in "counterfeit" schools --- I have grounds when I used the word "counterfeit". They used the IB brandname/trademark in marketing the schools when in fact, the "inside" is something else. Legally, isn't that counterfeiting?
When you are tricked to buy a counterfeit handbag, you only lose some money. But when you are tricked to investing into a school, you are losing more than money but the future of your child.
I am not saying the local syllabus is not as good as IB. Some people might even think local syllabus are the best. But the thing is, if I intended to pay for IB, then I should get IB, and nothing else. Just like when I am buying oranges, you are not to give me apples.

[ 本文章最後由 JennyL 於 07-7-18 11:01 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-7-18 11:10 |只看該作者
原文章由 JennyL 於 07-7-18 10:52 發表

Everyone knows that IB is an expensive program.  The point is, if it is expensive and the school thinks that they O(or the parents) cannot afford it, then they should not market themselves as ...

Dear Jenny,

I also agree with your point to certain extent. Even though those school have mission and vision to carry out IB, they should not promote / market it with "certainty" without clarifing the policy in the first place. To do so, these school are imprudent indeed.

Parents changing their decisions by putting their son/girl to the school, relying on the representation / promise made by the school. Now the school does not honest their promise to parents/students' detriment. Legally speaking, there are liabilities that the schools may have to bear should and parents take legal action against the school. (Those who have legal training may know).

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-7-18 11:24 |只看該作者
我在另一個 topic 亦曾提及,部份 "假 IB" 學校的問題,觀點同 jennyl 類同。
IB 係一個貴的 program,但佢貴,唔代表係延遲申請 approval 的藉口;真係要駛的錢,係唔可以慳的,一係當初就唔好定得學費咁平啦。如果要整到咁平,根本冇可能做到 IB ,即使你話淨係 IBD 都冇可能。冇 approval 的卦名 IB 學校,質素係點都唔知,而學生同其他 IB 學校銜接問題亦唔知,而 IBD 班級的入大學資格亦唔知。
明知經濟上唔可能,硬要 sell 自己係 IB 學校,咁都唔係欺騙?
其實學校而家真係好好采,咁橋 EMB 突然話 DSS 唔可以 "全 IB",咁學校就可以來一招順水推舟,將個責任完全拋去比 EMB 。講真啦,就算 EMB 唔出新指引,以學校的學費水平,根本冇可能搞到 IB 課程。
值得留意的,係有好幾間學校,在開校招生時,都標榜自己係 IB 學校,以 IB 課程招徠,但時間過去了,這些學校都隻字不提 IB 的事 (起碼學校網頁內都不再見佢地提及 IB)。辦學嗟,唔駛辦到要厄厄騙騙卦?

[ 本文章最後由 nintendo 於 07-7-18 11:31 編輯 ]

發表於 07-7-18 12:04 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-18 12:20 |只看該作者
Anyone can tell which is a "true" IB school by its school fee.  

原文章由 stjoboldboy 於 07-7-18 12:04 發表

仲有間DSS (真X),話申請緊IBD,
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