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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 St Margaret's Co-Educational Secondary and Primary S ...
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St Margaret's Co-Educational Secondary and Primary School [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-16 09:35 |只看該作者

St Margaret's Co-Educational Secondary and Primary School

dear all

i just received a call from school to invite my son to attend the 1st interview.

i submitted the application on early of october (near the deadline). however the interview comes so late.

do u think that i go ahead for the interview? or ..... pls comment.

i think that i want to wait for the result on 26/11 and decide to go for the interview if my son is not successful to hv a offer in the 1st round.
我有一個仔仔, 5/11/02出生

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-16 11:39 |只看該作者

1st in doesn't mean they will accept you, it still depends on the performance of your son. Why not going, no matter you decide to study or not, an extra chance for your son and yourself.

Go ahead and good luck.

Gordon ma

原文章由 carmen_lai 於 07-11-16 09:35 硐表
dear all

i just received a call from school to invite my son to attend the 1st interview.

i submitted the application on early of october (near the deadline). however the interview comes so late.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-16 14:28 |只看該作者

因兩間學校走既模式好似, 我先比較一吓!

(T)學校的報告內容比較少,好似""d. 佢地有abt 1,100名學生,有兩個net, 報告讚揚學校教學有系統, 校長有領導能力,做得唔錯, (有少少獨裁既含意), 學生好聽話, well behaved, cooperative, attentive ...... ,英文比其他兩科好,學生的英語有一段甘寫-most are able to take part in short discussion in English,while a smaller number can converse freely in Putonghua. 學校好像無mud照顧能力差既學生(即有拔無補底), 成績差異大, 特別係senior class.

(SM) 學校的報告內容比較詳細,ABT900名學生14NET,學校行政唔夠系統,即係亂!
個人推測<planning既人同執行既人, 斷開左!下面既人,唔知上面既人想點!> 老師經驗不足,十分年輕! (可能好多net 教學比較鬆散!) 校長觀課不足, 只係搞課外活動如:dance,兩位副校長好勤力. 但唯一睇到最尾, 講到學生表現好正面,應該係""先至arm!英語能力高-A high proirity is placed on cultivating an english rich evironment. with 20% of surdents being NCS, english is commonly used both inside and outside the classroom.Daily school activities are conducted in english. On the whole, student are empowered with abundant authentic learning experience in real contexts.

我最初以為(SM)係傳統學校與活動學校既混合體, 再加英文強既原素,但睇完這個報告後覺得佢重視學生解決問題能, 學術環境&課外活動帶引學生有世界觀, 有國際學校模式&走勢. 甘佢有甘多外籍老師, 點會係傳統教學(我老公up).我年紀大,記得唔清楚,有時間你地慢慢睇,份報告好悶!如果想知道學校既,最好問current parent,不過學校係好新,需要有時間.... 

原文章由 sara 於 07-11-10 13:15 硐表



[ 本文章最後由 catcatmom 於 07-11-16 22:04 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-16 14:42 |只看該作者

Just like you, I am comparing these 2 schools too. Most of the comments for TSL are positive but for SM, the most concern thing is the communication problem between the top management and the teachers. Another problems are the teachers for Language and Maths are not well-trained. I accept most of the issues stated in the report but the above one do make me worry. Hope they can do something to improve these serious problems before my son study in there.

As I aware, they have already employed one more vice-principal to help to reduce the Principal's workload. Am I right?

Gordon ma

原文章由 catcatmom 於 07-11-16 14:28 硐表

因兩間學校走既模式好似, 我先比較一吓!

(T)學校的報告內容 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-16 21:09 |只看該作者
原文章由 gordon 於 07-11-16 00:49 硐表
ee, same as my son, hv yr son taken the exam yet? Mine will probably take part in the exam by the end of this year.

Cambridge exam need the age over 6 years old!My son
only 5.5 years old,so he will take exam next year!
I also compared between the report of SM and TSL!
The report of SM is so detail

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-17 00:15 |只看該作者
Hi Gordon

經營一間新公司唔容易, 辦新學校更難, 仲係甘新Tim!.
希望唔好介意, 成日將兩間比,  一定要搵d野比較, 先至知差成點,好成點.其實兩間學校同樣面對英好,數&中就好唔掂 ! T學校已有措施, 要求學生作中文週/日記. 而SM要學生每日帶一本中文書返學.至於SM是否多請一間副校長,就要問讀緊既家長!

我覺得SM校長很友善, 我同佢傾過計,她是一個好人,只不過係醉心課外活動, 特別係舞蹈, 佢唔係懶架!

請Net老師流動性好大, 好難管理, 之前大B請左英國人Mr X番離教, 他成日話病, 佢地打個噴嚏, 就唔來啦! 一個月4堂,平均教2.5堂/M, 嘩! 佢收$350/h (有人話好平!), 都經常唔來教, Mrx之前係教一間私小,做左一年就唔教,覺得辛苦,去左教幼稚園+教part time英文, 佢教大B一年都唔教啦!

我個人覺得T學校既英文係force出來, 睇份報告既字裡行間, 睇得出. 如小朋友知道老師會講中文,上堂講英文,下課見到老師都會講番中文, 好似兩個識講廣東話既香港人,唔會無端講全英對白!而SM就課室外內都講英文, 好似係好自然既環境培養出來.

我printout兩份report,我老公返而buy SM多d,佢話時移勢易,死讀書係無用,培養小朋友的世界觀與國際視野,更重要! 但我怕學校會眼高手低,不過我對SM既感覺很好,裡面d人好親切,不過好老實如果把亞b送入去SM, 一定做white rat!

我之前去過另間沙田直資學校既聽說明會,因放工趕去,遲了十分鐘! 我上留梯的時候,有個企係留梯既職員, 好不友善同我講 : 校長講緊野,快d啦!我即時望住佢,我心o林 “我已經好快甘上緊番梯,你想我look死咩! 這個係你boss,唔係我boss呀!”
要做白老鼠, 都唔入你li間做!



原文章由 gordon 於 07-11-16 14:42 硐表

Just like you, I am comparing these 2 schools too. Most of the comments for TSL are positive but for SM, the most concern thing is the communication problem between the top management and  ...

[ 本文章最後由 catcatmom 於 07-11-17 00:16 編輯 ]
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