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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價 ...
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DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-6 00:48 |只看該作者



        相信許多會員都知 , 在3月中至4月13日的宣傳期內,不同的會員要付不同的金額(約600,700至1500,2000不等)來換夠新一代的Talk Along Card 。我推薦了的朋友要1000元就可換購,而我就要1550元才可換購到(網上亦有在討論換購價人人不同的不公平做法),大家聽過他們荒謬的理由嗎?

           她們對我說:“因為你買產品時系一個特別的優惠期(Road Show) 入面,系特別便宜的。你個陣享受多左優惠,所以現在就要比人貴“少少”,但系你放心啊,就算你比你個朋友比多550元,你Total 比佐的錢都系“平”過你朋友的。”

一聽,我即感到似是而非,責問她:“年前我買時,你們公司提供的優惠是你情我願的,我本不想買,系你個Sales 拖住我講左好耐話今日買有咩優惠咩優惠,好抵!我才買了。當時,你們並沒和我講過半句話如果我接受佐當時的優惠就以後買東西都要比其他人貴的。我從沒聽過市面有人何一間公司是這樣對待會員的。如果你去到 莎莎卓悅買化妝品,適逢優惠期買到平貨又入了會,下次你再去時,Sales會吾會話check到上次優惠多佐給你,打後你都要付出比其他人貴的價錢買產品啊?簡直是荒謬!還想混淆會員的邏輯!“




  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

Rank: 4

發表於 06-4-6 08:06 |只看該作者

Re: DWE 會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價



Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-6 15:47 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語) 會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價


     “不要忘了為何我們要年年交千幾元會費,那是因為我們可把損壞的所有卡、書等都可免費換全新的。就算我是兩年前買的,如我的小朋友調皮弄壞了, 我全部換全新的絕沒問題(雖然兩年來我甚麼都沒拿去換過,我總教我的小朋友要愛惜學習用品)。因此,誰都能把100%全新的退給你回收以換購新版的卡,只要你們真的堅持這磨損度決定價錢平貴的歪理。”  她就答我:“那也是,那也是,怎麼我就沒想到這一層?哈哈,我都是說說吧了...”  擾攘一兩天後,她們的人仍是同我講公司的政策依然不能改。還奉勸我說買就要快,4月13日後,全部人都要過2000元才能買到呢云云。




發表於 06-4-6 17:16 |只看該作者

Re: DWE 會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-6 18:03 |只看該作者

Re: DWE 會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

Fully agreed. My sales rep quoted $1,950 to me. Before I read this message, I also think it’s a very good price as most of the upgrade they quoted were over $5k before. She also said the I am the lucky one cos my reading machine is a digital one and all I need is just a new SIM card and new set of cards and therefore this quote ($1,950) is “almost” the lowest among other members. I didn’t even know there are still some lower quotations at $600. I checked with the sales rep again today and she lastly admitted that there is some lower quote at $600 for those members who bought the product in early 2006 at $38,600. I then specifically asked her for Talk Along Cards and Machine ONLY, what is the difference between my set (which purchased at late 2002) and their set. She can’t give a clear answer. She just said this is company’s policy and want to give the new buyers a better feeling. I strongly disagreed with what she said, if so, will the company compensate me for the 3 years more membership fees that I’ve paid compared with the new buyers.

I suppose the company should have a product upgrade timetable for at least coming 1-2 years. They should clearly tell every prospective buyer about the schedule and the relative price of each upgraded versions and the individual price for each upgrade, just like we knows the prices for Donald/ Daisy/ Minnie an Mickey set at the time we buy. But now they quoted such a substantial difference in same upgrade to different buyer, it’s totally not acceptable.

Could other members advise what are the upgrade prices they quoted and what additional upgrade to your set apart from change of cards which I suppose is a must to all current members (like change SIM from 32m to 64m, change of the whole machine)? This action is not against those members who can pay less for upgrade but just to challenge the companies policy to ensure it treat all members in a commercially fair environment.      

Rank: 4

發表於 06-4-6 21:53 |只看該作者

Re: DWE 會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

My quoted price is over $5000+ as my set was purchased 6-7 yrs ago, so, they will need to exchange the whole set for me (i.e. the tape-version card machine, cards, etc.), I think my quote is the highest...     

Luckily, I am not interested in upgrading the set, as my baby loves to read books with me instead of using DWE, so, DWE to me is just another DVD/book in my bookshelf.  I think if the kids like to learn, they will not care whether the machine is the latest version or not.  It is just we, as the parents, who care whether it is the latest version.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-6 23:33 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語) 會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

Geoffreymom 寫道:
This action is not against those members who can pay less for upgrade but just to challenge the companies policy to ensure it treat all members in a commercially fair environment.      

首先好多謝各位的明白和支持。我們追討的是公道公平!像 n n 的Case 還可以說是因為那是6,7年前的tape-version card 完全與現在用的卡和卡機全都不一樣,所以,他們報價5000 給她都還說得通。但我講緊的是近幾年買的和現在的推出的新版卡也是用同一個卡機的會員的價格都參差的很。我和我朋友就是擁有一模一樣的卡和卡機,同一日問價,她的價1000, 而我就要1550, 還要我聽他們公司那些誤導的理由,你們說氣不氣?

如果他們公司曾幾何時有過聲明說取多了優惠就要以後比貴些的,那我們都該心甘命抵;又或他們是統一價的5000就5000的, 任何人買都一樣的,你情我願,我也沒意見;又或他們如有分金卡銀卡鑽石卡等會員分級制的,即如果大家手頭上的會員卡是不一樣的,而換購價就是按等級而不同的,我都無話可說。但今日,今日我們全都是平等的會員,卻要在欠缺聲明下被逼接受不公平的待遇。要麼就不要換好了!

沒錯!我已決定不換,氣還是下不了!  多謝提議我找《X周刊》的會員,我想我得先找找消委會,看他們能否幫到我先。

Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-7 12:09 |只看該作者

Re: DWE 會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

多口問句, 我唔係會員, 不過好想知道點解一定要換?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-7 14:52 |只看該作者

Re: DWE 會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

In fact, whether to upgrade or not is purely optional. WF has offered several “upgrade” before but I was not interested as there were not actual improvements to educational contents itself. However, for the upgrade of cards, it adds on some Q&A contents in the cards which I think may be more interesting to my kids. You know, if i spent $35k + before on this, I don mind to spend further to improve its quality, just like most car owners don mind to spend additional to buy an upgrade version. Our anger mainly arise from
1)        The company never have listed price for each upgrade products or members are not informed about the listed price if there is.
2)        Their sales (or so called educational consultants) did not tell the whole truth or even lie to us when quoting the price to us. After we discovered the fact, they still tried to hide or gave us a nonsense explanation.
3)        Although I bought the product few years ago, I am still their customer cos I paid annual membership subscriptions until mid 2008. I suppose we should be treated equally or even better than new members. But the fact is not.   

Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-8 00:59 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

Geoffreymom真是講得好好。另我想補充一點就是:如果是在公平的情況下,“換” 和 “不換” 當然是由你自己決定的(像 Geoffreymom那樣覺得新版卡加多了許多問答對話,較有趣和適合她的小孩,那就會有“換”的決定);但是,如果是在不公平的情況下,恐怕“換” 和 “不換” 都成了“被逼” 的決定。選“換” 的,明知會助長了不公為了小孩還得選“換” ;又如我本來很想“換” ,但極不願意被這樣不公平的對待,被逼選擇“不換”,你說“有選擇” 不就是等於 “沒選擇” 嗎???

如果是人人一樣價的,幾多錢相信大家都沒心理問題,只需根據自己的經濟能力,由心決定“換” 還是“不換”,我是這樣想的。

告訴你們,開始Sales 報給我1550時,我還是沒想到那麼多還挺樂意接受的,因為她告訴我說我的朋友同我一樣價。誰知當天下午我的朋友就告訴我說她只用1000,我就覺得大有問題,才打電話去給Sales 及他們公司 詢問。我朋友是我推薦的,購買的所有東西和我一模一樣,我竟要多付1/3,其他會員的的情況我不知就話無從比較,我朋友和我竟……..哎!算啦,正如 Geoffreymom所說 DWE對新會員還好過舊會員。但新會員都好快會變舊的啊!我們都會害怕變舊了有無人理呢!錢又交曬咯。


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-8 23:18 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

I would like to know the result from consumer council

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-4-9 23:08 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

my education consultant call me for upgrade the card,the price is 1880, finally i saw this topic,i reject the offer and said why i am not same price or lower price like other member,and she just explain some is before promotion, some is what.............non sense reason,even I am a ten yrs member,i will never re-new the membership anymore

Rank: 2

發表於 06-4-10 00:38 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

我喺upgrade之前都有向consultant問過佢地公司有無price list, 因為無理由無一個standard去收錢,咁樣做真係好唔公平,衰啲講即係任佢地開價

Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-10 00:41 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

tpoon 寫道:
I would like to know the result from consumer council


Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-11 23:48 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

mc_20044 寫道:
我?upgrade之前都有向consultant問過佢地公司有無price list, 因為無理由無一個standard去收錢,咁樣做真係好唔公平,衰?講即係任佢地開價


Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-11 23:58 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

matthew_mama 寫道:
my education consultant call me for upgrade the card,the price is 1880, finally i saw this topic,i reject the offer and said why i am not same price or lower price like other member,and she just explain some is before promotion, some is what.............non sense reason,even I am a ten yrs member,i will never re-new the membership anymore


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-12 10:06 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

Dear all,

I think I would be the one who is charged the highest price $6,500 cos I has been a member of DWE since 2000. Their explanation is that they need to replace the playmate machine together with all the cards.  When I asked for a new set of playmate, they charge me $20,000.  So ridiculus.   

Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-12 11:42 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

fairy_hk 寫道:
Dear all,
I think I would be the one who is charged the highest price $6,500 cos I has been a member of DWE since 2000. Their explanation is that they need to replace the playmate machine together with all the cards.  When I asked for a new set of playmate, they charge me $20,000.  So ridiculus.   

哇! 好驚啊!!!!去搶咩!!!!你點答她們啊?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-12 12:39 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

I talked to the consultant yesterday. When I expressed my concern and anger to this pricing policy, she gave same explanation as we heard before. I told them no matter what purchasing prices that each member paid in the past, it’s all past and completed and should not effect the future transactions since no such terms and conditions are attached on the Sales and Purchase contract at the time of sale. I explained that if the new buyer willing to buy the same product at a higher price in 2006 as compare to that in 2002, it means the price difference is mainly due to inflationary or market demand and not the product quality itself. This idiot policy is asking the ex-customers to compensate the price increase due to timing and inflation by adjusting the future service price which is totally not acceptable in normal consumer market. I am not an idiot so I won’t accept this policy and upgrade the cards now. Although I haven’t spent a penny on this upgrade, I must voice out my concern or otherwise my position will even worse off before my membership expire in mid 2008 for which I have paid the subscriptions on that long before.

After knowing my anger, she offered me some gifts as a gesture of comfort but I rejected.  I requested her to reflect our views to company management and abort this policy immediately. I further requested the company to publish a new and fair upgrade policy with published listed price and be fair to each member. I remind her that the company spend over a million every year in advertising the product but on the other hand mistreat the existing members, she will soon know the outcome if we report the issue to Consumer Council or expose to public through media. It will be a very interesting topic to public since parents in HK are very keen in hunting for educational products to their new born kids.

“你就話看到這論壇這標題所以會去攪請楚啊,不知還有多少無辜的會員還蒙在鼓裡呢”.  WF is making use of this point to point B2C direct sales relationship and therefore members can’t directly communicate to each other for companies’s policy. Really thanks to BK for providing this communication platform for us.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 06-4-12 13:47 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

Agree with all of you!!

I also don't intend to upgrade the talk-along card under such unfair pricing stargy which prejudice old members.!!    
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