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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 HKUGA講一套做一套,實在令人失望
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HKUGA講一套做一套,實在令人失望 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-7-7 01:14 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印


今年又輪到副校長要走,與此同時學校又宣佈港大同學會書院放棄採用IB課程。當日很多家長選擇此校,都是想自己的子女日後選讀IB,認同IB的教學模式。現在要轉回一間讀本地課程的學校,要考本地的高中試。如果家長要讀一間普通的LOCAL SCHOOL,大可參加大抽獎,入讀官津小學,用不著每月交學費。


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-23 23:06 |只看該作者

Your kid is so lucky - not many parents are willing / able to pay for private school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-23 21:54 |只看該作者
原文章由 yyfather 於 07-7-23 21:35 發表

which school did your kid finally attend?

Hi yyfather,

At that time my kid was accepted by 3 schools, they were CKY, HKUGA and a private school in Kowloon Tong and at last, we finally chose the private school.  And my kid studied well and happy at that school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-23 21:35 |只看該作者

which school did your kid finally attend?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-23 13:50 |只看該作者
原文章由 sue2moumou 於 07-7-19 22:18 發表
我並不認為hkuga對於首屆畢業生當年是無得揀的, 質素參差....等等云云. 雖然我個小朋友並不是佢地第一屆學生, 但我必須要說句公道話. 當年頭三屆學生中, 以小二小三插班和小一四班是學校本身自行面試, 取錄學生 ...

Totally agree!
I have attended their briefing before and considered to let my child to study there.  The two main selling points of this school were through-train and to run IB.  Every parent in the briefing session appraised it as their dream school.  And I think these two points make it becomes quite famous within a few years.  But when I look back now, I must say I am lucky to withdraw this school's offer.  

Rank: 1

發表於 07-7-22 13:34 |只看該作者

Is it real?

I'm looking for a school to my daughter next year.  But it sounds like the workload of the teachers is really heavy.
As a parent, I think if the teachers' workload is too heavy, how can they be physically and emotionally be fit? If the
teachers aren't happy, the students are the one to be
affected. Would this explain the high staff turnover rate of this school? What do other parents think?
Almost 30 pages of EACH school report sounds too
原文章由 Charlotte_mom 於 07-7-14 13:45 發表
我正拎住份school report, 等我俾個正確數字:
term one report, 6版紙
term two report, 6版紙
term three report, 12版紙
當然中間有好多係course description, 評分準則, 個個人都一樣, 不過可以睇出, 老 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-7-19 22:18 |只看該作者
我並不認為hkuga對於首屆畢業生當年是無得揀的, 質素參差....等等云云. 雖然我個小朋友並不是佢地第一屆學生, 但我必須要說句公道話. 當年頭三屆學生中, 以小二小三插班和小一四班是學校本身自行面試, 取錄學生, 學校有100%收生權, 如何會無得揀???只有小一兩班是政府派位入來, 因為當年佢地申請做直資, 而係未批情況下仍是津貼小學, 所以有兩班派入黎,如果話無得揀, 都係.....對唔住, 我並無扁意,純粹分析啫. 另外, 小三入黎讀左三四年, 先至突然話唔收佢, 你叫佢地點算?係呢度教到人地成績差哂, 佢地又唔負責任, 趕人走叫人去邊呀?
如果佢地當初話開一條龍學校, 要學生符合幾多科合格....等等條件先至俾佢升中一, ok fine, 我都覺得好合理, 但係當初佢地話因為政府未俾到地, 所以初期我地都好擔心起唔到中學, 於是成班家長聯署俾羅范椒芬, 仲有家長親自譔文.....估唔到而家"打完齋唔要和尚". 開頭如果早講要好成績, 我諗個個都會去補習, 唔會淨係補英文. 唔怕講有一間差唔多係御用補英文o既補習班, 三年前, 當年最高級只有小五時, 已有超過30人在那裡補習(小四小五各三班, 30人一班, 小三六班, 小一小二各四班, 通常小一二太細, 唔會補, 亦唔覺得需要補, 因為水未浸到眼眉)那麼若說hkuga的學生英文好, 則要好好理解....

p.s.我的朋友兒子以為hkuga college有ib讀先至考進去, 睇黎, 他一定好後悔

Rank: 2

發表於 07-7-19 20:41 |只看該作者
Regarding the new rules set by EMB (ie DSSs cannot switch to IB school completely), has other DSSs told parents yet? It appears to me that some DSSs are still telling parents their IB applications are "in progress".

Honestly, even if those new rules are really to come into force, I would not be too surprised. Has anyone heard about it that there have been complaints from government subsidised schools about the new DSSs?

Last year one DSS in Shatin area had to actually limit the intake of students living in Shatin to 15%. Why? Because the EMB asked the school to do so. And why? Because a lot of government subsidised schools in Shatin did not have enough students.

Now why DSSs are not to allowed to switch to IB school? You guys guess. Once these DSSs are to switched back to local syllabus, a lot of parents might as well consider switching back to free government subsidised schools. See the point?

There are just too many new DSSs around and at the same time, many government subsidised school have been forced to close.

[ 本文章最後由 Pelican 於 07-7-19 20:57 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-18 17:22 |只看該作者
***it is really sad to see that parents were given false information/hope.*** AGREE

發表於 07-7-18 17:11 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 07-7-18 16:40 |只看該作者
I hate to see that there are schools that falsely provide information to parents in order to get students. The schools knew that IB is expensive and they insisted on charging a mere 2k. With such school fees you just cannot in any way be an IB school. Yet, they still marketed themselves as IB schools.
Why didn't they simply follow the cheaper local syllabus from the beginning? I know many people, like me, would prefer IB and an IB school would definitely sell better. But it is really sad to see that parents were given false information/hope.
Parents should be smarter next timel. There is no "big toads" out there. Getting into an IB school with low fees? Not possible.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-18 16:36 |只看該作者
兩年前, DGS 出過信話學生要band 1 or band 2 先收, 好似冇話一定收晒喎, 不過最近有冇改就唔知喇

[quote]原文章由 mattsmum 於 07-7-11 08:23 發表
只是DBS, DGS, Spco-ed st paul conv. 有公佈是直升的,




[ 本文章最後由 ChristyBBmama 於 07-7-18 16:37 編輯 ]
[img align=left]http://www.fx-word.com/img1/20070115/1168850504I.gif[/img]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-7-18 16:25 |只看該作者
原文章由 HuiTung 於 07-7-18 16:23 發表

Of course I know.  Expensive schools have their own reasons to be expensive. :tongue:

Then, what was your queries just now?

:tongue: :tongue:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-18 16:23 |只看該作者
原文章由 agnesllth 於 07-7-18 16:18 發表

Do you understand English at all?

IB schools are expensive schools.
But expensive schools are not necessary IB schools.
This is Logic 101.

Anyway, to answer you ...

Of course I know.  Expensive schools have their own reasons to be expensive. :tongue:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-18 16:21 |只看該作者
原文章由 agnesllth 於 07-7-18 16:18 發表

Do you understand English at all?

So can you write in Chinese then?

Rank: 1

發表於 07-7-18 16:18 |只看該作者
原文章由 HuiTung 於 07-7-18 16:13 發表
So please tell me if there's any IB school that charges below $3000 per month.  Gosh!  Don't you think IB is a free lunch?!  How could people say IB is very expensive on one hand, but ask people not to judge by its cost on the other hand???????

Do you understand English at all?

IB schools are expensive schools.
But expensive schools are not necessary IB schools.
This is Math 101 or Logic 101.

Anyway, to answer your question ...... No, in Hong Kong there is no IB schools that charge under $3k/month.

[ 本文章最後由 agnesllth 於 07-7-18 16:23 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-18 16:13 |只看該作者
原文章由 agnesllth 於 07-7-18 15:19 發表
It is not possible to tell whether a school can be an IB authorised school by looking at the fees. The best way to check it out at the official website. Some very expensive international schools  ...

So please tell me if there's any IB school that charges below $3000 per month.  Gosh!  Don't you think IB is a free lunch?!  How could people say IB is very expensive on one hand, but ask people not to judge by its cost on the other hand???????

Moreover, I'm very sorry to hear that HK students are born to be spoon-fed.  The problem arises from the HK education system itself, not the children themselves.

[ 本文章最後由 HuiTung 於 07-7-18 16:20 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-7-18 15:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 owenmami 於 07-7-18 14:32 發表
唔辦IB的local school, 有很多都很好, 如協恩、聖心、la salle.....
但如果間學校既理念係唔操學生做考試機器,但到最後又要同其他的local school已操得很fit的學生一齊應考新高中公開試,咁樣爭入大學就係「讓 ...


Rank: 1

發表於 07-7-18 15:29 |只看該作者
Copied from the official website

Australian International School: DP
Canadian International School: DP
Chinese International School: MYP, DP
French International School: DP
Hong Kong Academy Primary School: PYP
Island School: DP
Japanese International School: PYP
Kiangsu-Chekiang College, International Section: DP
King George V School: DP
Kingston International School: PYP
Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong: DP
Renaissance College: DP
Sha Tin College: DP
South Island School: DP
Victoria Belcher Kindergarten: PYP
Victoria Shanghai Academy: PYP, MYP, DP
West Island School: DP
Yew Chung International School - Hong Kong: DP

[ 本文章最後由 agnesllth 於 07-7-18 15:54 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-7-18 15:19 |只看該作者
It is not possible to tell whether a school can be an IB authorised school by looking at the fees. The best way to check it out at the official website. Some very expensive international schools have no intention of switching completely to IB in one step. On the other hand, I simply do not think a school charging a mere 2k per month could in any way manage to be an IB school.

And I am not saying IB is better either. Nothing can be good for everyone. In fact, to be honest, IB is not suitable for most Hong Kong students who are used to spoon-fed education. IB is extremely demanding and requires very high language skills and students have to be real thinkers and not exam machines. It might sound a little too harsh but, honestly, yes, IB would only be suitable for very competent students. In fact, it might even be good news to most students if a local school is not switching to IB at all. I just have to say that most local school students would not be able to perform well using IB. They would probably perform better if they are following the local syllabus.

[ 本文章最後由 agnesllth 於 07-7-18 15:30 編輯 ]
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