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教育王國 討論區 保良局陳守仁小學 TSL 升中派位 - Targeting on Government schools
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TSL 升中派位 - Targeting on Government schools [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-13 19:45 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Please share previous experiences on that.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-13 19:58 |只看該作者
From Daisysyc and Timmum and bluestar from previous discussions, I paste here for parents' reference, thanks for their contributions:

Hi TSL Parents,

My son just promoted to F1 (Band 1) school, according to my expereience, the average mark should be over 87/grade (A-) is band 1 students.
So, I think the average mark is below 86, it may be band 2 or 3. I think even the average mark is below 87 but students are still very outstanding and smart. They still have chances to be accepted by band 1 school.
NPL is welcome to accept TSL students if their acacdemic results are not bad. I learnt they had accepted below rank 120 but their average mark is over 80+.


本帖最後由 TINGMUM 於 11-10-12 13:44 編輯 Daisy 講得好正確.

呢輪我收到幾個小六家長的查詢, 可能佢地睇左之前的post, 問名次去到10x參加抽獎會派到band 1 中學? 其實上次我提到囡囡成績大跌是小五上學期, 對呈分沒有影響. 而到小五下學期及小六呈分時,她名次己恢復以往的中間位置, 最後派入一間心儀的英中. 如果你小朋友名次係band 1, 肯定入到band 1英中除非你填表有問題. 如果你孩子成績離band 1不太遠, 又決定參加派位, 咁就一定要做好功課, 望能夠在自行一擊即中, 以免在抽獎時被派入一間不喜歡的學校.
回復 184# TINGMUM 的帖子

copy 中學版的升中有用資料供大家參考, 希望幫到大家.

1. 中學係冇banding既, 絕大多數係band1生既學校為之band1學校, 大多數收band2生既學校為之band2學校. 所以band1生最差只係派去第一間填既band2學校, band2生抽得到入去, band1生冇可能會反而入唔到.

2. 大抽獎係派晒band1生先到band2生, 唔知點解o的band1家長成日驚唔早o的填間band2, 就會連band2都冇埋. 如果你理解第一點所講, 就會知道你放間band2係第30志願都一定早過band2生抽入去, 咁使咩咁早填band2? 有o的人仲填第三志願, 結果numer唔差就碌咗入band2, 呢個咪點解咁多人要叩門既原因囉. 偏偏好多家長仍然執迷不悟.

3. 頭3個志願可以咁填:一. band1頭/中或他區band1頭(純個人意願搏定唔搏), 二. band1中/中至尾英中, 三. band1尾英中/升呢中中. 如果區內冇咁多選擇, 可以填他區英中. 有o的學校唔填第一係抽唔到既, 咁家長只可選擇其中一間填第一, 呢個就係策略一部份, 我冇叫人將最勁既三間放晒頭三位.

4. 抽獎係咪頭3志願抽到唔係最重要, 當然第一志願一定係你最想入o個間, 但要問下自己抽到第二三會唔會去叩門? 如果一定會去叩門既, 不妨問下自己有冇其他(如他區英中) 自己都好鍾意而抽到唔會叩門用黎放第二三.

5. 排好頭三志願, 如果區內仲有好多band1學校未填, 就應該由第四志願開始填晒o的band1學校, 用意係執死雞. 始終冇人知道抽完頭三志願仲有冇位剩, 如果冇運氣要跌落第四, 與其即刻填間band2宣告收工等叩門, 何不垂死掙扎搏埋其他band1有冇位先?

6. 唔好成日認為抽完第一輪所有英中都冇位, 要記住每間學校競爭人數有多有少, 不盡相同, 有o的英中第一輪完咗有位剩都唔出奇, 既然唔知有冇位, 搏完先填band2收工係對自己最好既做法. 分分鐘第8志願可以搏到間好學校. 有o的家長又好奇怪地好介意唔係頭3志願抽到, 好似會好冇面咁. 正如我之前所講, 唔通第8志願派band1尾英中會差過第3志願派band2?

所以唔好再話頭3志願派唔到唔知派去邊, 因此保守到填間band2係第三, 冒求可以3個志願之內抽到, 呢個做法等於自動放棄band1生既優勢. 用我所講既方法, 起碼運氣不濟時仍有機會搏到band1學校, 而唔係坐以待斃.

Bluestar 回覆 5# daisysyc 的文章

"according to my expereience, the average mark should be over 87/grade (A-) is band 1 students.
So, I think the average mark is below 86, it may be band 2 or 3. I think even the average mark is below 87 but students are still very outstanding and smart. They still have chances to be accepted by band 1 school.
NPL is welcome to accept TSL students if their acacdemic results are not bad. I learnt they had accepted below rank 120 but their average mark is over 80+. "

未到avg grade a-



[ 本帖最後由 motherotk 於 11-12-13 19:59 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-14 08:58 |只看該作者

Thanks for sharing!!!

hope to see more "old" TSL Parents would back here for sharing secondary school life with us from time to time!!!!
"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me.... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me."
    -Steve Jobs-

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-14 16:44 |只看該作者

Last year's result -very good results

CCC Ming Kei College
2 students
Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College1 student
Diocesan Boys' School3 students
Diocesan Girls' School3 students
Good Hope School5 students
Homantin Government Secondary School1 student
Jockey Club Ti-I College1 student
King's College1 student
La Salle College3 students
Madam Lau Kam Lung Sec Sch Of MFBM1 student
Marymount Secondary School2 students
Our Lady of the Rosary College1 student
PLK Laws Foundation College4 students
PLK Ngan Po Ling College30 students
Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School1 student
Queen Elizabeth School6 students
Queen's College1 student
Shatin Pui Ying College1 student
St Francis Xavier's College3 students
St Louis School1 student
St Paul's Co-educational College5 students
St Paul's College5 students
St Paul's Convent School4 students
St Rose of Lima's College1 student
St Stephen's College2 students
St Stephen's Girls' College1 student
Stewards Pooi Kei College1 student
Tak Nga Secondary School1 student
True Light Girls' College4 students
Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School2 students
TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College1 student
Wah Yan College, Kowloon7 students
Ying Wa College3 students
Ying Wa Girls' School1 student
Other DSS Schools:
Creative Secondary School1 student
Delia Memorial School (Broadway)1 student
Delia Memorial School (Glee Path)1 student
ECF Saint Too Canaan College1 student
ELCHK Lutheran Academy1 student
Evangel College1 student
G. T. (Ellen Yeung) College1 student
HKBU A-Sch Wong Kam Fai Sec & Pri Sch1 student
HKMA David Li Kwok Po College3 students
Lam Tai Fai College1 student
Qualied College1 student
Tak Sun Secondary School1 student
Wai Kiu College1 student
YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College12 students
Other Local/International Schools14 students

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-14 16:51 |只看該作者
Last years' parents can you share on the following information:

1) the three boys to DBS, based on a) academic achievements; b) both academic achievement and special talents; or c) Only talents? (of course very outstanding talents)

2) the 5 to st. Paul Co-ed, are they boys or girls?
based on a) academic achievements; b) both academic achievement and special talents; or c) Only talents? (of course very outstanding talents)

3) LS - 3 boys, what are their academic positions and are they with special outstanding talents?

4) Queen's College - based on academic or special talents or both, what are the positions in the year?

5) King's College - 1 boy, what is the position in the year?

Your information will be really helpful in helping the surviving parents.

Not all parents will involved in PTA or forming groups in school, I hope this forum's information will be helpful to those working mums or those who cannot affort much time in exploring information through social connections in schools.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-15 12:15 |只看該作者

回復 1# motherotk 的帖子

1) the three boys to DBS, based on a) academic achievements; b) both academic achievement and special talents; or c) Only talents? (of course very outstanding talents)

1 = Ranked first in entire grade (P6) (and also in many prev yrs), i.e. academic achievements + special talents, and v high ranking in 全港排位
1 = talents (sports)
1 = rank high in 全港排位

2) the 5 to st. Paul Co-ed, are they boys or girls?
based on a) academic achievements; b) both academic achievement and special talents; or c) Only talents? (of course very outstanding talents)

1 boy + 4 girls

3) LS - 3 boys, what are their academic positions and are they with special outstanding talents?

in the end only 1 in LS; 2 were admitted but eventually went to Intl School cos scholarship

4) Queen's College - based on academic or special talents or both, what are the positions in the year?

5) King's College - 1 boy, what is the position in the year?

(you mean their overall position in P6 ?)

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 11-12-15 12:17 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-15 12:18 |只看該作者

回復 3# motherotk 的帖子

There were quite a lot of changes AFTER that SSPS allocation table, not recorded and not updated :

La Salle College
3 students
==> 1 student

Our Lady of the Rosary College
1 student
==> 2 students

PLK Laws Foundation College
4 students
==> 5 students

Tak Sun Secondary School
1 student
==> 2 students

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 11-12-15 12:25 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-15 14:15 |只看該作者
Thanks Bluestar,

That's useful information. I am curious:

1) what kind of scholarship for two boys with international schools?

2) For the DBS boys, the 1st one you mention is the 1st in the whole grade, will he be automatically being the highest rank in 全港排位 among all TSL P6 students?

3) For the Kings and Queen's College, what is their positions among the whole grade in P6? are they having special talents?

4) Do LS need special talents?

5) are there first round acceptance for boys going to Wah Yan Kowloon? what are their positions in grade?

Sorry, so many questions, I believe all other mums will be interested to know...your contributuion is highly appreciated...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-16 15:01 |只看該作者

回復 1# motherotk 的帖子

1) what kind of scholarship for two boys with international schools?

Full scholarships (i.e. 100%)

2) For the DBS boys, the 1st one you mention is the 1st in the whole grade, will he be automatically being the highest rank in 全港排位 among all TSL P6 students?

Not sure in this case, cos the kid is a French / NCS student; not sure how Fr / NCS students are ranked / not ranked in 全港排位 territory-wide rank order.  Better ask EDB about “how NCS students are ranked” first.

3) For the Kings and Queen's College, what is their positions among the whole grade in P6? are they having special talents?

Not sure, ask Mr. R Chou.

4) Do LS need special talents?

LSC take utmost pride in their “home-grown atheletes” !
But of course they wouldn’t mind admitting kids with high academic merit + special talents !

5) are there first round acceptance for boys going to Wah Yan Kowloon? what are their positions in grade?

Ask Mr. R Chou.

Actually for those admitted to the top elite schools, you should COUNT the numbers from the SPSS list, and you will know.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-19 13:38 |只看該作者
Thank you bluestar, that's useful!!

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 12-4-20 23:52 |只看該作者
Thank you for sharing really useful
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