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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 DGJS Results????????
樓主: martie

DGJS Results???????? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-12 01:35 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

Hi Chole,


Do you mind to share your interview experience and how to train up your daughter?

Which kindergarten is you daughter attianed?

A sincere mama

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-1-12 12:04 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

Hi Lemontrees,

Except for the comparison of 2 pictures, my daughter said there were no other questions.  I guess she does not treat simple questions as questions.  I would say dress properly (since it's well known that Mrs Dai will take a look at the parents too.  BTW, just like all other interviews, it would be better if both dad and mum attend.  

Frankly speaking I did not train her for interview.  She does go to a lot of activities but they are for fun only and she has never attended any public exams or got any certificate.  So, I have no idea about the selection criteria of Mrs Dai.  I would only say that she's a confident and happy child.

Good luck to you!


Rank: 4

發表於 06-1-14 22:36 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

Dear All:

Sorry for my late reply. I've been busy moving home~!

Below is what I personally consider essential for students who aim to study P1 at English speaking schools successfully, using DGJS as the standard.  Hope it helps.

1) The school requires a VERY precise use of vocab.  For example, most students would naturally be able to distinguish the difference between similar words even when speaking.  
Example 1:  bench, chair, sofa, armchair
Example 2: yell, shout, reply, suggest, ask, etc

Many young children in HK tend to be careless in speech when using English.  However, girls from this school tend to be quite critical of this.

Example: "I attended my student's b-day party yesterday" (You'd hear it sometimes.  But it should be my CLASSMATE, right?  If your child used this incorrectly, her friends might pick that up and try to correct her...)

Another issue is that you need to train your girls so that they can explain concepts in English.  Terms that you may want to ask her include:
1) vote
2) natural
3) agree VS decide

Next would be sequence and logics.  Try asking her how things are done.  
Example:  1) How do you plant a flower?
2) What is your weekly schedule?
3) What happens when you visit your family doctor?

See if you girl is able to recall the steps.

Furthermore, you may wish to check if your girl understands what a COMPLETE sentence means.  This is especially important when she needs to ask/answer questions.

Finally, see if your girl is able to explain her behaviour in English.  Sometimes, conflicts in school is inevitable.  If your girl does not know how to explain her behaviour, she may look frustrated when trying to explain things, which may unfortunately be mis-understood as being aggressive.  

Hm.. I guess this would be the safety net to look for if you're going to the school in Sept.  The requirement is indeed not very high, except that the school really wishes that your girl can "think" in English instead of using "Chinglish".  Good luck~!

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