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全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-9 15:41 |只看該作者

全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身




Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-4-10 00:08 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身

I have also read this news, have very strong feeling, hope that the government can put more resources to help those children

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-10 21:20 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身

I do hv v strong feeling in this too....
Just only for the guide line fm the government, I think most of the schools will not do anything.... :cry:  :cry:
My boy not lucky enough as the mentioned boy, now still work v v hard to assist him  :idea:
anyway, we all cheer up!  good day will come  


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-11 13:22 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身

最令人氣結的"尊貴"的教統局永遠都是如此回應(一大串數字) .

所謂教師培訓不就是聽了幾個小時的講座    於是大部分人都依然抱著"寫字反轉至係讀寫障礙"的想法,甚至見到評估報告肯定小朋友是讀寫障礙時仍然死撑話"睇個樣唔似讀寫障礙"的謬論.




Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-12 09:48 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身

教統局只有指引。並不是校方一定要跟足。 大多老師/學校行政人員對讀寫障礙的認識小到嚇死你,又如何幫助這些學童呢? 更氣憤的還以專家自居!   家長的合理要求當是向學校對著幹,破壞者!  一些打正旗號幫助特別須要的學校也是如此,又如何期望一般學校會做呢 :cry:  :cry:


Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-12 10:02 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身

EMB has not spent any resources to train teachers to understand special children, especially dyslexia.  The so-called on-job training courses are just some 3-hour seminars.  

Most schools have the deep-rooted opinion that they are serving the majority, not the minority due to limited resources.  

Brand one schools may even despise less able children; they just ask them to go to somewhere else as less able children may hinder the overall academic performance of the school.

Most educators are narrow-minded and conservative .......  This is a tragedy.    :cry:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-12 12:10 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身

唔只brand one學校,有d小學亦因為擔心有特殊需要的學生會影響學校的成績,之後可能會少d家長揀,之後有可能會被人殺校.教師則應付paper work都無晒時間備課教書,更遑論要搵時間關心小朋友.早前到仔仔幼稚園觀課更加有家長,問學校點解唔要小朋友寫多d字?  


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-12 13:30 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身

Sometimes when I read the words written by K3 on the notice board at this kindergarten are not the simple Chinese characters.  Children there seems know how to write a lot of words with only 6 years old around.  If this parent still thinks that's not enough, he/she should not choose this kind of kindergarten which stresses on cares, loves & personality development rather than only on academic issue.

I remember Principal Wan talked to the new parents on the K1 parent seminar, 'our K1 will not stress on writing and if parents who want their children to take writing then this school is not your cup of tea.'  I feel she's quite guts to reflect this!  


Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-12 13:55 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身

Dear gigi2,

'our K1 will not stress on writing and if parents who want their children to take writing then this school is not your cup of tea.' I feel she's quite guts to reflect this!  Admire this passage very much.

Our educational system is mad.  Kindergarten students study primary curriculum, primary students study secondary curriculum, secondary students study college curriculum.  University students don't know what to do.......  A good school must be the one with difficult curriculum.  Students must fit the curriculum; they must go if they fail to meet the requirement.  

I was brought up in such a cruel system and I really don't want my child to follow my steps.   :cry:

發表於 05-4-12 14:10 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身

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Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-12 14:37 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身

Our system has killed many children.  Many years ago (in the 80s), my friend failed to enter HKU and went to USA to study her degree course.  In HK, my friend did not perform well at school and no teachers thought that she could become successful.  In USA, she got a first honours degree and went to one of the top graduate schools there to pursue her master degree.  She is now a professional in the medical field in USA.  She always says that if she goes to HKU, her life will be less meaningful.  For those 大器晚成人士, HK is the last place on earth!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-12 14:42 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身


Personally I will not object who enrol their children into some brandname schools with higher standard as I know there must or will have certain no. of children who can catch up and cope with the standard without problem.  I just feel that parents should not put their children only in pursuit of brandname but without knowing the children strengths and weaknesses.  I agree that every child is very unique and individual, however, running schools nowadays in HK not allow you to stress only with loves & cares as the cruel ending (closedown) will drive the schools back to the battlefield of academic.   I can see the student enrolment rate of this kindergarten and its linked primary school is dropping these recent years.  The qualities of school campus and teachers are good but only they are not strategically in marketing issues for the school.  Father Lo told us that they were forced to change from low profile to high profile in running school.  

Sometimes I am worried that our children may not be handicapped in learning but they are the type of slow starter.  Based on the trend in today HK education, the system can still allow those slow starters or even less able kids have the rooms to alive?       

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-12 15:14 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身

Strictly speaking the system in HK is not an education, it's a "manufacturing system".  But the "quality" of the U-guaranted these days ...  I think these years the government is concentrated in the "education system" but not the students !

發表於 05-4-12 17:48 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身

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Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-12 18:27 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身

Just cry for HK's educational system      

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-4-13 02:09 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身


The united distribution of primary school seats has killed most traditional famous-branded schools, those which reluctantly to surrender and survive after changing to DF schools.

The EMB is focusing only on the 'education system' and it believes that a better system can automatically run smoothly to produce 'good quality' students .

Back to the old days of British's ruling ,  the education system served to produce talented work force for the demands of the industrialized and then commercialised era of our society. Once thel elite system of quality students by famous schools and keen competition  help raise many elite students who graduated from HKU & CU. Nowadays, we have 8 univeristies and the overall standard of graduates naturally has fallen , but to a too surprising degree .

Due to more advanced research findings backed with related brain functioning theories, nowadays we've already a much better understanding of how effective learning can come to be. A gentle worldwide revolution of education system is being taken place , say in US , the MI theory has brought forth experimental MI primary schools . Soon there would be MI high schools next on the run. Referring to what were described in the book 'Learning Revolution' , similiar move is going on in places like New Zealand, Singapore, and many European countries.

Looking back the hybrid (monster) system of HK , it can't serve to develop students of comprehensive knowledge or skills to compete in the labor market , not to mention to devlelop the students in their overall character, temperament , horizon or other aspects of their personality to fit the ever-increasing demand of society nowadays.

In short , it failed in every purpose ( talented labor supply or wholeness development ) that modern education would aim for . The more annoying fact is that EMB did not even acknowledge any shortcomings of their work and attempt to cover up these aspects with 'virtual' goals and slogans that they have no ideas of what they're talking about.

Every year they have sent staff overseas to observe the education reform works of other countries, but still now there was so little has been done ?!  Where have all these resources and money gone ?

We, as parents, have to prepare and pave the future of our kids by ourselves ; not to lay them on any experimental or trendy trials of EMB to fullfil only their own ego.  Education can harm HK for decades as one generation passing on to the next generation. Think about the main reason why HK students are so poor in language ( both Chinese & English) , the present language teachers (primary & secondary) are also the victims of the changes in the education system ( like mother-tongue teaching , oral-type language learning and ignoring grammer etc.) .

I just wonder when would they wake up in such a coma or dream then , it's a terrifying nightmare for all of us.



Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-13 07:58 |只看該作者

Re: 全球2%人口 - 天才學障集一身

Dear SLI,
In fact, nobody in the educational field trusts the system.  Many school principals, school teachers, lecturers from tertiary institutions and civil servants send their children to international schools or abroad (if they can afford).  A secondary school principal has ever told me not to send my child to local school.  All her children studied in Canada.  How sad it is.  Even these so-called educators do not believe in what they are doing.       
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