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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 聖心明天 Interview la
樓主: Yipapa

聖心明天 Interview la   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 12-1-19 17:03 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 GandL 於 12-1-19 17:06 編輯

This may be my very last "suicide" message here ... ... ...

Frankly i am a bit surprised and disappointed at the reaction given by the Board Admind. to the posts here, as well as how different opinions are perceived.  

Seriously, I have great respect for the Board Administrator for your generous sharings and huge efforts and contributions paid (both in terms of time, info gathering, sharing, advice etc) to EK all along ~  undoubtedly, your tremedous contributions help us parents a lot, and I definitely think you deserve all the supports and respects which you have gained so far.   

Yet, if you allow me to say something which I genuinely feel (whether you agree to it or not, or whether it will result in me being "warned" or even my account shut down), it is a bit surprising and disappointing to me as to the stance you have taken in this thread which, honestly (but subjectively though), cannot be said to be entirely neutral.

Perhaps one of the reasons is that you are, on this occasion, "on the receiving end of the comments" (these, if you recall, are words used in one of your previous posts).  I understand that you and all other parent volunteers paid huge efforts and sacrified a lot on and before the interview day with a view to affording us a better and smoother interview arrangement.  On this, I express my sincere gratitude and respect.  

However, maybe becasue you have (esp. for this particular interview) become part of the "school" which happens to be the subject of some of the "complaints" or "dissatisfactions", you have therefore subconsciously assumed a not-so-neutral or a relatievely "defensive" approach when "non-positive" opinions on the interview arrangements arose...  To be fair, this was not the style or stance you used to take ...  the above may explain why you would expect / hope that others could be "more considerate" and to "appreciate" more before they "complaint", and you may have subconsciously equated "non-positive" comments to "selfish, self-centered parents who never appreciate but just love to complaints, etc" … …  perhaps these stem from your dual roles on this interview ~  administrator of a forum which is supposed to allow the making of comments, and on the other hand, the "receivers" of such comments ….

Despite all the above, I still wish to reiterate my thanks and gratitude (all being wholly genuine) for all the tremendous and self-less assistance, guidance, and contributions you have given to us all along ….

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 12-1-19 17:09 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 iantsang 於 12-1-19 17:09 編輯

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