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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 培僑簡介會
樓主: Yolinda

培僑簡介會 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-9-16 23:06 |只看該作者
i think their students' Chinese is quite good, but English is very so so.  i can't see that the principal is aiming at sth more academic -- just talked about the next generation will probably be working in China, need to understand Chinese (mainland, i believe) culture... although this is true, his vision for education is really narrow, or aiming too low.  very disappointing!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-9-17 00:26 |只看該作者

Why disappointed

It is really funny to read other parents comments which( some of them ) are quite harsh...they keep on saying that they are disappointed by the school, I mean why? It is very apparently that they did not know the school that much before the open day and if that is the case why would they put their expectation so high?

To be honest I like this school, and it is exactly for their English and Chinese that I would send my kids there, I think their Mandarin is excellent and their campus and equipment are superb.

No school can please everyone, it is a matter of what you want for you kids and which school suits them.

I like Pui Kiu and I am impressed by them.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-17 10:11 |只看該作者
唉! 似乎學校今年的簡介會真的辦得不太好呢!

現時只是剛開學, 我很回答這問題. 只知老師英文堂時只說英文, 而他們在學太空課題, 對英文較弱的學生來說剛開始時一定會有困難的. 不過, 在適應了以後, 應該可以好一些. 家長的支援就少不了啦!

原帖由 wanwingwing 於 09-9-16 01:28 發表

jojola ma,你好呀,我想問若果我仔仔英文不太好,而且對英文有點抗拒,入讀培僑會否很難適應呢?當日簡介會我看過學生的家課,英文功課好像很深似的,怕仔仔應付不到 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-9-17 17:54 |只看該作者
原帖由 Yolinda 於 09-9-12 17:32 發表

I think that it is important for the principal to let all parents know the objectives of the school.  It is right that parents should apply for a school if they concur the objectives of the school and found their children suitable to them (not necessarily the most famous school).

In fact, I really appreciate the objectives of the school (They are long term goals as opposed to some short-sighted targets raised by some other schools).  What I am worried about is whether the objectives can be properly achieved, i.e the execution ability of the school. You know, there is no track record of the school.  Nevertheless, I tend to believe that the school will be sucessful with the support of many good parents and the 12 continous learning environment.  

Hope that those parents having children learning in Pui Kiu can share your views and experience.


Rank: 4

發表於 09-9-19 11:31 |只看該作者
今年的簡介會也不錯, 校長講解辦學理念及方向, 學生表演在校所學, 讓大家欣賞!本人孩子當日表演中樂, 孩子學中樂是由去年音樂課開始, 由不認識及沒興趣, 到現在非常喜歡中樂, 全由老師及導師用心去教, 非常感謝他們!孩子能在當天為大家表演, 感到十分開心及榮幸!

當日大家又可到課室看學生功課, 與老師傾談, 這不是每所學校會做的. 一般開放日/簡介會, 大家看到的大部份是最好的作品, 但這能代表一般學生的能力嗎?看一所學校, 不能只靠過去功績”, 也要了解學校對能力一般的孩子如何, 能接受能力稍遜的嗎?

非常同意校長所說, 沒有最好的學校, 也沒有最差的學校, 只有適不適合孩子的學校!

對於要求十分高, 目標學校是那些一等一的名校, 那麼培僑真的不適合你, 因你會不斷發現她的缺點, 本人的朋友也有十分喜歡培僑, 也有些朋友是不斷她的缺點, 我會常與孩子分享他在校的生活, 發覺朋友認為不好的地方, 為什麼孩子表現是很奇怪, 因為他說不是啊!沒有呀!”, 是孩子在說謊, 或是大家看的重點不同?

喜不喜歡一所學校, 一所學校好不好, 真的要在其中才能知道!

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-21 00:00 |只看該作者

暑假前學校安排了小一簡介會, 其中一位上台講解的老師說, 她的女兒今年也在學校讀小一. 另外, 亞仔班上亦有一個男同學, 據聞也是老師的兒子. 老師也送孩子回自己的學校讀書. 已對學校投入信心的一票啦...

原帖由 rinapang 於 09-9-19 11:31 發表
今年的簡介會也不錯, 校長講解辦學理念及方向, 學生表演在校所學, 讓大家欣賞!本人孩子當日表演中樂, 孩子學中樂是由去年音樂課開始, 由不認識及沒興趣, 到現在非常喜歡中樂, 全由老師及導師用心去教, 非常感謝他們! ...
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