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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 Emma Tse Ballet So Bad
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Emma Tse Ballet So Bad [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-7-6 23:03 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Just want to share with you. My daughter was 3 when she joined Emma Tse in Central so we joined it for 2 months.

After the trial class and I said we would join, we were forced to buy the whole set of ballet clothes and even the schoolbag!! It was for over $100!! We said we don't need the Emma Tse school bag but the lady there said we have to if not the kid will be very sad. Even the hair band which is like a cheap little piece of ribbon costed $20! At the end we paid $960 just to get the whole set, not including the classes.

What makes me the most angry is this. Usually I drive and drop her off with the maid and then pick them up downstairs because it's expensive to park.  After about 1 month, I went to pick up my daughter at the end of the class and asked the teacher how she did? she said who is your daughter and I told her the name, for example Lily. And the teacher called Ms. Lai said, who is that?? And I was very angry that she joined for one month and she didn't even know who she was!! Later the next month, my daughter told me that the teacher would not talk to her and has never talked to her. I filmed the class thru the window one day and found that was the real case! She only focused on 2-3 kids that she really liked that's all. These teachers should never be teachers for little kids if they have no heart.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-7 10:31 |只看該作者
類似經驗我都試過,不過吾係這間...我小朋友3歲時,就幫佢報咗一間有很多分校,標榜有很多演出機會的爵士芭蕾舞學校.我冇唸過,亦這間学校規定就一次過交了好幾個月学費...第一日上堂,由於我小朋友還細,我話要入去觀課,佢地話吾得,一定吾得.我話我交学費時你地冇講,而且我小朋友又未学過,去一個未去過嘅地方,作為母親都想觀察吓個環境安吾安全,我同佢地越講越勞氣,我好堅持最尾都入到去,点知原來都有不少家長在內...又話一定吾得???? 到上課,原來一班差不多成20個学生,大多數大個我個小朋友一兩歲,我個小朋友是新來,入去我己经話俾個老師聽,等佢多留意同關心吓佢,点知一開始至尾,個老師剩係俾d高大舊生佔據,新來的小朋友動作做成点,做吾做到,完完全全無人理,好似空氣咁,個個有貼紙俾,又好多次怱畧咗佢,入去学跳舞,好似樣樣嘢都要爭,如果我冇入到去睇,我小朋友有什麼事点算.下堂,我越唸越氣,第二日去話吾讀,佢話冇得退錢,最後我用了約4個月時間,同佢地不斷鬥智,先追返個幾月學費,當中費盡心力同時間.
心想以後一定吾好靠廣告,靠門面,標榜嘜標榜物的学校,要做多些功課,最好有朋友讀過.但我也覺得未學過嘅小朋友千其不要做插班生,要全新開班,個個小朋友一齊開始,年紀差不多最好. 還是老字号安全可靠...

妹妹豬 齊來做個好朋友)
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