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Victoria, Kingston or Yew Chung playgroup? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-28 10:36 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
有冇小朋友join過/join緊呢3間playgroup的媽媽? 可否分享吓?
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Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-29 03:06 |只看該作者
原帖由 KarieWu 於 08-8-28 10:36 發表
有冇小朋友join過/join緊呢3間playgroup的媽媽? 可否分享吓?

i heard Victoria playgroup is not good no special and not worth... this is just my friends general comments.  
i just talked with a mama who study in Yew Chung N1 now.  she said her son was in Victoria playgroup b4 and also Yew Chung's summer courses.  she found Yew Chung is better becos she think Victoria is just play but not hving a acadamic as Yew Chung.  but i dont know kingston.

hope it helps

by the way anyone know if study in Yew Chung, is it a must to study international primary school?  or student can get back to mainsteam primary school?

thanks a lot and a lot

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-30 01:31 |只看該作者
thank you very much

頭先睇到呢度有個媽媽話佢小朋友由kingston轉番去yc, 原因係佢想佢小朋友讀番local primary school

你小朋友幾大呢? 我仔仔10個月大, 而家報邊間都要排好耐, 到有位俾佢讀時佢都可能差唔多歲半喇

不過有時我諗, 咁細個要佢返學, 究竟係要佢適應+享受校園生活, 定係要佢學嘢好呢

喺而家咁競爭geh社會, 唔想佢被比下去, 但亦怕迫得太緊會有反效果


原帖由 vibesara 於 08-8-29 03:06 發表

i heard Victoria playgroup is not good no special and not worth... this is just my friends general comments.  
i just talked with a mama who study in Yew Chung N1 now.  she said her son was in Victo ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-30 11:45 |只看該作者
我b豬細細個嗰陣(得6個月大)我就同佢上playgroup, 當時唔係想佢學啲咪, 只係想佢多啲同其他小朋友一齊玩, 同見多啲人(因為平時佢只係對住姊姊一個人). 同埋我b豬比較慢熱, 所以我想佢見多啲唔同既人. 唔經唔覺, b豬都16個月了, 我亦見到佢既progress, 由其佢特別中意字咭, 唔知係咪上堂讀得多既原故?

原帖由 KarieWu 於 08-8-30 01:31 發表
thank you very much

頭先睇到呢度有個媽媽話佢小朋友由kingston轉番去yc, 原因係佢想佢小朋友讀番local primary school

你小朋友幾大呢? 我仔仔10個月大, 而家報邊間都要排好耐, 到有位俾佢讀時佢都可能差唔多歲 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-30 14:00 |只看該作者
好多謝你分享, 我同佢諗法有啲似, 想bb同多啲人接觸吓, 同埋我仔都係比較慢熱(簡直係cool呀), 平時我哋返晒工, 佢就只係對住工人, 所以希望俾佢返吓playgroup同人玩吓, 亦希望學到啲嘢
咁你最初俾bb返咩playgroup呢? 6個月就返, 咁係咪一出世就要報名呀? 而家又返緊邊間呢? 要排幾耐呀?

原帖由 piggy2007 於 08-8-30 11:45 發表
我b豬細細個嗰陣(得6個月大)我就同佢上playgroup, 當時唔係想佢學啲咪, 只係想佢多啲同其他小朋友一齊玩, 同見多啲人(因為平時佢只係對住姊姊一個人). 同埋我b豬比較慢熱, 所以我想佢見多啲唔同既人. 唔經唔覺, b豬 ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-30 23:18 |只看該作者
No I just sent him to KinderU which I only waited for 1 month.  However, during that time I also waited for Tutor-Time which took me 9 months to get a place for my boy. (because I want to take the class on Saturday)  If you want to go into those famous kingderten like Victoria, Tutor-Time, Yew Chung etc, you better register earlier because I know that they are quite full.

原帖由 KarieWu 於 08-8-30 14:00 發表
好多謝你分享, 我同佢諗法有啲似, 想bb同多啲人接觸吓, 同埋我仔都係比較慢熱(簡直係cool呀), 平時我哋返晒工, 佢就只係對住工人, 所以希望俾佢返吓playgroup同人玩吓, 亦希望學到啲嘢
咁你最初俾bb返咩playgroup呢? ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-31 01:02 |只看該作者
Hi Piggy,

my son is now nearly 16months.  let me tell u my sons study.  he join Kindermusilk (Central)since 11months every sat.  this playgroup dont need to wait u can join anytime.  and i dont think is got big different between famous playgroup.  actually i hv bring him to trial course since he is 6 months but i think he is too young to study.  then i plan to join when he is 8 to 9 months, however, when that time flu happened in lots of kindergardens, so i postpone until he is 11 months.  he join for a semster and i think this is not good for him since i think kindermusilk is very good for kid in 7 to 12 months becos this is the age of most kids join. i just bring him to little dynamtic.  i like it a lot and i wl keep joining it every sat.

next week my son wl join tutor time for the week day course.  i hope he wl enjoy it and start to learn disciplines and share with others.  y i join tutor time becos i just need to wait 2 months then they say my son can join and i want him to learn good english.  when i visit the school which i think it is good, tidy, clean and spacial.  i dont want to waste the effort on playgroup.  since they can learn @ anywhere on this age.   i wl put my time onto good n1 and nursery.

this is just my point of view but i think it is really true.  

原帖由 piggy2007 於 08-8-30 11:45 發表
我b豬細細個嗰陣(得6個月大)我就同佢上playgroup, 當時唔係想佢學啲咪, 只係想佢多啲同其他小朋友一齊玩, 同見多啲人(因為平時佢只係對住姊姊一個人). 同埋我b豬比較慢熱, 所以我想佢見多啲唔同既人. 唔經唔覺, b豬 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-1 15:01 |只看該作者
Thx for sharing.  Actually my boy also joined Tutor-Time since August but mine is on Saturday class only and the purpose to send him there is to start learning yhe disciplines and school life so that he wont get too frustrated when he goes to N1 next year.

原帖由 vibesara 於 08-8-31 01:02 發表
Hi Piggy,

my son is now nearly 16months.  let me tell u my sons study.  he join Kindermusilk (Central)since 11months every sat.  this playgroup dont need to wait u can join anytime.  and i dont think ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-1 23:20 |只看該作者
so hv u apply any nursery for the moment?  r u looking for schools which strong in bilingual?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-2 12:22 |只看該作者
There will be a priority registration for kids already started the playgroup in November so I will definitely apply for their nursery as well.  Yes want to look for schools with bilingual.

How about u? Will u also apply the nursery in Tutor-Time as well?

原帖由 vibesara 於 08-9-1 23:20 發表
so hv u apply any nursery for the moment?  r u looking for schools which strong in bilingual?

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-2 12:28 |只看該作者
My girl is studying in yc's ITLP class, I know u can choose between international class or mainstream class later, that is what yc told me.
btw, i found that the ITLP class has a lot free time for kids to play ontheir own, only not more then 30 min in total is the story time out of 2.5 hrs.  hope this can help u.
原帖由 vibesara 於 08-8-29 03:06 發表

i heard Victoria playgroup is not good no special and not worth... this is just my friends general comments.  
i just talked with a mama who study in Yew Chung N1 now.  she said her son was in Victo ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-2 14:04 |只看該作者
will my boy wait for a long time if i apply ITLP for him now?

原帖由 misskwokwok 於 08-9-2 12:28 發表
My girl is studying in yc's ITLP class, I know u can choose between international class or mainstream class later, that is what yc told me.
btw, i found that the ITLP class has a lot free time for kid ...


Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-2 14:33 |只看該作者
hi KarieWu,

其實好難講, 我apply時個女大約11個月大, 咁隔左2個月到,YC contact 我話今年8月有位俾我, 之後就做手續...留位費...而+我個女1歲9個月大. 前後大約大半年有多, 同埋佢個waiting list 好長, 你可以問下佢個list有幾多個. 如果入左ITLP, 會直上2歲班and so on.我之前就係想早d有個學位,所以apply YC ITLP class.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-3 01:04 |只看該作者
i wl not let him futher study PN in tutor time since i think Yew Chung is a better choose to full fill languages good and acadameic also good...  i really want him going back to good local primary school (dont need to be the best school).
i also want to know what's the other options???  hv u heard about any other good in languages???

原帖由 piggy2007 於 08-9-2 12:22 發表
There will be a priority registration for kids already started the playgroup in November so I will definitely apply for their nursery as well.  Yes want to look for schools with bilingual.

How about  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-4 14:52 |只看該作者
Hello all, let me also share my experience. My son's now almost 14 mths.

Waiting time:
1) Tutor Time (Dorset) - applied when he was 2.5 mths old, got a place when he was 6 mths to join their infant class (6 mths to 1 year)
2) Kingston - applied 1 year old playgroup when he was 3 mths, interviewed when he was 10.5mths & started in this academic year in Aug (13 mths)
3) Yew Chung - applied ITLP class when he was 3 mths, interviewed when he was 5 mths & got the offer right away after interview
4) Victoria (Ho Man Tin) - applied 1 year old playgroup when he was 4 mths, up to now still in waitlist

My son's case:
1) Studied 6 mths infant class in TT (only Sat) until now he's promoted to 1 year old class (also Sat only)
2) Studying in Kingston for 1 year old playgroup since mid-Aug for 3 days (Mon, Wed & Thu)

Actually, my feeling to both YC & Kingston are good.  I actually paid both fees & at last minute I withdrawn YC because program in Kingston matches TT more.  (TT - both Eng & Mandarin; Kingston - both Eng & Mandarin; but YC - only English & Cantonese for ITLP if mandarin is not your native language)

PS. Another reason from my hubby is that the classroom/environment in YC look quite old & darker though they have put a lot of plants around, when compared to Kingston.

1) TT - only 1.5 hrs & program one by one - quite busy for little baby already (but some mommy still thinks the program is too loose)
2) Kingston - 2.5 hrs but only around 30 mins including snack time the babies have program, rest of the time is "play on their own"

It depends very much on what you desire for your baby.  For me, I just want him to go some safe place with more people (not only with my maid at home everyday). (Actually, babies seldom interact with each other at this age.) Then, learnt little bit or minimal discipline e.g. queue up for washing hands, have snacks together (my son now just get other baby's food after he finishes - so have to teach him).  Also, I think that much free time is arranged because the teachers may want the baby to crawl / walk around the classroom to explore more - what their stage should do.  Some mommy may say that I pay such a high fee to "rent a good & safe place".  I admit IF YOU ARE EXPECTING a baby to learn a lot of words & languages, but I'm not having such an expectation.

In my mind, I'll want my son to study local school at the end because really expensive to study in international school all along the way.  But, now just thinking about the timing (either N1 or K1), which depends on my son's personality.

Sorry for the long message (just want to tell more at one time becoz I seldom have time during work to come here...^__^)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-4 23:56 |只看該作者
Hi aigo,

Thank you very much for your sharing
I think now I'll only consider Kingston/YC. Can you also share how were your interviews? What did they ask?

Many thanks.

原帖由 aigo 於 08-9-4 14:52 發表
Hello all, let me also share my experience. My son's now almost 14 mths.

Waiting time:
1) Tutor Time (Dorset) - applied when he was 2.5 mths old, got a place when he was 6 mths to join their infant c ...


發表於 08-9-5 01:01 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 08-9-5 01:19 |只看該作者
Thank you very much for your sharing.   
Would you please tell me the question being asked in interviews as well? Please PM to me.  Thanks a lot.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-5 16:44 |只看該作者
Hi aigo,

tk u sooo much for yr sharing.
would u pls pm to me as well. tks a lot.

教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。 (箴言22:6)
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