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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價 ...
樓主: WinnieT

DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-17 12:58 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

Actually I want to call and confirm to buy the DWE today, but after reading all your comments, I really have doubt.

I also not agree the handling of WF. Well, disregard this unfair policy, I want to ask how you all feel on the effectiveness of the DWE set. Do you think it helps your kids?? Please advise!!

Rank: 1

發表於 06-7-23 00:17 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

我女兒7個月開始學,在1-2 歲間表現出好大的興趣,尤其看DVD(我每天只給她40-60分鐘), 但2歲後就漸淡,不喜歡看PLAY ALONG 了,我唯有給她換一些新的如 Peppa Pig (她很喜歡)等,輪流看。總的來說,她喜歡英文多過中文,小小年紀2歲4個月的她的英文算可以啦,會說許多日常簡單的英文句子,亦懂得說許多動物的英文名稱,認字方面就差些,但都已可以分辯出26個字母,我想這套教材是有用的(我不會因為他們公司對我們會員的不公平政策而否認這教材的功用。當然我也有同時用其他的教材及活動的),要不我也不會一買就買了6年的會籍,搞到現在後悔都無用,唯期待他們能提高他們的售後服務啦!!!


KimB 寫道:
Actually I want to call and confirm to buy the DWE today, but after reading all your comments, I really have doubt.

I also not agree the handling of WF. Well, disregard this unfair policy, I want to ask how you all feel on the effectiveness of the DWE set. Do you think it helps your kids?? Please advise!!

Rank: 2

發表於 06-7-25 00:35 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

I just read this post....

Thanks for all telling me that. My sales quoted me $1880 and I bought it last year (Jul 05) only. So I didn't upgrade it as I told the sales I just started using the Talk Along...no need to upgrade yet.
Now, really need to think about the membership extension.........really disappointing about the service.

Thanks all for letting us know the truth.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-25 10:43 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

I just read this post too.

My sales called me a few months ago and quoted me $1,XXX ( I forgot the exact amount) for the upgraded version.  I felt the price was too expansive and I rejected her suggestion.  After reading this topic, I felt very very disappointing of the service of this company.  This company puts 'profit making' on the first priority of their company policy.

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