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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 2nd interview for DBSPD
樓主: vinmond2

2nd interview for DBSPD [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-19 21:39 |只看該作者
hi ahtan, thank you.
你也面試了? 滿意嗎? 我要星期六8:45am去到學校, 真係怕囝囝面試時未瞓醒 (因他平時是返下午班)!! :(


原帖由 ahtan 於 08-11-19 21:17 發表

1.有兩條問題, 家長答完先出去

有一點想講的是, 之前看到有些BK 的家長說DBS 員工的態度不太友善, 但我覺得今次second in 時, 無論校工到教職員也很友善和有禮貌. 令家長感覺很好. ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-19 22:53 |只看該作者
原帖由 COP 於 08-11-19 21:39 發表
hi ahtan, thank you.
你也面試了? 滿意嗎? 我要星期六8:45am去到學校, 真係怕囝囝面試時未瞓醒 (因他平時是返下午班)!! :(


Good luck to you too!
之前果晚要早訓 D 啦.

我沒有覺得滿意與否, 只是完成了件事, 無論得同唔得, 盡了力, 現在就可以夜晚睡得舒服D 啦

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-20 21:19 |只看該作者
問兩條問題? 請問難答嗎?  那是否不需用一分鐘介紹小朋友? 謝謝!

原帖由 ahtan 於 08-11-19 21:17 發表

1.有兩條問題, 家長答完先出去

有一點想講的是, 之前看到有些BK 的家長說DBS 員工的態度不太友善, 但我覺得今次second in 時, 無論校工到教職員也很友善和有禮貌. 令家長感覺很好. ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-20 21:52 |只看該作者
I think it is only fair for the parents here to ask questions limited to procedural matters.  Anything that goes beyond it would seem unfair to the kids who have been interviewed already but did not have the benefits of such other "insights".

By asking "那是否不需用一分鐘介紹小朋友?", it looks like that you are trying to gauge the type of questions being asked.  

原帖由 Lincolnmum 於 08-11-20 21:19 發表
問兩條問題? 請問難答嗎?  那是否不需用一分鐘介紹小朋友? 謝謝!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-20 22:24 |只看該作者
我有以上疑問, 是由於以往家長在BK提到一分鐘自述這環節, 而今年家長提到只需回答兩條問題, 才有此疑問吧了. 另外, 又有家長提到她沒有準備,所以答得很差, 才擔心學校是否問得很tricky. 若果學校問關於小朋友的問題,應該不至於答得很差吧!

Anyway, 祝大家成功!

原帖由 Crystal111 於 08-11-20 21:52 發表
I think it is only fair for the parents here to ask questions limited to procedural matters.  Anything that goes beyond it would seem unfair to the kids who have been interviewed already but did not h ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-20 22:45 |只看該作者
原帖由 Lincolnmum 於 08-11-20 22:24 發表
我有以上疑問, 是由於以往家長在BK提到”一分鐘自述”這環節, 而今年家長提到只需回答兩條問題, 才有此疑問吧了. 另外, 又有家長提到她沒有準備,所以答得很差, 才擔心學校是否問得很tricky. 若果學校問關於小朋友的問 ...

其實每一天問的問題和方式都有可能唔同. 我朋友in 果日同我in 果日問既野己經唔同左. 所以佢有可能會問 "一分鐘自述" 都唔定嫁, 準備定好D 囉.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-20 22:54 |只看該作者
Thanks ahtan.

我有準備架, 不過諗諗吓又改, 再諗吓又改, 最後還可能用不著. 哈哈!

希望面試快些完結, 很期待一個Merry Christmas呢!

原帖由 ahtan 於 08-11-20 22:45 發表

其實每一天問的問題和方式都有可能唔同. 我朋友in 果日同我in 果日問既野己經唔同左. 所以佢有可能會問 "一分鐘自述" 都唔定嫁, 準備定好D 囉.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-11-20 23:35 |只看該作者

what ECA does your child do?

Dear all parents,

First, I'd like to congralate you for having a 2nd interview at DBS.

My son is doing K2 now. I really would like him to go to DBS. Would anyone be so kind to share your son's extra-cirricular activities with me? Does he do phonics, PTH, art class, maths or any kind of sports? I really would like to prepare him for next year's interview. Thank you all!!!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-22 22:23 |只看該作者


好緊張的一天, 但終於都in完了, 其實我覺得現在的小朋友真的很勇敢, 因為入到去個setting真的令人好緊張, 十足見board一樣, 我自己之前都想好了一些問題的答法, 但最後都是口震震, 自覺答得不太好, 但時間實在太少了, 好難發揮。

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-23 08:37 |只看該作者
競爭那麼大, 有得second in 的家長都唔想在此多講, 但如果不是談及interview問題等, 其實都可以分享吧!

考完後昨晚都睡得不好, 常想著in的情景, 可能是太想個仔入到了, 好難放低, 現在的感覺是幻得幻失, 感覺痛苦!

有同感的朋友, 可以大家share一下嗎?

原帖由 cheerbye 於 08-11-22 22:23 發表
好緊張的一天, 但終於都in完了, 其實我覺得現在的小朋友真的很勇敢, 因為入到去個setting真的令人好緊張, 十足見board一樣, 我自己之前都想好了一些問題的答法, 但最後都是口震震, 自覺答得不太好, 但時間實在太少了 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-23 09:22 |只看該作者
Totally agree with you.  I kept thinking about the whole setting yesterday.  I doubt anybody can express themselves very well with this setting and tense atmosphere.  It was definitely worse than my job interview! 1 minute to finish my answer to her difficult question including the thinking time was just too hard for me.  The woman in the middle kept flipping my son's portfolio when I was answering...I think she can't find either my answer or the portfolio very interesting.

We are definitely out but feel OK because I never thought my son could get into the 2nd round anyway.  My husband and I are still very happy with him.

Keep sharing.


Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-23 10:05 |只看該作者
Yes, the woman sitting in the middle was a bit too cool and just concentrate on the profoilio, she just gave one little gance on me and my husband.  Meanwhile, the interview was very short, denfinialy less than 10 mis.

I feel that my son will not be selected.  

原帖由 3lamma 於 08-11-23 09:22 發表
Totally agree with you.  I kept thinking about the whole setting yesterday.  I doubt anybody can express themselves very well with this setting and tense atmosphere.  It was definitely worse than my j ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-23 11:14 |只看該作者
Frankly, I really never thought that my son would be so lucky to be able to get into the 2nd round ... there are too many smart kids out there.  

That's why we are never too nervous during the entire process.  Surely DBS is our 1st preference, but it always looks to me to be too far a dream to reach.

I guess my son performed ok, I rather think that we (parents) did not perform as well as he did.  The only concern I had was that my son whispered 2 words to me when dad was talking.  Not sure if the interviewers would think that it is too impolite.  My son was simply too excited and happy to see dad talking and hence his whispering to me.

Apart from the headmistress, the other 2 interviewers look quite stern.  But I guess they are not soo intimidating when they talk ...  it is just the way they look.

I guess our sons have made their best shot.  Whatever it is, what is done is done.  It is the past now.  Don't think too much over our son's or our "mistakes".  You never know what the interviewers are looking for in our son or us.  I think it is the best time to relax with our son and have some more fun after the series of interviews.  

Don't think too much.  If you never expect too high, you can let go of those worrying thoughts easily and you will feel extra happy when your son is offered a place in mid Dec.  You will be flying off the roof ... at least I will be :)

Best of luck to all of us!

原帖由 cheerbye 於 08-11-23 10:05 發表
Yes, the woman sitting in the middle was a bit too cool and just concentrate on the profoilio, she just gave one little gance on me and my husband.  Meanwhile, the interview was very short, denfinialy ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-23 23:11 |只看該作者
但係我interview果日, 就係姓張果位男校長坐中間, 一路看阿囝個profile一路問我地問題, 兩位女仕完全無出過一句聲, 只係負責計時.  當我地出咗去之後, 阿囝就話全程都係個副校長問佢問題, 不過, 我地嘅機會好微, 因為我和hubby都好緊張, 答得好差, 反而阿囝仲'淡定'.  無論今次結果如何, 囝囝已經最得非常好
原帖由 cheerbye 於 08-11-23 10:05 發表
Yes, the woman sitting in the middle was a bit too cool and just concentrate on the profoilio, she just gave one little gance on me and my husband.  Meanwhile, the interview was very short, denfinialy ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-25 14:58 |只看該作者

DBS vs La Salle你們會如何選擇呢? 謝謝!

If DBS gives an offer to my son next month, should I go for the lucky draw for La Salle as we live in net 41?請給意見.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-11-25 15:04 |只看該作者
如果dbs收你而你又去埋註冊, 咁你就冇得抽獎o家o勒, 教育局都唔會叫你去選校.

原帖由 siuchinglam 於 08-11-25 14:58 發表
If DBS gives an offer to my son next month, should I go for the lucky draw for La Salle as we live in net 41?請給意見.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-25 15:05 |只看該作者
I know that. I mean should I give up DBS and wait for the lucky draw for La Salle?

原帖由 Geni 於 08-11-25 15:04 發表
如果dbs收你而你又去埋註冊, 咁你就冇得抽獎o家o勒, 教育局都唔會叫你去選校.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-11-25 15:38 |只看該作者
I see.


如果dbs收你個仔, 你個仔就100%入dbs, 0%入ls
如果你放棄dbs玩抽獎, 咁你個仔就0%入dbs, 50%入ls (根據2006同2007o既資料, 41網入到頭3志願o既人大約得50%)

原帖由 siuchinglam 於 08-11-25 15:05 發表
I know that. I mean should I give up DBS and wait for the lucky draw for La Salle?

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-25 15:41 |只看該作者
Hi eileenycm,


原帖由 eileenycm 於 08-11-23 23:11 發表
但係我interview果日, 就係姓張果位男校長坐中間, 一路看阿囝個profile一路問我地問題, 兩位女仕完全無出過一句聲, 只係負責計時.  當我地出咗去之後, 阿囝就話全程都係個副校長問佢問題, 不過, 我地嘅機會好微, 因 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-25 17:46 |只看該作者
Haha, let's put it scientific...

但就可以慳番 at least $40000 一年 (x9) = $360,000 (plus school fee increment)

我朋友抽到 LaSalle, 羨慕死人  

原帖由 Geni 於 08-11-25 15:38 發表
I see.


如果dbs收你個仔, 你個仔就100%入dbs, 0%入ls
如果你放棄dbs玩抽獎, 咁你個仔就0%入dbs, 50%入ls (根據2006同2007o既資料, 41網入到頭3志願o既人大約得50%)


[ 本帖最後由 Bilobi 於 08-11-25 17:48 編輯 ]
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