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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 有無BB想下年9月報將軍澳區的pre-nusery?大家傾吓好唔好 ...
樓主: cecilia_cms

有無BB想下年9月報將軍澳區的pre-nusery?大家傾吓好唔好? [複製鏈接]

發表於 11-8-16 09:01 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 11-8-16 09:46 |只看該作者
tedghost, 我同妳O既諗法都一樣, 我大囡係1005B, 細囡就出世啦, 佢哋都係差一年零三個月, 如果第時兩個一齊讀私立幼稚園同小學中學, 真係會好大經濟負擔, 所以就諗, 可以幼稚園俾佢哋讀間好O既, 打好個底, 再考O的好O的O的津小.... 唔知咁可唔可行....
原帖由 tedghost 於 11-8-15 15:56 發表

其實LH學費真係幾貴, 我有2個供, 所以我1516, 因為自己唔識pth, 失左好多機會, 唔想小朋友同我一樣, 但供2個又怕吃力, 我個目標只係派位好少少嘅津小, 所以更加1516 ...

發表於 11-8-16 09:54 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-16 12:31 |只看該作者
原帖由 teresa_timothy 於 11-8-15 22:54 發表

TKO_NANA,你去過LH LP campus未?最好去視察下環境睇下係咪合適,有d人話條入康城大路好多泥頭車,小朋友搭校車危險;有d人驚聞到臭味(但so far我都未聞過) ...

我都有睇過關於康城選址失敗既posts,原本想上兩個月親身交appl form時,順道視察下環境,後來佢哋話郵寄form就可以,咁就無去到....我打算10月open day時先過去望下.....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-16 12:42 |只看該作者
原帖由 B1234 於 11-8-16 00:01 發表
大家有冇唸過報北角D pn班?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-16 14:59 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-16 15:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 tedghost 於 11-8-16 09:01 發表

teghost,LH都唔係international school既free.佢target係直資學校,不過都講求秩序。活動教學如唱遊、做早操,甚至女女試過在學校模擬搭巴士、玩dragon boat,呢d好多幼稚園都有。秩序當然有,例如學生要坐定定聽故事、排隊去廁所、食完茶點要自己收碟、放學時要坐定定和校長say goodbye等校車...同其他幼稚園無異。
Pn成年教多個主題,女女既故事書都係關於呢啲主題,例如家庭:主角會介紹他的家庭成員同家居既房間;學校:介紹主角在學校(LH)見到的人、物;食物:講主角食好多junk food以致過肥,其爸爸鼓勵他食有益的蔬果。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-16 15:25 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-16 15:33 |只看該作者
Tedghost, u can browse LH website for last year's placement results. Though a majority were allocated to those popular direct subsidy schools, quite a number of students were admitted to aided or government schools, so no worry!

發表於 11-8-16 17:30 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-8-16 17:31 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 11-8-16 18:12 |只看該作者
o tedghost you live in TKO? Good to see you here too.
10年3月 is classified as 大仔 too. My boy is 0901.
Let me share my experience, I live in TKL. I put my son 插班 pn in Box Hill Metro Town in March. Be frank, Box Hill exceeds my expectation. If you don't mind it is not very spacious and lacking of outdoor playground, I would say Box Hill is actually quite a good choice in TKO especially for those TKL parents. I also put my son in their summer course which just ended on Aug 5. My son has had a great time there. I hope he won't miss Box Hill too much later when he goes to the new school...

If you b is 1003 that means you will start apply pn this year.
原帖由 tedghost 於 11-8-16 17:31 發表

發表於 11-8-16 22:48 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-16 23:27 |只看該作者
My girl also joined the summer course at Boxhill this summer until aug 5. She did hv an enjoyable time and learnt a lot. She also attended its play group before attending school in LH. I think the English teaching environment there is strong. May I ask how much is the school fee at Boxhill for PN?

Rank: 4

發表於 11-8-17 19:01 |只看該作者
To me, whether it will be easily get sick is not a consideration. Put it this way, it is natural for a child to build his/her immune system. And in my case luckily my son is doing fine since he started N1. As far as I remember he didn't get sick in the first month. Of course he did get sick in the past few months.
I do think it is good to put kid in N1. My rationale to put my son 插班 to start even earlier is to train up his independence and social skills. And I hope he will get use to the school setting in Mar to Aug so that he will be easier to get in the new school environment in Sep.
原帖由 tedghost 於 11-8-16 22:48 發表

o...you start N1 since March? Will he get sick easily? People told me children get sick easily in N1, even some of my friend did not put their children in N1, but I consider in LH's Eng/PTH class in  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-8-17 19:10 |只看該作者
oo your girl in 3 hours class in summer course? If was the case may be your girl and my son were classmate. My son was in Lizard class for first 2 weeks then Cheetah class for three weeks after.
Box Hill TKO tuition fee was $4600/mth, that's all. No other fees. As I live in TKL so there is no transportation cost and that's why I said it is a good choice for TKL parents.
原帖由 teresa_timothy 於 11-8-16 23:27 發表
My girl also joined the summer course at Boxhill this summer until aug 5. She did hv an enjoyable time and learnt a lot. She also attended its play group before attending school in LH. I think the Eng ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-18 00:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 Angine 於 11-8-17 19:10 發表
oo your girl in 3 hours class in summer course? If was the case may be your girl and my son were classmate. My son was in Lizard class for first 2 weeks then Cheetah class for three weeks after.
Box H ...

Ooo, my girl joined the Cheetah class for three weeks, from July 18 to Aug 5, and the teacher was ms Amanda. I live near Boxhill so it is a choice for me to send my kids for play group or summer course. I think I will let my girl attend the summer course there again next year!

發表於 11-8-18 08:36 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-18 11:10 |只看該作者
When I took my girl to school this morning,a Sai Kung district councillor told me that she is helping LH parents to struggle for the use of LE Prestige passage to the school. Hope there will be some breakthroughs and good news in the coming months. This can guarantee LH students and parents a safe, quick and comfortable route to school. Tedghost, are u planning to let your kid take the schoolbus or u will bring him to school?

Rank: 4

發表於 11-8-18 12:07 |只看該作者
Then my son and your girl are classmates :) May be we met before, I brought him to school everyday.
原帖由 teresa_timothy 於 11-8-18 00:08 發表

Ooo, my girl joined the Cheetah class for three weeks, from July 18 to Aug 5, and the teacher was ms Amanda. I live near Boxhill so it is a choice for me to send my kids for play group or summer cour ...
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