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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 入耀中係咪死硬~~~
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入耀中係咪死硬~~~ [複製鏈接]

發表於 09-7-12 11:01 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-7-12 11:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 ShatinIvy 於 09-7-12 00:28 發表
I am just curious. My son is not in YC.

If YC is so bad, how come it has such good result in IB & GCSE?

http://www.singtao.com/yesterday/edu/0221g ...

I do not know how good is 40+. Because according to my limited knowledge 40 is already very different from 43. I would say that in most IS, we are talking about lots of students being able to get 40-42, but a lot fewer 43-45.
So which "range" are those YC students, we do not know.
One thing for sure is that, YC has never been good at university placements in their whole past. From what I remember, they have in the past posted a list on their website of universities their students have got admission to. It was an accumulative list of universities of their whole history, not a list for a specific year. But even such accumulative list was not impressive.
Having said that, I agree that if one gets 40+, he probably can get admission to many good universities. Although I would not say one fourth of 40+ is worth that much talk (sorry to be direct, but I really do not think this is something other schools would be proud of at all, this still YC;s new record. Considering their pass achievements, this is probably the best results they have ever had. This is definitely one big step forward for YC. So finally, parents have something on hand to tell people how good their school is.
Having said that, I would say that YC is still behind other IS. So may be still too early to be too proud.

[ 本帖最後由 nintendo 於 09-7-12 11:29 編輯 ]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-7-12 11:38 |只看該作者
原帖由 thankful 於 09-7-12 11:01 發表
How interesting!  

The newspaper said "耀中國際學校中學部今年亦有四十八人報考IB課程,當中有兩人取得四十三分,有九人取得四十分以上"


The result looks g ...

That makes more sense.
I know that we are talking about "outstanding" results for anything over 42.
But, yes, this is really impressive, especially for YC.
I am also interested in knowing the university placements statistics.
I have seen their list a few years back and it was totally disappointed.

One more interested thing. Singtao has always been "in good relation" with Yew Chung. You can see that YC is the only school with no full score students that has been mentioned. And coincidently YC is being "quoted" by both reports.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-12 11:55 |只看該作者

According to article, there are 2 students that got 45 marks.
One of them was with SPCC before joining Lee Po Chun. More, Lee Po Chun is supposed to be "the top" IB school in Hong Kong. It takes the best students, not only from Hong Kong but also from other countries. And sadly, the top score goes to a student from a local school, but not student who has always been with a western or IS curriculum.
The other one was from KGV, not SC which has been the hottest ESF school amongst local Chinese parents. And we are able to determine his background, ie whether he has always been an ESF student, or he was from a local school just like the one at Lee Po Chun. But mind you, according to the article, there are 800 students from the whole ESF taking IBD exams. Only one hits 45 is really not a big deal.
So are parents so determined local schools cannot give you the education students need?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-12 11:57 |只看該作者
原帖由 ShatinIvy 於 09-7-12 00:28 發表
I am just curious. My son is not in YC.

If YC is so bad, how come it has such good result in IB & GCSE?

http://www.singtao.com/yesterday/edu/0221g ...

Yew Chung takes a lot of local school students for IB diploma. So you can see that it is the solid foundation in local school that students need to take them to the highest level.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-12 12:00 |只看該作者
原帖由 thankful 於 09-7-12 11:01 發表
How interesting!  

The newspaper said "耀中國際學校中學部今年亦有四十八人報考IB課程,當中有兩人取得四十三分,有九人取得四十分以上"


The result looks g ...

Take ESF as an example. KGV probably has the most local chinese students.
We are unable to tell what background does this guy that got 45 marks has. I would not be surprised if he is from a complete local chinese family, and even more, he might have joined KVG for only a couple of years.
The student at Lee Po Chun was in fact from SPCC.
Does that tell you anything?

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-7-12 12:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 Cara2006 於 09-7-12 12:00 發表

Take ESF as an example. KGV probably has the most local chinese students.
We are unable to tell what background does this guy that got 45 marks has. I would not be surprised if he is from a complete ...

Welcome back.
Wonder why you have so much time spending in a place where you have no interests in.
Do you think you are wasting your valuable time talking to people like me?

By the way, may be you would also want to share your views too on why those local school top students refused to stay in local schools.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-7-12 15:00 |只看該作者
My cousin has been studying in YC since primary 1 and has just finished Year 11.
Now he is 14-year-old.  He got TOP IGCSE Student Awards and accepted by several Universities in UK.
So...........I would say  "入耀中doesn't mean死硬".

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-7-12 15:09 |只看該作者
hi thankful,
I am holding the pamphlet of YC Secondary graduation ceremony so I get some information here.
If you would have more detail, I think you may check with University Guidance Office in YC - John Cox and Susie Blomfield.  Both are University Placement Counselors.

原帖由 thankful 於 09-7-12 11:01 發表
How interesting!  

The newspaper said "耀中國際學校中學部今年亦有四十八人報考IB課程,當中有兩人取得四十三分,有九人取得四十分以上"


The result looks g ...

發表於 09-7-12 22:49 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-7-12 23:01 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-7-12 23:08 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-7-12 23:21 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 09-7-13 23:52 |只看該作者
But how about the result of IGCSE.
YC also got quite good result vs other ISs, such as CIS, (dream schools for most IS parent....... including me)

Undoubtedly, ESF got 5 awards in IGCSE. But compared to GSIS, less students but more awards........

Don't forget how many students they have. Like this time, ESF had over 800students attended the IB exam, and YC only had 48.

So, I really don't understand why many people gave bad comments on YC, and good comment on CIS or SIS....... How do they get that comments? How to judge which is better???

**************************************劍橋大學國際考試部 (University of Cambridge International Examinations,簡稱CIE) 在今天於香港富豪酒店舉行「香港煇煌計劃」 (Brilliance in Hong Kong) 嘉許禮,表揚在今年IGCSE國際考試中勇奪頂尖成績的香港考生。CIE商業發展助理總監Stephen Stocker、CIE中國項目主任陳新文與香港考試及評核局副秘書長張永明博士,將向優異考生頒發獎狀及獎品。


Stephen Stocker表示:「CIE祝賀成績驕人的香港考生。劍橋所確認的資歷獲全球公認為重要的學業成就,所以我們欣見香港學生所取得的超卓成績。」




考生 就讀學校 / 評核中心
第一名 Emmanuel Marie-Jean 德瑞國際學校
第二名  Man Hon So 德瑞國際學校
第三名 Guillaume Lau 德瑞國際學校

考生 科目 就讀學校 / 評核中心
Connie Hong Ni Leung綜合科學 (雙重獎) 英基沙田中學
Fiona Louise Murray英國文學    港島中學
Priscilla Ka Yee Poon數學  德瑞國際學校

考生 科目 就讀學校 / 評核中心
Sing Hoi Lam 附加數學  香港考試及評核局
Hon Yee Lai  生物 德瑞國際學校
Felix Chan  化學 德瑞國際學校
Yung Tsz Chuen Janes 設計及工藝 耀中國際學校
Eugene Yik Hei Lui 經濟 南島中學
Wing Kiu Jennifer Leong 英文 (第二語言) 香港考試及評核局
Tam Ming Chak Dragon 中文 (母語) 耀中國際學校
Cheung Ka Hang Julie 中文 (母語) 耀中國際學校
Ushashi Dasgupta英文 (母語)英皇喬治五世學校
Lucien Cheung法文 (外語) 法國國際學校
Leung Hiu Chun中文 (外語)韓國國際學校
Tony Young地理法國國際學校
Emmanuel Marie-Jean Chao歷史德瑞國際學校
Angela K Chen  音樂  英皇喬治五世學校
Man Hon So 物理 德瑞國際學校

[ 本帖最後由 ShatinIvy 於 09-7-13 23:59 編輯 ]

發表於 09-7-14 01:14 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-7-14 01:30 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-14 10:39 |只看該作者
原帖由 ShatinIvy 於 09-7-13 23:52 發表
But how about the result of IGCSE.
YC also got quite good result vs other ISs, such as CIS, (dream schools for most IS parent....... including me)

Undoubtedly, ESF got 5 awards in IGCSE. But compar ...

I also want to point out that ESF has the most graduating students this year. A paper quoted 800.
Wow, I would say this is probably more the the total of ALL OTHER international schools!

But yet, the result does not seem to be better than any ONE of the other international schools.

ESF seem to be also the most dreamed of school of all parents. Parents are proud of their kids getting a place in the school.

I am not surprised because the number of applicants is just enormous. Totally understandable because it is the cheapest school. And any middle class or even sub-middle class parents can easily afford the fees.

Other than the huge number of applicants, I just cannot see the edge of ESF. They have the most graduating students, yet their results is not even nearly comparable to Yew Chung, which has been commented to be one of the "not good" schools?

It is easy to simply put a word here to say ABC School is "good" or XYZ School  is "bad". But the figures is just telling us something else. There is just no solid figures telling us how "good" ESF is, other than parents blowing up the whole thing everywhere. On the other hand, Yew Chung does not seem to be as bad (I must admit I never liked Yew Chung too anyway). At least they have so few graduating students and yet the results are worth mentioning.

Is ESF really THAT good? Or it is just that the ESF parents are part of the whole propaganda too?

I know there are lots of ESF parents here. May be they can shed some light on this?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-14 10:41 |只看該作者
原帖由 thankful 於 09-7-14 01:30 發表
I have just come across this piece of news which said "耀中國際學校也有四十八名學生應考IB,該校中學部外籍校長馬德賢(Iyad Matuk)表示,該校有九名學生考獲四十分或以上成績,一人獲劍橋大學取錄,亦有獲倫敦政經學院、 ...


Anyone want to share how impressive ESF is this year?

Do not forget that ESF has 800 students. We are talking about almost 20 times more than Yew Chung!

So are we expecting at least 20 students going to Cambridge, 20 going to Berkley, 20 to Stanford etc?

[ 本帖最後由 Cara2006 於 09-7-14 10:43 編輯 ]

發表於 09-7-14 12:19 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-7-14 13:50 |只看該作者
原帖由 thankful 於 09-7-14 12:19 發表
I think most people will agree that a school that turns out students that go to Oxbridge, Ivy League and the like is a good school on condition that it can do so regularly.   However, whether such a s ...

100% agree with you.
Good schools attract good students and good students provide strong evidences (good pubilc exam. result and how many go to top U).
It is always a riddle that "egg or chick, which one is first?"
For parents (like me) who are not thinking of our children to be the best of the best, average performance (or value-added) of a school will be much more important.
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