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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 K2 (2003 - SARS 長大了) 選小一全攻略
樓主: MimiCactus

K2 (2003 - SARS 長大了) 選小一全攻略 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-10-2 16:08 |只看該作者



Rank: 6Rank: 6


發表於 07-10-2 17:43 |只看該作者
我仔仔 01/2003 出世,我住馬鞍山

d 分係點計架!!

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-2 18:00 |只看該作者
我都要開始留意, 買返本小一指南先!

本身我住荃灣區, 但除左仁立較為熟悉之外, 其餘我都唔識!

所以想同阿仔試吓英華, 貪佢一條龍可以上中學, 我估都是得個"報"字, 俾個仔見吓世面咁拉!

另一間想試聖芳濟, 不過我老公話此間學校程度深, 功課多, 不是個個小朋友可以接受, 佢話阿仔一定唔掂, 叫我放棄!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-17 21:21 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-17 22:45 |只看該作者
Hi alc

How many marks on your daughter?? have a big chance for 協恩?

原文章由 alc 於 07-10-17 21:21 硐表

Rank: 1

發表於 07-10-18 00:43 |只看該作者

need advicessssss......

very very worry... we made a mistake and our daughter (Feb, 2003) is now in K3 and I am already in the "game" of hunting for primary school. But she can't go for lottery... only private school which few of them already accepted her. Should I hold her back in K3 one more year or go direct to P1 next year????

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-18 10:10 |只看該作者

甘你個仔係咪德信 K2?

my case also like that!! but later than you for 2 yrs.
now, my gal is K2, my little boy is N1.

我都係打算比亞仔去taksun kinder, 易少少入佢既小一, 唔知work 唔work?

原文章由 Marians 於 07-9-30 11:28 硐表

My case is as same as you.  My elder daughter is also studying in girls' school and my son is K2.  我的策略是找一所男仔小學 如德信小學, 沒有女孩子的競爭, 會比較易入。



Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-18 16:34 |只看該作者
原文章由 meowpat 於 07-10-18 00:43 硐表
very very worry... we made a mistake and our daughter (Feb, 2003) is now in K3 and I am already in the "game" of hunting for primary school. But she can't go for lottery... only private school which f ...

excuse me,  I just pass by.  interested to know why your girl could be in K3 now as she should be younger than 2 years & 8 months, which is the youngest age that could be accepted by the kindergarten, when she started K1 two years ago

Rank: 1

發表於 07-10-18 20:20 |只看該作者
yes... she got accepted to K1 when she was 2 years and 6 months and for some reasons, the mistake was just carried on since she seems to be doing fine all along... but I am kind of worry that she may have problem when goes into P1... what do you guys think, everyone is telling me that it's better to be the older group rather than the younger group in the class....? turth?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-18 22:14 |只看該作者
原文章由 meowpat 於 07-10-18 00:43 硐表
very very worry... we made a mistake and our daughter (Feb, 2003) is now in K3 and I am already in the "game" of hunting for primary school. But she can't go for lottery... only private school which f ...

hi meowpat,

My son is older than your daughter.  He born in Jan 2003 and he is studying K2 now.  When he was studying in playgroup, I also prepared to let him join pre-nursery earlier.  But after consulted some experts, we decided to let him be the older one in his class.  We think our decision is correct because he is one of smart guy (in all aspects) in his class.  He learns very well and he enjoys his school life so much.  Besides, the experts told me that the older one in class tend to be a leader.  

I hope my personal experience may be helpful.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-10-19 00:05 |只看該作者
原文章由 Yau_Cheung 於 07-10-18 22:14 硐表

hi meowpat,

My son is older than your daughter.  He born in Jan 2003 and he is studying K2 now.  When he was studying in playgroup, I also prepared to let him join pre-nursery earlier.  But after c ...

thanks, Cheung,

for sharing with us..... now we are concern that if we hold her back one year, she may lose interests in the same things that she had already learnt and becoming lazy. Plus, out of our expectation, there are few private schools had accepted her already, some good ones too.... so we don't know what to do.... what a mess we got ourselves into...... you guys made the right decision.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-19 10:35 |只看該作者
原文章由 stephanieching 於 07-9-20 10:01 硐表
Hello !

沙士最高峰時我剛剛有咗的, 個個人仲話你呢個時候仲生(有個朋友仲叫我唔好要素, 轉眼間個囡都讀K2了  !

我個囡是十二月出世, 細囡, 同人爭小學輸蝕好多,  我住青衣區, 附近全部是傳統津貼學校, 我現在都開 ...

me too!  :cry: :cry: live in tsing yi, my gal borned on dec. 31, 03.  will try this year and next year.  only got 15 point on hand

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-19 21:39 |只看該作者
hi meowpat,

If I were you, I would let her to try the good primary (accepted her).  It's because she is studying well in K3 and someone said that girls are better than boys in the similar case.  Which good primarys accepted your daughter?  DGS?  Maryknoll?    I hope you make the right decision.

[ 本文章最後由 Yau_Cheung 於 07-10-19 21:40 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-10-20 00:19 |只看該作者

marymount 係有機ga,
今年, 我個朋友個囡跨區都入倒,
其實, 你地唔怕遠ga, 跨區入港島區名校,
而我個囝, 我會選擇英華, 可直上中學,
希望收啦, 祝大家好運!


原文章由 Mrsleaf 於 07-9-19 09:53 硐表
請問仲有無細分到仔及女的數字? 我個係女 03年10月出世, 有20分, 想博 12區的 marymount, 唔知有無機?

Rank: 1

發表於 07-10-20 10:47 |只看該作者
原文章由 Yau_Cheung 於 07-10-19 21:39 硐表
hi meowpat,

If I were you, I would let her to try the good primary (accepted her).  It's because she is studying well in K3 and someone said that girls are better than boys in the similar case.  Whic ...

haha.. DGS?  Maryknoll? they don't accept any application for underaged. we didn't even try... we got the interview letter from 陳守仁, but after they found out she is underaged, asked us not to come for interview..... she got accepted by 啟思, Chan's Creative, 祟真,  德貞 (properly not your list of best schools, but we are happy enough already since she got accepted to the schools that granted her the interview, meaning that she is very good at it.) and still has few interviews next week.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-20 12:15 |只看該作者
原文章由 meowpat 於 07-10-20 10:47 硐表

haha.. DGS?  Maryknoll? they don't accept any application for underaged. we didn't even try... we got the interview letter from 陳守仁, but after they found out she is underaged, asked us not to com ...

hi meowpat,

Actually, I'm not very familiar with good primary schools in Hong Kong especially for girls.  Please don't mind.  I think your daughter is very clever and smart because she got accepted by 4 primary schools although she is a "small girl".  But I think it's quite unfair for your daughter couldn't have an interview for some schools caused under-aged (even capability).  Is it age discrimination?  

Rank: 1

發表於 07-10-20 17:11 |只看該作者
原文章由 Yau_Cheung 於 07-10-20 12:15 硐表

hi meowpat,

Actually, I'm not very familiar with good primary schools in Hong Kong especially for girls.  Please don't mind.  I think your daughter is very clever and smart because she got accepte ...


Thanks, we are not familiar with the system and what are good and what are bad either. I only started the "game" a month ago when her Kindergarten told me that she is not qualified for the lottery. We knew she is under aged, but didn't realize that they won't accept her in the lottery. Little by little we found out more, no 直資 will grant her any interview. We don't even know what is the different between 直資 and private.....still don't know! Don't get us wrong, it's not that we don't care and love her, we didn't believe famous school will provide her with good education. So to hunt for the best was not our target, we thought she will go into the lottery and what ever school she gets, she will go. Then the bad news came and we had to find a private school for her unless we decide to hold her back one year. So guess what! We had sent applications to over 20 private schools because we didn't know any better and have been going to interviews like mad to personally see how the schools are!!
Luckily she doesn't feel pressure at all, she loves interviews, every time she went into an interview, we told her that her mission was not to be no. 1 or success in the interview, but to finish a mission in the interview. (for ex. to find a friend, to know 1 kids' full name, to know 3 kids' school names, or to know if one of the teacher has kids or what did one of the kid had for breakfast/lucnh.)  So she went into the interview and always asking other kids' questions.... sometimes she even asked the teacher and the principal too. Couple of times, she came out from the interview holding other kids' hand who she just met. Few times, she didn't get any answers in the interview, she insisted to ask the principal
who was greeting us at the time.  

This is really a very tiring task to find a school for your kid, no wonder people started
years ahead and all the preparation. Sometimes, I am really mad at the government, we are considering ourselves the middle class family, both work long long hours…..
paying lots of tax every year, never ask a cent from the government, medical bills paid by the company. Living in an apartment with a mortgage that makes the bank fatter and fatter. Paying monthly to both side parents, so that they don’t live on the few pity cents from the government. The only thing we need from our beloved government is to have a good and trustworthy education system for our little ones. We told people “we love Hong Kong”, but sometimes I just wonder why do we love Hong Kong?
We can’t live on the “wonton noodle”, “milk tea”, harbor view, Bruce Lee, TST bell tower… or Queens' Pier forever? Right?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-22 17:33 |只看該作者

我囡囡都是2003年出生細女, 今年K2. 現在我都在留意各小一情況, 但我只有一個小朋友...所以好多嘢都唔識!!  希望咁多位mama指教下我.  Tks!

我住Tuen Mun, 最初都有考慮比小朋友出kln讀書, 但最後決定都是留在本區或附近讀.  始終太細要佢搭咁耐長途車不是太好.  我自己暫時有兩間小學會考慮報考...津貼不知那間好??


請問仲有冇其他好學校可提供資料給我呀??  而且我都想問下我住嶺南那邊是屬於那個校網及計分如何計法??


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-22 23:49 |只看該作者

要留意2005年的小朋友出生率, 未必有着數.


原文章由 <i>benben</i> 於 07-10-18 10:10 硐表 <a href="http://forum.baby-kingdom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=19450353&ptid=1138800" target="_blank"><img src="http://forum.baby-kingdom.com/images/common/back.gif" border="0"     alt="" /></a><br />
Marians<br />
<br />
甘你個仔係咪德信 K2? <br />
<br />
my case also like that!! but later than you for 2 yrs.<br />
now, my gal is K2, my little boy is N1. <br />
<br />
我都係打算比亞仔去taksun kinder, 易少少入佢既小一, 唔知work 唔work?<br />
<br />
<br />

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-23 09:21 |只看該作者


TakSun kinder level 好似 easy d. 如果入唔到佢小學, 出去考其他有 d 難度 bor!!

原文章由 Marians 於 07-10-22 23:49 硐表

要留意2005年的小朋友出生率, 未必有着數.

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