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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 MCS Vs DGJS
樓主: Helen'sMum

MCS Vs DGJS [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-26 01:49 |只看該作者
很多謝各位媽媽的意見 , 現時我丈夫傾向 DGJS , 他分析 DGS的教育方針和模式都很適合大女 , 覺得大女入讀此校必有很大得著 ........ 但我真的不捨得放棄 MCS (自囡囡出生以來已想入的學校) , 丈夫卻說我處理問題不夠果斷 , 話我有此想法是因為沒有預算大女可入到 DGJS , 更說不應把兩個女兒的讀書問題混為一談 , 這是香港制度的問題等 , 又說如將來細女入不到 MCS 或 DGJS , 也必定有合她的學校 .......... 但我還是會等妹妹兩星期後 interview CCKG 的結果 , 再看如何選擇 .......
暫時還要 HOLD 住兩位真的十分抱歉   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-26 10:15 |只看該作者
Helen's Mum,
Hi! 我也是投DGS一票的,很贊同你丈夫看法﹗ 希望你的細女也能入讀CCKG﹗

原文章由 Helen'sMum 於 07-12-23 00:36 發表
upperyellow :

很多謝你寶貴的意見 ! 這兩天我也問了十多位朋友的意見 , 發現她們都一面倒認為應選 DGS , 因 DGS 在各方面的條件都比 MCS 優勝 , 特別是升中派位 (DGS 是100%升中) , 將來不需再為升中問題而操心 ,  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-26 13:09 |只看該作者
2個小朋友, charcter都會有不同, 好難去衡量她們的喜好或邊間較合適. 但最重要是大女現時喜歡邊間學校,若不喜歡入到個間,她都會不開心. 所以都要聽聽她的意見.  
1) 若經濟許可,而亦是基督徒,會選dgjs.
2) 若是天主教徒,便會選mcs.

原文章由 cherriemama 於 07-12-24 00:30 發表
理性上, 我會勸你揀DGJS, 因為可以讓番MCS個位出黎, 咁我囡囡大抽獎又多個機會!

實際上, 我會揀MCS, 始終有個妹妹跟尾, 到時升小學煩少次! 而且MCS都係一間好學校, 唔好講到犧牲咁嚴重! 講真, 人海茫茫, 能夠做 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-27 09:22 |只看該作者
原文章由 Helen'sMum 於 07-12-26 01:49 發表
很多謝各位媽媽的意見 , 現時我丈夫傾向 DGJS , 他分析 DGS的教育方針和模式都很適合大女 , 覺得大女入讀此校必有很大得著 ........ 但我真的不捨得放棄 MCS (自囡囡出生以來已想入的學校) , 丈夫卻說我處理問題不夠 ...

I will choose DGJS!
As the principle chose your daughter, she must think that your daughter was suitable for DGJS!
Don't give up this great chance!

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-12-27 10:11 |只看該作者

現階段主要考慮大女應唔應該放棄呢個大好機會, 既然DGJS都收, 奌解唔比佢試0下?

至於其他考慮, 都已經係枝節, 唔係最重要.

原文章由 Helen'sMum 於 07-12-26 01:49 發表
很多謝各位媽媽的意見 , 現時我丈夫傾向 DGJS , 他分析 DGS的教育方針和模式都很適合大女 , 覺得大女入讀此校必有很大得著 ........ 但我真的不捨得放棄 MCS (自囡囡出生以來已想入的學校) , 丈夫卻說我處理問題不夠 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-27 13:51 |只看該作者
By the way, as your elder daughter can get a seat after the 1st round allocation, it means that she is either a catholic or you are an old girl.
Am I right?

原文章由 Helen'sMum 於 07-12-26 01:49 發表
很多謝各位媽媽的意見 , 現時我丈夫傾向 DGJS , 他分析 DGS的教育方針和模式都很適合大女 , 覺得大女入讀此校必有很大得著 ........ 但我真的不捨得放棄 MCS (自囡囡出生以來已想入的學校) , 丈夫卻說我處理問題不夠 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-27 23:32 |只看該作者
Yes, my daughter was admitted by MCS with 20 marks and we are catholic ....... and now I am thinking to let her studying in DGJS ans MCS

[quote]原文章由 357 於 07-12-27 13:51 發表
By the way, as your elder daughter can get a seat after the 1st round allocation, it means that she is either a catholic or you are an old girl.
Am I right?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-28 01:24 |只看該作者

回覆 #21 Helen'sMum 的文章

Your husband is right!  Your daughter is being 'SELECTED' to DGJS it means she is one of the top 100 girls among the other 1900 applicants and best suits to study in DGJS!  What are you worrying about?

Every child is unique and different!  

Regardless the 'names' of the schools:

I think it is not fair for your older daughter to 'burden' the furture of her younger sister!   

I think it is not fair for your older daughter not chosing the best suitable school for her-----Just because parents don't want to 'hassle' one more time????????

[ 本文章最後由 desma 於 07-12-28 01:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-28 07:58 |只看該作者
It's arguable which is the "best suitable" school for the girl. Does it mean that she's being selected by Mrs. Tai and DGJS is the best suitable school for her?

I believe the Catholic preference and having both daugthers studied and brought up together in the same school would be more important, and hence IMO MCS is more suitable for her.

原文章由 desma 於 07-12-28 01:24 發表
Your husband is right!  Your daughter is being 'SELECTED' to DGJS it means she is one of the top 100 girls among the other 1900 applicants and best suits to study in DGJS!  What are you worrying about ...
Thanks god giving me a happy family.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-28 09:14 |只看該作者
why don't you go and ask the God-father?!

Rank: 1

發表於 07-12-28 09:27 |只看該作者
Agree with Cat Cat. Mrs Dai is not the God. She picked the girl but it doesn't mean this school is most suitable for that girl. Pls discuss with your daughter and judge your own case.
To be honest, although my daughter is not picked by Mrs Dai, I never think my girl is the looser. How can a person be judged within only 5 minutes? I just think we have no fate with this school.
Anyway, I still agree DGS is a good school but there are a lot of good schools in HK and may be some of them are more suitable to our girls.
God will arrange the best to us.

發表於 07-12-28 09:31 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 07-12-28 09:57 |只看該作者
I would choose MCS.  The reasons are follows:

a) The competition is very great among DSS top schools   such as DGJS and St. Paul's Co-ed each year.  There is no guarantee that one's sister will be admitted to the same
school although there is some preference over other
b) There are some advantages if both daughters study in
the same school such as convenient travelling and easy
monitoring over the curriculum. There is a guarantee that your younger daughter will be admiited to MCS
c) It saves a lot of money if both of your daughters study  in MCS.  You can reserve the money to study in other
centres to learn more extra-curricular activities.  
d) The above are my personal opinions only.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-12-28 09:57 |只看該作者
I would choose MCS.  The reasons are follows:

a) The competition is very great among DSS top schools   such as DGJS and St. Paul's Co-ed each year.  There is no guarantee that one's sister will be admitted to the same
school although there is some preference over other
b) There are some advantages if both daughters study in
the same school such as convenient travelling and easy
monitoring over the curriculum. There is a guarantee that your younger daughter will be admiited to MCS
c) It saves a lot of money if both of your daughters study  in MCS.  You can reserve the money to study in other
centres to learn more extra-curricular activities.  
d) The above are my personal opinions only.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-12-28 09:57 |只看該作者
I would choose MCS.  The reasons are follows:

a) The competition is very great among DSS top schools   such as DGJS and St. Paul's Co-ed each year.  There is no guarantee that one's sister will be admitted to the same
school although there is some preference over other
b) There are some advantages if both daughters study in
the same school such as convenient travelling and easy
monitoring over the curriculum. There is a guarantee that your younger daughter will be admiited to MCS
c) It saves a lot of money if both of your daughters study  in MCS.  You can reserve the money to study in other
centres to learn more extra-curricular activities.  
d) The above are my personal opinions only.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-28 10:16 |只看該作者
Why don't you ask your daughter?  Afterall, she will be the one who stays in the school for her whole primary and secondary stages, she has the cashing vote.  Try to discuss with her and explain to her, she can understand it.

If you simply make a decision for her without her involvement, you may run the risk of being blamed by her when she grows up.  In particular, if your choice is based on her sister's admission.  She may think you love her sister more than her.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-28 11:42 |只看該作者
I support all the points set out by wunma.

Moreover, DGS will have to move to TKO due to the campus restructuring.

Some people would suggest Helen's mum to ask her elder's opinions or let her choose, but I think it does not help much.  
(1)  She has not studied in either DGS or MCS before.  How does she know?  What will she base on in choosing among the two schools?
(2)  Does she know the difference between the two schools?  
Please share.

原文章由 wunma 於 07-12-28 09:31 發表
個人意見, dgs同其他學校比, 都必定是首選, 唯獨與mcs比, 我會建議妳選mcs, 原因:

1. 同宗教;
2. 將來肯定能姊妹同校, 可共同照應, 有共同話題, 媽媽更有經驗幫到妹妹;
3. 免費;(仲係兩個)
4. 壓力相對冇咁大;
5.  ...

Rank: 1

發表於 07-12-28 15:07 |只看該作者



Rank: 1

發表於 07-12-28 20:42 |只看該作者
Totally agreed with Malaya's point of view, especially "家長不多不少跳不出女兒能入讀DGJ之優越感".

Basically, both school's education concept are encouraging students to read books rather than to do lots of homework daily.  They want all students to participate some extra activities after school.

I don't think those 100 kids that selected by the principal are the top of all applicants.  The principal takes them because they are their cup of tea, according to the principal's preference and also applicants education background.

My kid's classmate can't get a seat at DGS this year.  It doesn't mean she is not good enough.  She got full marks in all her dictation and assessment throughout the year

In 2003, I attended a seminar in an university with a guest (principal of DGS).  After seminar, we had a lunch gathering and there were a lot of people asked Mrs Dai some education questions.

Mrs Tai told us an experience at DGS.  A student who has good behavior but she can't pass her English test and examination.  Mrs Tai found that the student was too nervious during the test and examination.  Then she invited the student and her mother in her office and explained the fact to the mother.  Finally, the principal has referred the student to a chinese school after the final examination.

My point is even your kid can study at DGS, it doesn't mean the kid shall 前途一片光明, 以後就可飛皇騰達!  而每年名校都只得一兩位會考狀員, 甚至最近幾年有新界狀員出現, 由止可見讀書是靠自己而非名校.

Actually both DGS and MCS are the famous school in Kowloon side.  There is no need to emphasis/compare which is the best/top.

The above is just my own opinion.

原文章由 Malaya 於 07-12-28 15:07 發表


至於小朋友自己 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-1-6 03:02 |只看該作者

回覆 #16 salina0817 的文章

You can say that again!!
If I were a mama of 2 daughters, I'll definitely choose MCS.
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