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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學
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一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-3 19:04 |只看該作者


因為對香港的教育制度冇信心, 和想孩子可以在愉快中學習成長, 各位覺得有冇可能, 小朋友在學校會否受到其他家中有錢的小朋友歧視 有冇媽咪可以俾意見

發表於 06-9-3 22:47 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

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發表於 06-9-3 23:12 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

不是全都是有錢人,而且老師同學都好好,不會比較,不要擔心.但是學費真的不大平宜,中小學共13 年,如沒有津貼,真是要認真考慮一吓,13年都不是一個短時間.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-3 23:30 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

我的小朋友并不是在那些名牌國際學校就讀所以我並不擔心他們受歧視 。 另一方面我想讀國際學校已越趨普遍並不是個個都是有錢子弟,另亦有很多公務員家屬都入讀國際學校。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-4 08:37 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

多謝咁多位媽咪的意見及經驗, 做人父母真是難, 想讓子女得到好的教育,又因家境的問題怕子女心境受到創傷, 如果讀了國際學校便沒有多餘錢給他參加其他的興趣班, 或者放假去旅行, 或者學校的同學會買些名牌或用品回校使用, 而自己也沒能力提供, 可能小學還好, 到中學後孩子的心裡就會有比較, 不知各位有什麼意見

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-4 09:05 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

Actually i worry about the high school more because primary school students are more naive (I hope).  the worried part is in high school.

can any parents share a bit here?

發表於 06-9-4 09:56 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-4 10:33 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

Annie123 寫道:
我記得多年前,在 BK 看過一件事的記述。

有一個讀國際學校的小朋友 A 君,問同學 B 君說 " 你爸爸養了幾多隻馬 ?"
B 答 " 我爸爸沒有養馬,不過我地有兩隻狗。"
之後 B 轉身走開。

事件傳都 B 的媽媽和媽媽的朋友 C 太太耳中,C 說她當面大讚 B 醒目,窒得 A 好應。C 後來將這件事轉到 BK ,說國際學校學生好寸,下下講自己爸爸係馬主。我記得當時好多其他媽咪附和,說 B 很醒目,覺得 B 窒 A 是大快人心。當時我看在眼裡,也懶得回應。

A 真的是個囂張孩子嗎?還是,其實根本只是小朋友的一句閒話,而成年人想多了?




Actually, wealth comparison among students happens a lot in famous local schools.  Have seen some students in local private schools learn to be very materialistic, talking about famous brands, wealth, parents occupations etc.

I think it is more the value judgement concept taught by parents to our kids.  However, if plan to study in IS for 13 years, we do need to prepare for enough financial support to pay for school fees and a lot of extra fees (overseas trips, extra-cirricular activities etc) as IS usually encourage a lot of outside school activities which are important for all-rounded development for the kids.  

Rank: 2

發表於 06-9-4 10:35 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

Touch  wood! 由kindy到小學都未有遇過歧視事件, Kindy 的同學父母有總警司, 油商...到小學的明星飛機師酒樓老闆等都無"擺款", 之前遇過苗x偉&戚x珍, 到而家日日見佢地親自送番學o既鄧x霖, 樂x玲都好nice.
其實, 天下父母心, 個個最想將最好o既比自己仔女, 只要自己抱平常心, 唔同人地比較就okey啦!
我自己親眼見o既case反而是local school (男拔中), 正確來講都唔係歧視, 係自悲! 我下屬個仔入到, 當時不知幾開心, 佢話仲好過中左mark six, 後來佢發現阿仔唔多妥, 同佢傾計先知阿仔心裡有問題, 佢話每日都有好多靚車等放學送番學, 自己就日日坐巴士, 同學仔每日有100-200蚊零用錢, 自己得30蚊, 同學仔叫佢一齊食飯, 佢都唔敢去, 最後中三就轉左去屋企附近d學校

Rank: 1

發表於 06-9-4 11:22 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學


I can't agree with you more when you said "我們要小朋友明白,社會就是種種人都有,有很多比我們更富裕的人,亦有很多比我們貧窮的人。我們固然不能小看比我們差的人,但也不必以打擊有錢人為樂事。..............
一個人會否歧視他人,是家教問題,跟家裡經濟能力沒有關係,亦跟就讀那類學校沒有關係。" My two children study in IS. Some of their classmates are really really rich but they never talk or act in a way that make fellow students feel inferior. Their parents are also very nice and low-profile.
Of course there are always chances that our children have to deal with snobbish kids. I see this as an opportunity for social education for them. After all, they have to deal with different kinds of people when they grow up. The way I taught my children was that I told them the right way of judging people ( whether a person is nice, polite, helpful, considerate etc) and that money is not a criterion. If a fellow classmate shows off how rich his family is. That only tells you one thing --- his parents are good at making money, not that the classmate is superior to you in any way. The important thing is to teach your children to be proud of who they are and not how rich they are, and use the same measuring standard when judging their peers.
Sometimes, I find that it is the parents who cannot cope with the inferiority complex and pass on wrong message to their children. For example, they ask their children not to go into the rich kids' circle.


Rank: 4

發表於 06-9-4 12:31 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

It is my story when I was studying Year1 at Canada.
(More than 10 years ago... )

Me: sorry that I am late cos' I can't catch the bus!
A: Why don't u ask your Dad to buy u a car?
Me: We don't have money.
A: OH.....

PS. I don't have hard feeling about this...

A 真的是個囂張孩子嗎?還是,其實根本只是小朋友的一句閒話,而成年人想多了?

A was a 20 years old boy, my friend A is just too rich to know my situation... but he is not a  囂張孩子, 只是小朋友的一句閒話. here is the next story....

Me: I wanna to have a CD player.....
B: then just go buy it!
Me: I don't have money....
B: OH.... I don't have anything I wanna at all... cos' I buy everything I wanna already.....
Me: Wow... you have everything, nothing wanna to buy...
B: NO..
Me: Wow....

Again, I didn't have hard feeling, I even felt sorry for her.... nothing wanna to buy???

Anyway, for the REAL RICH people, they don't really know what is SHOW OFF... they don't even know!!!! .... BTW, I never have hard feeling to study with rich people as 很多人覺得被歧視,只是自己的感覺.  

just my opinion. thank you.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-4 12:51 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

Actually, I really agree with all mom.  Even local school also have same problem. I remember my younger sister told me when she study high school in local school.  She said that my mom give her money is less than her classmate.  All the time is her classmate pay for entertaiment.  So, I explain to her I understand she is not happy but we should understand different family have different fincinial backgound no need to compare.  
If she really not enough money can done a part-time job etc....
So, she find a chinese data entry in HSBC got the extra money.  I think it's also a very good 鍛鍊for the younger people. 現在她已出來社會做事,需不是什麼成功人事,但品行OK.其實可能是我們擔心太多了.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-4 14:26 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學


"其實可能是我們擔心太多了" --> AGREED

發表於 06-9-5 22:02 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

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發表於 06-9-6 12:43 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學


If you want your child to enjoy learning and develop self confidence, IS is a better choice for you. In general IS provides a more caring environment for children and shows more appreciation to a student's all-round strengths, e.g. social maturity, creative ability etc. Local schools tend to focus too much on academic, and hence homework pressure etc.

Development of English language and reading habit is stronger in IS but Chinese ( if available) and Maths levels are generally lower. But balancing all factors and if cost is not a major concern, I would recommend IS since a happy childhood is very important.  

發表於 06-9-7 10:18 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-7 15:54 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

Agreed with Annie123. Actually, the teaching method in IS and local school is big different.  So, we cannot to compare like this.   But, I think most parent is quite don't understand what IS teaching in school due to the kid cannot told us very clearly what they learn in school. And there is no textbook also.  So, it make the parent confuse.  eg. I always ask my daughter in maths subject - Did you learn 加減數. She always answer sometimes playing, sometimes teacher make a question let them answer.  It seem don;t answer my question.  後來我拿了姪女的英數補充給她看,她才能指出原來已教她個,十佰位了.she is P.2 in IS = local school P.1.  

Rank: 4

發表於 06-9-7 16:57 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

我都唔知道原來IS是沒有課本的, 因為我個女個間IS有很多很多課本,TEXTBOOK分上下學期, 每學期再分上下冊, 還有EXECISE BOOKS, 大大話話每科主科都有8本BOOK了...

數學都唔一定低過LOCAL SCHOOL, 我個女上年(4年級)學角度,用量角器,聽講LS五年級才學架!


發表於 06-9-7 22:54 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學

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發表於 06-9-7 23:56 |只看該作者

Re: 一般收入的家庭會否讓子女讀國際小學


I also consider this problem.  So,I give a little bit exisies to her everyday 1-2 pages maths and english. Then, reading 1 story book but I will not force her to finish if she feel tried.

It seem now she is not too much free time after school.  May maid told me her schedule as below :-
3:30 back home from school
4:30 start the exsise and reading book
5:00 patice piano
5:30 watching TV and playing toys
Actually, i want her study more chinese story book but my maid cannot assist her to reading and I come back late.  So, I also thinking is it need to let her have a extra chinese class?? How do you think?

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