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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 唔該幫吓忙!根德園, 創價, 宣道, 九龍靈糧堂? ...
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唔該幫吓忙!根德園, 創價, 宣道, 九龍靈糧堂? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 04-12-7 00:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔該幫吓忙!根德園, 創價, 宣道, 九龍靈糧堂?

My boy also graduated from KLCC (same as Blythemia). He is now P. 2. My boy is always shame and lack of confidence to face difficulties when he is a student in the kindergarten. However, under four years training , he got a great changes in his characteristic. Full of confidence, silence when he face challenge and always to think the problem is what my boy. To choose the school, you must know what you want - ACADEMIC or SPIRITIAL win.
KLCC has simple lesson for the students without test or examination so that the kids do not have too much pressure. But it does not mean they cannot follow the primary school life. My boy take four months to adapt the life and he also get very good result in examination.
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