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06年入讀金巴倫 (St. Nicholas) 幼稚園K1的入來傾傾 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-1-6 12:51 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 06年入讀金巴倫 (St. Nicholas) 幼稚園K1的入來傾傾


see you here. It accepted my son but i won't choose it. I asked before, the English class is 30 mins, there are 2 native English speakers shared among the classes.
Though it claims English kindergarten, the local teachers communicate the kids in mainly Chinese.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-1-6 14:03 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 06年入讀金巴倫 (St. Nicholas) 幼稚園K1的入來傾傾

keen Mind

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-1-6 19:00 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 06年入讀金巴倫 (St. Nicholas) 幼稚園K1的入來傾傾

birdmom ,

see my sharing before about why i chose KM.


actually i have been searching kindergarten info since my son was 7 months, i have sent a lot of messages here & got a lot of comments about different schools, and seeked a lot of advices from others about kindergartens, as i need to find the most suitable for my son. So different mom has her own expectation, requirements/

Regarding the school fee between SN and KM, SN is not so cheap if you add the misc cost, average cost per month is around $ 3,000.00 because it has :

snack fee -- $ 280 PER MONTH X11 ( very expensive, i know it is optional , but.. .)

book fee - around $ 2000 per year
uniform - around $ 1000 per year

& during my sharing with SN moms, i know SN has a lot of misc costs which you need to pay every month for the 1st year; I think it may be cheaper than other KLn schools. But personally i hate being charged a lot of other unexpected costs  ; For Km, i know it does not have any misc cost, only around $ 660 book fee for each term.. It is quite reasonable.

Also, my son will study international class, which is bilingual class, the native English speaker will be in the classroom for 3 hours, so i think it is not quite expensive comparing with other bilingual school.

anyway, SN is a good kindergarten too as it has been my target school before.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-1-7 19:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 06年入讀金巴倫 (St. Nicholas) 幼稚園K1的入來傾傾


I didn't consider "york" so i have no more details of it. I don't want to comment.

Re ALliance - the alliance primary only acceped 30% of the alliance primary schools, means top 10% of each class of the primary school, also someone said the curriculum of alliance kindergarten is a bit easy and it is using traditional teaching method.  So i finally didn't apply as at that moment i know my son was accepted by Kenville. If Kenville vs Alliance, i will pick Kv.

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