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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 關於英基的質疑(來自英基家長)
樓主: wangdua0625

關於英基的質疑(來自英基家長)   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 14-11-26 13:48 |顯示全部帖子
I am a new parent of an Esf shool. Eldest kid in a Esf secondary, youngest one in primary. From my observation so far, the secondary teachers are mostly very good, responsible and patient, very good at teaching. My kid transferred from a LS, said that this is a much better experience. Learning is more proactive, teachers won't force you to complete homework, but kids in his class are mostly v hard working, challenging each other. He is doing quite well, judging by the marks he got from assessments. Math is taught very well, as they will take early igcse math, science subjects are very detailed.
As for my younger kid, also transferred from a LS, esf primary does not have much homework. Teachers are patient and encourage self learning and creativity. We are happy with this. Though I admit the kid needs solidifying  math training at home. (He doesnot go out for tutorial)
for Chinese teaching, both esf secondary and primary are weak compared to some IS. But that doesnot bother me because out kids has some training when at LS, and I tend to lean towards a stronger english ability than Chinese. I am happy about the esf schools my kids are in. Thought I made a right decision transferring here. Hope my observation is fair.

Rank: 2

發表於 14-12-2 13:00 |顯示全部帖子
My kid is in SIS. He is coping well with friends and school work, although I admit he needs to brush up his english reading skills, as the uk curriculum requires detailed analytical skills.
Before he transferred there, he was in an local english-medium school, he read a lot of english novels. We spoke English and Cantonese at home.
As for my younger one, he made friends on his first day, the kids and teachers at school were so friendly. There was no worries there.
Large class size can be a good thing for my elder one, he needs to be proactive, to really wish to learn and understand what the teachers are saying, to build a closer relationship with teachers. I told him if there's anything you don't understand ask the teachers, email them, chat with them.  I think it is important for secondary kids to be responsible with their learning, not waiting to be spoon fed and checked upon.

Rank: 2

發表於 14-12-2 23:06 |顯示全部帖子
I heard my kids said that some Chinese students would go to tutorial classes like Kumon math, and chinese. For western kids, tutorial classes are not the norm.
Yes, kids speak English amongst themselves, between chinese kids too.
I think if a kid comes from a local school, he need time to adjust to the English enviroment, unless he is already quite fluent himself.
Having said that my kid told me there are other asian students who get extra help with their English.

Rank: 2

發表於 15-1-11 10:39 |顯示全部帖子
My son transferred from a local school I guess this is the reason he doesn't need tuition on math. Plus this year his math teacher is great. Quite enough math homework plus math competition.
His English is not bad either as he is reading a lot. Conversation skills need improving, we are trying to speak more English with him at home. I don't think he needs English tuition at this stage.
There are self study books on written English, my son is using them.

Rank: 2

發表於 15-1-19 18:08 |顯示全部帖子
相信在此comments的也不須吹噓或抺黑Esf.esf這麼多學校老師,各位有不同經歷不出奇。說esf像UK state school 我不敢comment, 我只讀過UK boarding school, 我可以說小兒校的老師比我以前的老師不差只有更好,課程方面我留意到學校也跟好多UK national curriculum. 所以這Esf school 我滿意了,至於能否考到好成績入好大學,我認為要靠學生本人。只要肯勤力,有追求學問的心,肯吸收課程以外的知識,我信一定會考得好,也不須補習。想當年,在英國讀書哪有補習?又冇Internet,靠的是勤力和死纏瀾打的心。
所以我覺得兒子的esf school 很好。
一些真例子:我朋友女兒沒補習,IGCSE 7A1B, 一位British mum 告訴我她兩個兒子沒補習,IGCSE 也9A或以上,一個明年去UK 讀medicine. 他同學有一個等Harvard, 另一個等princeton答覆。

Rank: 2

發表於 15-1-25 16:32 |顯示全部帖子
Some Hong Kong parents 已走火入魔了?
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