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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 準備2015年9月到英國留學,一齊分享吓! ...
樓主: DKmum

準備2015年9月到英國留學,一齊分享吓!   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-1-27 09:42 |顯示全部帖子
I opin the foundation course (INTO) is totally different from associate degree in HK, if you look for sending your kids to UK. Never believe what agent said. They just simply looks for money and most of the INTO they have liasion are those with less reputation or those money-looking unis. To me, join those Education Expos in HK during Spring and talk direct to staff from UK Unis (but not the agent at booth) is the most direct source to get TRUE information instead. Asso-degree, honestly, even in HK has very bad reputation, let alone in UK. More, GCE A Level has advantage in getting into unis of UK. More opportunity to get into those demanding faculty like medication, law...... for they only requested u to submit 3 A Level subjects as entry criteria. But there is two sides of coins: The GCE A Level English is very difficult for HK native students unless you study in International school in HK or your first language is English. It is harsh no matter the course project or the exam. You have to read through two novels ( very difficult one) and write 2 long long analytical papers. Then is the difficult exam. It is more or less like literature studies.

Wish  my info above does help.

Have a good day, all parents in here.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-1-27 09:47 |顯示全部帖子
INTO course is a good path to get into relatively good unis, as many of unis in UK wish to take the students from their own INTO course. If your kids level is not good enough for entry into rather good unis in UK, it is a better way, instead of push your kids to UK for A Level studies. It is harsh to adapts in short period (2-year) and the English problem that HK students encounter. But the thg is you have to pay "extra" time and money if fail to UK unis direct.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-1-27 09:51 |顯示全部帖子
Apply UK unis via UCAS through agent is nonsense too. For those "free-charge" agent, they probably will urge u to apply less good unis like Bangor or Oxford Brooks....(sorry if it sounds offensive!!). For those expensive agent, it is not worthy also. Just spend sometimes to study the process of UCAS via they very very detail web-site, you will find the money spend is 100% NOT WORTHY from any prespective. Just try to work out by yourself, write the PS by your own kid. Pressure is there, but it is a good learning path.
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