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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 St Paul Kindergarten
樓主: meganlee

St Paul Kindergarten [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 04-10-22 22:18 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St Paul's Kindergarten

Yes, I agree. Prioir school experience is useful. Kids can pick up drawing, singing...etc more easily.

Per interview: apply more so that your child can have some experience in facing this situation. I attend quite a number (maybe 7 or 8) and my child impreoved signficantly. My child's first interview was SKH (Central) and she was only put only the waiting list. For all the rest she attended (including Sacrat Heart), she got rejected.

AM or PM: At first, I wasn't so confident about my child's performance because she afraids talking with strangers and cannot cope with new enviornment, so I claimed that I would accept with a.m. or p.m. in the application form. I was given a place in p.m. session at the end. When I made enquiry with the school about changing from p.m. to a.m., the officer told me that this would not be possible. If they have a spare place in the a.m. session, it would be granted to parents who said a.m. only.  

Wing(婷婷媽咪) 寫道:
, 所以一定要返下playgroup或者nursary, 一來對小朋友好d, 起碼有同齡既小朋友一齊玩冇咁悶亦同時都可以訓練到獨立, 其實而家好多學校都鍾意收讀過nursary/playgroup既學生, 因為d學生好快pick up到, 唔需要浪費太多時間去處理情緒上既問題.
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