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教育王國 討論區 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 vs 播道書院
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優才(楊殷有娣)書院 vs 播道書院 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-1 22:48 |顯示全部帖子
I'm not brave enough to become the risk taker.  To me, whether EC could become a good school (with real achievement record), it is really a matter of trust to the EC's school management.  Who can guarantee how long it will take for EC to have the good acheivement record?  It may take three years' time or five years' time or even longer.  If unfortunately, it takes more than five years, my child has nearly finished his primary school education.  Of course, it may take less than three years.  But all until now is unknown.  Whether GT is good or not as good as some parents expect, it has really its own track record now. My child is not a bright child and I really want him to be educated under an expected learning environment.

原文章由 chunhei 於 07-10-1 12:08 硐表

I don't think not much people can give you comment on EC school as a new school.  It would be subjective opinion anyway.

In my mind, it is definitely critical to have a good hardware because your k ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-3 22:16 |顯示全部帖子
Though I'm not quite clear about the content of IB, I do know that there are some DSSs giving up to have IB as they could not spend sufficient resources to have both local stream and IB together (that is the requirement laid down for a DSS to have IB).  As all the international schools have been running IB, I do not surprise that the school fee will be similar to them if GT really would like to run IB.  However, whether you would choose GT for your children to study under IB instead of sending them to the international schools is another issue.

原文章由 chunhei 於 07-10-2 23:01 硐表

I agreed with you. It should not be the particular issue to GT. It should be common issue in HK or China now.  But it is interesting for Prof Li mentioned twice within a month (Last Friday G3/G4 par ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-4 23:09 |顯示全部帖子

GT的IBCourse學費接近耀中,是Chunhei引述Prof Li的講話。


原文章由 中天英 於 07-10-4 03:21 硐表


IB課程係要貴D學費, 事关學校要比多D資源落去。

但係我唸一定唔洗去到耀中/CIS咁貴, 事关優才仲有政府資助嘛;  我唸IB course 加千鬆D蚊, 應該得婁、 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-6 21:14 |顯示全部帖子

Sorry for my wrong interpretation on your message regarding the school fee.

However, I still could not understand why IB course would take up more resources than the local stream.  Does IB course require more NETs?  Is the class size of IB course even smaller than the existing GT's one?  Does IB course need to have more subjects than the local stream?  If the quality of IB course is better than the local stream, why is it not common in Hong Kong?  Sorry for so many questions and my lack of knowledge in this area.


原文章由 chunhei 於 07-10-5 22:32 硐表

I would like to clarify here.  Prof Li didn't mentioned the IB Course cost would close to 耀中.

He just mentioned the school under pressure on increasing cost such as teacher salary increment. For I ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-7 17:09 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks for your explanation.


原文章由 中天英 於 07-10-7 00:27 硐表


一般人講IB課程, 係指IB Dilpoma(IBD), 係一個兩年課程, 讀完就入大學, 既係香港既預科課程o

IB仲有小學同初中課程, 即PYP同MYP, 有時間先再講。

IBD的確要投放多D資源先攪得成既, 程度唔單止比香港課程高, ...
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