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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?
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How to choose between GSIS & QBS ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-11 12:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

hccch 寫道:
probation period is six month
Letter said "A  place offered to your child is subject to a six month probationary period. During the probationary period your child will be assessed to ensure that they can meet the academic standards required by the school. Consistent attainment of the standard is important as we do not offer a special needs programme to assist children learning at a slower pace than their peers. It is also vital that your child's English language skills are maintained to the standard of a native English speaker of the same age" this is the letter from GSIS to me. So straight. However, QBS will give your kid assistance if you kid have problem. This is some different. Of course, you have to know what do you want.

Please forgive me if i seem rude, but i seem to see a hoax going on.

i have never heard of this " probationary period ", but of course that's my own ignorance.

Nowhere in the GSIS website can i find such a thing, but of course they must  be hiding  it from outsiders, right ?

i tried to search the whole  GSIS website using the key words ' probation / probationary period ' , but there's no such thing ever mentioned.

And the purported  GSIS letter contains obvious grammatical mistakes which make it highly suspect too.

But the most damning of all is this : The 'GSIS letter ' stressed that '""""we do not offer a special needs programme to assist children learning at a slower pace than their peers. """"  WHAT THE HELL ?!  

<\"\"lease click here and go to page 5 !> . . It clearly states that GSIS has support for children with learning difficulties and attention disorders !  

Don't ever try to fool us again!   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-11 16:12 |顯示全部帖子

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

hccch 寫道:
Hi Cayenne:

I talked with everybody my experience, is not tell everybody a lie. If you don't believe my words, just PM to me and let me know your email, I will email the copy of letter to you.  GSIS is German school even have International section, their Adm. staff is German not native english speaker, so their English is like that. If my word is true, just say sorry to me on this forum. I will forget it

You're saying that the English standard of GSIS is sloppy, because they are Germans.  I am not sure they'll agree with that.

And you still stand by your claim that you received a letter from GSIS saying that the school makes no provisions for slow learners ?

It may serve you well to remember that spreading falsified information in the net is not only morally wrong, but may also land you in legal trouble.
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