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教育王國 討論區 協恩中學附屬小學 有否後悔或滿意入讀恊恩小學家長呢?入嚟傾 ...
樓主: chamami

有否後悔或滿意入讀恊恩小學家長呢?入嚟傾吓! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-1 10:43 |顯示全部帖子
HYPS has one BIG advantage: only 3 days of exams each time. Most schools have 4 days.

Because my daughters have studied in another school before, I can tell you exam periods are much less agonizing for HYPS kids as well as their parents. Why?

1. General Studies is not in the exams. It is assessed through projects, presentations and quizzes throughout the term. Quizzes on the text book will only cover about 3 chapters each time. This point is particularly important in higher grades. For other schools, parents need to spend most time helping their children prepare for G.S. in exams.

2. "Dictation" is not in the exams or on the report card. For most other schools, "Dictation" is a vital part of their exams. Because most students can do it well if they revise hard, it's very stressful. There are usually over ten chapters of text to revise and if you make a mistake or two, your grade will easily fall to B or C, esp for those schools who give 'A' to e.g. the top 25%, instead of giving 'A' to an absolute mark, e.g. 90 or above, like HYPS.

3. In the Chinese subject, HYPS tests the students' application of the language. Not many chapters of the textbook are in the syllabus of each exam. The syllabus of some schools covers from chapter 1 to the end of the text books and even includes long questions asking about the contents of the story/poem/prose of each chapter. For HYPS, we only need to revise 詞語 and make sure we know how to apply them.

In short, although HYPS is demanding, minimal copycat type of homework is given. The children really need to use their brain to do the homework. Emphasis is put on continual assessment of the child's daily work and learning, instead of 2 big exams in each term. Therefore, as parents, we're comparatively easy and less stressed during exams. If your daughter studies in HYPS, you'll surely get envying looks from your friends when you tell them your daughter only has 3 days of exam and you don't need to help her revise tens of chapters of text for G.S./dictation.:loveliness: :loveliness:

[ 本文章最後由 cheungll 於 07-11-1 10:56 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-20 13:34 |顯示全部帖子



原文章由 Karinachu 於 07-11-20 12:45 硐表

多謝你的回覆. 其實由cheungll開了”時事評估”這topic及發覺阿囡好喜歡現在的官立小學後, 我心裡好矛盾, 時常想上bk問多些關於插班及協恩的問題, 但又覺得自己好傻, 都未開始申請插班, 已經顧慮太多問題. 剛 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-10 16:11 |顯示全部帖子
Hello Eva:

原文章由 Eva 於 07-12-10 13:41 發表



先跟你打個招呼  我囡囡是小五生:lovelines ...
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