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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 德田李兆強小學 vs 油塘基顯, 邊 一間好點 ? 邊 一間入 ...
樓主: 心雨

德田李兆強小學 vs 油塘基顯, 邊 一間好點 ? 邊 一間入的機會大D?急急急 ! [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-10-5 01:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 德田李兆強小學 vs 油塘基顯, 邊 一間好點 ? 邊 一間入的機會大D?急急急 !

除了功課量,學校的深淺程度亦是很重要的consideration...有些學校故意教深半至年。除非小朋友真是天資聰敏而又可坐定定讀,否則對大家都不是好事。Don't know if 兆強 belong this type..But, I'm sure it's a very traditional school, it's totally not my expectation.. My daughter is 油塘基顯 P1, she can handle most of her homework on her own w/o much problem..It's matter of confident & independent training that we can't get from book. Give you 1 concrete example, my daugther's 1st Eng dictation is A-N.. Knowing 循道(加士居道) is similar level. But, GT's first dictation are words like "schoolbag", "computer", "yellow " & sentence -  Just after 3 weeks' school days. It will be pretty hard for most studentns & parents unless yr child grad from Kenville like Kindergarden... Hope this help you...

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