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教育王國 討論區 升中派位 藍田聖保祿今屆DSE好好,Jupus 有74%,請問往績如何? ...
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藍田聖保祿今屆DSE好好,Jupus 有74%,請問往績如何? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 13-4-11 18:19 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 憫父 於 13-4-11 18:44 編輯

「入讀本地大學率」不等於「JUPAS 派位」,「JUPAS 派位」分「學位課程」和「副學位課程」,兩者均屬於政府資助大學課程。

「入讀本地大學率」= 71.5%,反映「JUPAS 學位課程派位率」少於 71.5%。

因「JUPAS 大學學位」對學生 dse 成績要求較高,33222一定入唔到,dse 成績平均起碼要 4,兩科語文不可以全 3,至有機會派到位,所以「JUPAS 學位課程派位率」通常唔會有咁高。

其他本地大學學位課程只需要 33222,兩科語文有 3,就有機會入到。

呢間學校將兩種入 U 率相加,變成 71%。

不過,佢地 dse 成績的確唔差,因為有 88.3% 學生過到 33222 的入大學最低門檻。(但佢地無展示有幾多人攞 5,幾多人攞 4。)

As a major endeavor at St. Paul's School (Lam Tin), academic betterment by our teachers and students had been well rewarded for 2012-2013, even though teachers had to provide support to two different cohorts under the conventional and the NSS systems.

To the gratification of our teachers and students, our students achieved satisfactory passing rate in the core subjects in public exams (100% in AS Chinese and Use of English; and 100% in Chinese, English, Mathematics and Liberal Studies in DSE), and about 76% of the A-Level and 71% of DSE students admitted to local Bachelor degree programs, 4% and 1% to overseas universities, and a further 17% A-Level & 22% HKDSE students admitted to Associate Degrees and Higher Diploma courses, making a total of 97% of our students at both levels pursuing their study in bachelor and associate degrees and higher diploma courses for this school year.
(資料來源:http://www.spslt.edu.hk/doc/annu ... eport%202011-12.pdf 第三頁)

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