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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 收到德望取錄通知書
樓主: kamen

收到德望取錄通知書 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-14 19:26 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 收到德望取錄通知書

mamami 寫道:
will those being REJECTED or WAITLIST also be informed by GH this week?

For those admitted, will register on this Friday afternoon (Nov 17), GH will count the no of pupil keeping the seat, and send the letter to 2nd tier pupil on Nov 17. So if you're unable to receive the letter, you may need to wait until next Monday, still have hope. Good Luck.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-14 22:46 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 收到德望取錄通知書

mamami 寫道:
dear jonmkchan

thanks for your reponse to my questions..

for those who received the acceptance letter, do u mind to share which school your outstanding kid is study at?


My daughter is not study at famous kinder, there is even no exam and ranking to show in the transcript. I just choose the one nearby my house in TKO. I think my child almost can answer all the questions from teachers during interview, she has been accepted by all DSS/Private which accounced the result so far, I'm headace to pay too much to reserve the seat like a donation. BTY, The reason for GH accepted her that I guess probably I did answer the questionaire in English as I saw many parent wrote in Chinese.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-14 22:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 收到德望取錄通知書

bbqueen 寫道:
Hi all

知唔知今年收幾多人? p1 有幾多班?  

5 班, 最多220人
P.1,3,5 PM  and P,2,4,6 AM

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-14 23:28 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 收到德望取錄通知書

kamen 寫道:

I'm not catholic,so now very difficult to guess how do they choose the pupil. Anyway, accepted is OK Lah.

BTY, GH is not convenience for traffic, can you guys share where do you live. I live in TKO. During the application form distribution and interview on Saturday, there are many traffic police to dispel the car. So, I need to park at Choi Fai Est. and walk along the ramp for few minutes, it is very tought for me to go to school during summer time.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-15 11:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 收到德望取錄通知書

pettywoman 寫道:
Wnnieng 寫道:
Just wonder !!
GH students didn't have to go to school in the interview date. ?????

果日interview完後搭車落坪石, 头茸茸唔知點轉車,
得到同車GH 学生好心解釋..
每間学校都有壞學生, 早排有个男生打劫中医師,
都係名校生. 咪又係果句樹大有枯枝.

各位, interview當天是沒有學生上課, 不過在BK 有很多人會發表負面消息(他們不是此學校家長或根本沒有小一學童), 他們都說: 聽說,, 朋友說,, 好像.. 請不要理會. 我亦不明白他們的目的.

德望是一所非常好的學校, 我有3個同事小孩在讀小2及5年, 一個今年讀中五(當時是津校入, 現今己轉直資). 我表妹在德望讀到中七, 現在已有自己律師事務所, 專打資知產權案, 他們都十分滿意學校, 只有不滿意2年前長家會主席(太寸, 太有錢)

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-18 22:51 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 收到德望取錄通知書


Expensive or not depends on your ability.  
Well, if you were a billionary, would you buy a cheese burger (same cheese burger in other shop was priced $5) was priced $1,000? I won't do such a silly thing even I am really rich.
If you only can effort $5 to buy a chesse burger, (M is $8) don't buy $1000 Burger, may be you never try $1000 burger. your point is bicycle(BMX) is cheaper than BMW, why BMW?? but you only can effort to buy BMX. Please go to subsidised/governement school, we're paying a lot of TAX to support you for free education.

New school complex will be ready in 2009s.  Pls read the news.
A P.4 parent told me that the new school be ready in 2007 and this was an annoucement from school in 2004. Don't you ask senior grade parents?
My kid's cousin is studying in P.5B, last year P.4D, but we never heard Sr. Leung promised that date. Tell me the name of pupil, I can check it. becase GH will swap the class every year, so they may know all each other.

To become a TB happens in those girls' schools.  It isn't the problem of the school, how you educate your girl is also critical.
I am also for but teachers should have part of responsibilities, right?
This will happen in all school. But Parent 言傳身教is most critical.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-20 18:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 收到德望取錄通知書

AprilFool 寫道:
[另想問你 register GH 時, 雖唔雖要簽確認書, 放棄大抽獎?

No need to sign any commitment. you can enjoy 2nd phase lucky draw. but for 'waiting list' you need to wait until July after lucky draw. They will keep all dropped seat (Information in 2003 refer to my friend's girl), so please check GH again.
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