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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!
樓主: somama^_^

Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-13 19:16 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!



jflc 當然有收我handling charge啦,大約238元,係用"Speed Post"囉∼


而”jolly word book''一套才150元.買了它,沒有才算囉∼

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-15 20:42 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!




Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-16 00:15 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!

i also let my son to learn jolly phonics. but the learning centre is not much. and jflc is $180-190 /hr, is a bit high ar..... do u know which centre in kln side . i bought jolly jungle, dictionary,2cd issued from jflc.i went the 3hrs course on june but the blending for me is very week, i can't teach my son 100% correctly.

finger phonics is useful? i bought the stuff from swindonbook, 10% off if use hang seng card.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-16 03:29 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics

With lots of loves....... Kristin :-D

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-17 14:02 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!

pinkylee 寫道:




Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-20 22:02 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!

Hi Pudding

Is it the one located at Leighton road near starbucks?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-20 22:31 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!

Hi Pinky,

訂5頁??  是否 5 樣東西 咁解呀??

我說的是 word book, not workbook.  一本好似是幾拾元.  你訂了没有?!?!  是否真的想訂 workbook??  快d 打電話去cut order 啦!!

sorry 呀, 我好一段日子没上來了, 所以不知你找我幫手 check jflc 的 office hours.  你還要不要我幫你check?!?!  以我記得, 好似 sat 只開 上午, sun and public holiday is off.

besides JFLC, there is also some places to order material.  you can refer to page 1.

pinkylee 寫道:


jflc 當然有收我handling charge啦,大約238元,係用"Speed Post"囉∼


而”jolly word book''一套才150元.買了它,沒有才算囉∼

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-20 22:40 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!


Wise Kids 在三越 (興利中心) 地下.  or 其他 wise kids 也有, 不過 CWB & Cyber Port 店最齊.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-21 00:06 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!

somama ~~



係呀,"workbook"當時我係電話到聽佢地講,話係D 練習薄,係練習寫下ABC咁架,係唔係不太好呀?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-21 22:16 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!

Hi pinky,

我不知workbook 的內容的, 我自己没有用過, 所以不能給你意見.

你老公會間中來hk 嗎??  可以叫他買當然好過寄啦.  如你不想去jflc, 可以去cwb 的 wise kids, 去之前先call 定她們, 訂齊你要的東西, 那便方便些了.

或者, 你 send email 給 Transglobal, 格下同不同jflc 的價錢啦.  貨比三家嘛!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-22 01:31 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!

以上是我在 "好書分享" 內看到, 有關blending 的 分享.  topic 題目是 --> "璕 citic , abt frontline phonics"


Do you have Between the Lions VCD? My son likes it too and he learns from there for 'chuck' the word.

Besides phonics, you have to supplement with sight words. If you want to test if she knows the word, just write something on a paper and asks her to read. Write something interested and related to her. Or, what I do is, I write each word in cards and make sentense, e.g. "I can jump." and ask him show me the action. It's fun and he likes it very much. Or, I ask him to change it to a question, "Can I jump?"

How can I help my son who is having problems blending his sounds?

The concept that words are made up of sounds is called phonetic awareness. There are some games that you can play to help your child begin to come to this awareness.

Begin by chopping up words and having him figure them out. You might say, "We are going to play a game. See if you can figure out the word I am trying to say. Ham - burger." He should recognize it right away. Here are some other words you can try: pan-cake, bath-tub. You can then shorten the words and try words like swi-mming, coo-ler, pic-nic, wa-ter, sum-mer, and so on (These are representations of the sounds, so the spelling might not always be correct. You need to think in terms of sounds, not spelling.) Notice that these are all two-syllable words. When you think he is catching on pretty well, it is time for the next step.

Next isolate the beginning sound. "Hi, honey, do you want b-reakfast? Would you like a s-andwich? Climb up on this ch-air. Would you like to go to the p-ark?"
Here is another game: "The Guess What It Really Is" game. When he has gotten used to blending these words, try to trick him. Something you eat with is called a dork. His job is to correct it to fork. Whereupon you say, "Ohhhh, so it is not m-ork, it is f-ork, right?" Help him always to see that the first sound makes a difference and that you can change that sound.
Next, it is his turn to make up words. Another game: Pick a big word like Disneyland, locomotive, or Doberman. Let us use Disneyland. Ask him, "What would this word be like if it started with a G? How about an M?" Once kids catch on, they love this game.
Ask him to isolate the beginning sounds. Ask him, "What sound does table start with?" The answer is not "T," but "t" or the t sound. Remember not to think in terms of letters, but only sounds. In other words, the word giant actually starts with the sound "j."
As he starts to identify sounds with letters, you can play, "Clap your hands if the word starts with m. Mmmmmmommy. Mmmmiddle. Sssssnake," and so on.
One last game: I Spy. You say, "I spy with my little eye, something that starts with "s" (use the sound)." I usually play this game in the car to keep the children busy. Let him guess once or twice, then give clues. "It is black." More guessing. "It is very long." Guesses. "It has stripes." Guesses. "We drive on it." When he finally begins to put letters with the sounds, you can play this game using beginning letters instead of beginning sounds.
Once he has the beginning sounds down pretty well, it is time to start on the ending sounds. Start with giving him words to put together: soa-p, do-g, ha-t, le-g. Then have him change the endings. "What if dog ended with a t?" "What if hat ended with an m?"
We do the inside sounds last because they are the hardest to hear. Start with "a" as in hat. Say, "You raise your hand (or jump up and down, or put your hands on your head, or any action) if you hear an 'a.' How about haaaaat? How about maaaaan? How about roooope?" and so on.
Reading is so important. You are to be congratulated for your desire to help your son. I have tried to give you ideas that you can use during the day, rather than have to set aside a certain time to learn. Make it part of everything.

Additionally, I firmly believe that the best thing you can do for your child is to give him lots and lots of what I call "life experiences." Children's minds are like sponges. They just soak up information, especially if it is real to them.

Take him to the zoo, the library, the police station, the park, the beach or a lake. Look for insects, look at the stars, watch how the moon changes, grow vegetables, and sprout avocado seeds. Teach him to fish, to tie knots, to skip and jump rope and skate. Teach him how to throw a ball, catch, swim, tie his shoes, crack an egg, make a peanut butter sandwich, use the computer. Go to the thrift store, buy some old appliances, and let him take them apart with a screwdriver. And, the most important thing you can do is read to him every day.

Read the paper, the funnies, a comic book, a child's book, a fairy tale. Read the cereal box, the VCR instructions, car magazines, and baseball cards. Read a book with no pictures like Ida Early Comes Over the Mountain. (My first graders love that book.) Reading does so many things for your children. It helps them focus their listening, enlarges their vocabulary, encourages critical thinking, and, most importantly, helps them practice sitting still.

To prepare for first grade, you need to expose your child to letters, sounds, and books in as many ways possible.

Read to him every day. Read the same book over and over until you are sick of it. Let him make letters out of clay. Put some flour on a cookie sheet and let him trace the letters in the pan. Give him a paintbrush, a bucket of water and let him paint letters on the garage door or the sidewalk. Write the letters out on 3 x 5 index cards and let him put them in order. Play the rhyming game. "I will say a word and you rhyme it. Hat." Get a notebook. Look for pictures in a magazine. Cut them out and put them in the notebook.
Have your son dictate a sentence about each picture. "This is a man with a hat." Have him tell you each word and watch you as you write it on a different sheet of paper. Review the sentence. Cut it apart and let him put the words back together. Paste each word under the picture. The next day, review the pictures you have done before you do another one.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-22 18:13 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-26 23:52 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!


不是價錢不同, 我正在想的是, 會不會 handling charge 不同呢, 因為 transgloble 是做開郵購的.

另外, 我是wise kids 的vip, 好似可以有9 折or 95折.  我唔記得喇!!

其實你在 macau 打電話來, 電話費貴不貴ka.  你還要考慮d mug?!?!  不如你講清楚d, 我可以幫你打電話問啦.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-27 00:07 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!

I am also interested in phonics

I bought one from GC for my daughter
Like what the other mum said that, I found that some sound not pronoun well, like b, m, p,r....

Can anyone talk more about JP phonics video? = DVD?
is it interesting?
is it a story? or songs? or just "pronounciation"?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-27 00:12 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!


I saw Lalaland which is a centre provide phonics course for kids. Anyone can give comment about it?
Beacon'one is good but it is far away from my home.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-27 10:59 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!

Hi Rachelmummy

Have you visited the one in Beacon hill called joly faith?  What do you think about their centre and teachers?  Will you recommend this?  Thanks!  I'm looking for good phonics learning centre for my daughter aged 4.  Any moms can help?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-27 14:16 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!




佢地D產品和"Jolly Faith Learning Centre "的名稱是否相同呀????

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-27 17:11 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!


I learnt from previous pages that you bought the GC phonic kid also.
As we know, some sounds is inappropriate

however, my daughter loves it very much
What is your comment if I switch it to JP phonics now?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-27 17:44 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!


真好呢,幸好你提意MAIL去其他地方問,原來transgloble D JP可以係澳門D書局訂架~



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-1 01:03 |只看該作者

Re: Jolly Phonics ~~ 一定要睇第一頁呀!!

Hi Rachelmummy,

DVD includes 2 JP video plus some infomation from the Using JP video plus some add-on games.

I myself don't think that it is interesting.  The characters inside the DVD are puppet only, not cartoon.  The story-line is somewhat like inky mouse, snake and bee go together to take some pictures or do something that can represent the sounds of letters, etc.  Moreover, there is no 字幕.  If the kid's listening skill is not good enoug, parent may need to sit beside them and translate the story in Chinese.

But in the DVD, there is a section of sounds' demonstration.  A lady will demo every sounds & you and your kid can visually & audibly learn the sound.

Rachelmummy 寫道:

Can anyone talk more about JP phonics video? = DVD?
is it interesting?
is it a story? or songs? or just "pronounciation"?

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