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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅
樓主: workingmom

真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-18 14:35 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-18 15:04 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅

Msma 寫道:


我真唔覺謙叔有d乜咁天材,好多細路都唱得好,唔怕醜,但佢地父母並唔覺要參加呢d比賽係光榮大道嘮 ! 咁老實我對佢父母悉心栽培佢去做卡拉ok明星,真甘拜下風,我自認落伍,唔跟得上潮流嘮!我仲係個d”唯有讀書高個種老人家思想來架 !


cow 我真唔係想同你argue,但個謙叔真係好老人精,一d都唔天材亦唔可愛,如我係校長,一定唔接受訪問,因我會覺自己學生有書唔讀,有正經比賽唔參加,去埋d咁比賽(有人脫衣,露點,好低格調,亦唔係‘合小朋友參加的),就算嬴左亦唔係乜光榮事,我仲會勸個謙叔先讀好書,唔好咁快急功近利想發明星夢 !


只係一個小朋友啫, 唔駛咁盡卦     
...你們不要憂愁,因靠耶和華而得的喜樂是你們的力量.(尼 8:10)

Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-18 17:49 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅


對不起, 這是中學畢業時, 中文老師要我班同學將來處身社會要記住的格言.

"躬自厚而薄責於人, 則遠怨矣".  在一切問題上, 多警剔自己, 少責備別人, 就不會招致怨氣.  "已欲立而立人, 己欲達而達人".   自己希望成功和達到的事情, 也幫助別人得到.

網上交流提出意見互相幫助, 本是好事. 對不足之處評論也可以, 但如對人對事予以責備揶揄鞭撻, 好意變為壞事, 引起怨氣, 不歡而散收場, 何必呢.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-18 20:44 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅

Dear Parent (Logo & not Logo's Parent),

I declare that I am not Logo parent, my son study in other private sch. and I have bad image towards Logo. I am not try to attack other school (actually if I am selfish, I should highly apprise Logo since I have a daughter applying pri. school now). What I want to say is BK is a place to post all we know/heard about any interested sch., other parent trust it or not should be their own decision. Parent comment others should not talk about their school cannot be accepted since we are providing information to new comers.

Anyway I admit if the school is performing what their parent's expectation is enough. I just cannot bear Mr. principal Yau continuously throw 'creative' ideas and the gov./public seems very enjoy in it but in my view there is no advantage regarding teaching quality in Pri. school level, rather it just like running a business. That's the reason why I hate Logo, maybe this message will be attacked by others, but please sensibly since we are just discuss and not argue (no win or lose and no reward).


Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-18 23:29 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-19 10:16 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅




Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-19 23:59 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅

It seems that everyone speaks here has to declare their status first.  Hence, let me clarify I am not a Logos parent.

I have seriously considered Logos and Peagus last year since I truly agreed with their belief.  (Principal of Peagus did deeply impress me as she really has her own style.)  My daughter has a few classmates picked Logos and comments are quite positive.  Kids are all very happy studying here.

However, bear with it, Logos parents or other pro-Logos outsiders like Didima.  I reckon the reason why Logos 'attracts' so much attention or attrack is because of the way Principal Yau response to the media.  It is a bit too ...  He is very visionary in a way.  However, he looks like a CEO running and expanding the company a little bit more at times.  As an observer, I think Logos must be a top school if he can slow down his pace and back to the basic.

Lastly, I must say there are a lot of 'quality' parents in Logos like COW and 'Wu Hang'.  Accepting others comment is no easy job, not mention you could point it out yourselves (like COW in a previous topic).  Please accept my whole-hearted thankfulness as your words provided me a lot of information last year.  

Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-20 08:52 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅

Mothershoe :

每間學校都有好有壞,我認為自已孩子讀的學校不錯就是,為什麼要向你們這些局外人provide facts,去證明學校是好? 那你要不要也provide facts來證明一下你子女的學校有多好?

My response :

For the kids sake, parents and non-parents should be careful in choosing their words when expressing their views in open forums.
As I have said before in other threads here in BK, a school which meets the needs of the children and parents may not be suitable for others.

My colleague’s kid is studying in Logos and she told me that her kid is very happy studying there. Her kid knows many good friends in school. That’s why I urged others not to use “strong word” and be considerate.

Actually, running a new school is not easy. All DDS, to a certain extent and at some time or another, have met such kind of difficulties. Even the traditional schools have this kind of problems to deal with. Perhaps it’s like what another forum-mate mentioned here “再者, 直資收學費, 恕我以消費者心態看教育, 對學校實有相當期望” Hope all those schools which encounter the same problems can strive to do better and better.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-20 09:03 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅

Mpthershoe :


My response :

Although you used “懷疑”, but your statement was really an unjustified claim and a fallacy. Accusing other “直資學校的人員” does not help in your case. If you have evidences, please provide or ”如果沒有事實根據,就是誹謗,這是很簡單的道德和法律問題.”

I am a new comer here and don't know anything about the previous arguments in BK about Logos. 「清者自清,濁者自濁」Just let go and children will grow up strong and healthy.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-20 16:31 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅

真 道 : is a school that I like and dislike. Why did I say that? It's easy to explain. First of all, I was Logo's Partent before. I have HOPE, HIGH EXPECTATION and BUY Mr. Yau's theory at the early begining so I send my kid to LOGO's.
I was told, heard and read many many rumours, gossips, whatever from public, relatives, friends, logo's parents and here. I tried to find out what's going on in Logo's. Finally, most of the stories were coming TRUE. Of course, some of them are real rumours. I talked to Mr. Yau many times in his office. Yes, he was appreciated that I was raised all questions to discuss with him but time goes by, he aviod to listen my voice and ignored me lastly. I remembered that he replied me that, " If you dislike this school, you can send your kid to other's famous school. I think they must very happy to give your kid a seat because your kid from LOGO's."
From that time, I totally dislike LOGO's. Yes, if all things come from Mr. Yau's theory come true, Logo's is the best school I never heard. BUT....Mr.Yau just like a Salesman and promote his BIG Business. (This only my opinion). I discuss with my spouse and the final answer was "Maybe Logo's is the best school one day but at least not these few years"
Now, my kid was admited to a famous primary school. Hope he would happy with his new school.
[img align=right]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/Bruceleehk.jpg[/img]

Rank: 1

發表於 05-9-20 16:41 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅

I believe the purpose of  discussing/posting our comment in BK is to help the school to grow better and stronger, so that our kids can have a better school to study in.  We should view it positively, rather than arguing here for the sake of arguing.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-9-20 18:54 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅


"家長對校方教育水平的質疑" – 這可是個Dilemma.  當選擇新式的教學理念時乃取其著重啟發,無讀書壓力;不希望孩子成為考試機器的同時亦更怕孩子的水準遠遠"落後大市". 人最怕有比較.數年過來,我們還記得當日選擇直資的原由? 走回頭路不易但前路更似未見曙光,要是曙光到終不現,但驚覺11年時光飛逝,心情能不七上八落,能不憂心?  
平心而論,"無乜功課,課程非傳統” 可不是貨不對辦吧.那是孩子未入學前一早已經預告的過程,會否是這過程我們可未曾經歷過,對其成效產生懷疑,所以心裏很不踏實吧.學校摸式有否改變? 似乎由始至終仍堅守著重啟發的理念. 有少許微調,似乎還是屈服於家長壓力;往年開始有默書,亦開始預告本應是突擊的 ”挑戰嘉年華”,那就是變相的考試.當每位家長都預期其他家長會”操練”其子女時,說實在,小弟亦不禁 “不甘後人” 起來.說回來,似乎有違原意.   

有數宗故事作分享,我強調只是自己的體驗,可能以偏蓋全 :

舊同學T完成A Level 後到英國讀書,暑假回來他笑言想也想不到同學的數學程度跟他有很大差距,多番驗証下,香港的"數理化" 事實遠遠跑前,小學課程尢甚.
不甘後人又有否必要? 還是無謂的虛榮?

同事J, 表妹P, 朋友E and more.. 跟我分享他們在外國的小學生活, 簡直遊戲人間,開心到不得了,但他們的發展絕不兒嬉,表妹P現已完成UCLA BBA , 回港入了投資銀行,朋友E在Stanford畢業,在新加坡發展 .
當"原材料",跟"製成品" 同時放在眼前,"製成品" 又有質有量的話,又何必質疑製造過程? 不是說傳統教育無質無量,要是大家都有質量,為何跟孩子挑一條辛苦路?何不讓他們有一快樂童年?各位大可向身邊有外國小學就讀經驗的朋友求証 .

朋友K在小學當體育老師,有以下一則有趣故事,話說有一次跟傳統體育出眾的名校進行校際排球賽,對方體育老師亦是昔日大學同學,朋友K的小學僥幸獲勝,名校眾家長決定自費聘請前香港代表隊,著名體育評述員 – 徐嘉 _ 任教練.當兩隊再次碰頭,徐教練親自教路,可能徐教練有相當名氣,對朋友K的學生有相當壓力.最後朋友K學生敗陣.名校家長相當高興,決定長期聘任徐教練,代價為一千元一堂.朋友K跟他的大學同學(即名校體育老師)問及徐教練的獨門秘方,名校體育老師說 “小學排球隊,總不能有過份的操練,那還不是你跟我的那一套,只是你我沒有 ”香港代表隊,著名體育評述員”的資歷吧.“
小事一則,不過真人真事,我引此例子是希望強調,名校的利害,不在乎學校本身,乃在於家長,學生的將來成就,可以很大程度取決於家長,要真是學校不濟,我們家長的有否信心單憑自己力量仍有能力扭轉乾坤 ?

又有另一故事,姪女 J 在傳統女名校就讀,去年的會考26分直升中六,可她評得她的”數理化” 老師體無原膚.“ 全無教學經驗的Panel teacher 你見過未丫? “, 我說不會吧,你們學校整體會考成績非常標青,她說 “ 絕不是那回事! “,全級學生70%出外補習的,包括那些7A,8A.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-9-20 19:12 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅


一篇滿好的舊文章, 作者清楚表達小弟的心裏話 , 但由於已離題, 亦不想這較負面的Topic 再置頂, 請參越新開主題

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-20 20:28 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅


www 寫道:
1. didima, 雖然我在 BK 多年, 但以往一直沒有留意 "真道" , 不知 "上年d人點插真道", 可否告知一二? 可以把 links 給我嗎?

2. mothershoe (不知是否新會員? 還是某舊會員的新account?), 你說「懷疑有些討論真道的所謂"家長",也許是其他一些直資學校的人員,直資學校畢竟競爭劇烈,前兩年真道名聲太響,自然會引起其他學校嫉妒」, 試想想:
(a) 平心而論, "真道的名聲" 是否真的這樣「太響」, 足以使人有這種推論呢? 相信大家心裡有數.
(b) 難道連報章的記者都嫉妒真道嗎?
(c) 若果 BK 的會員真的有這種嫉妒的心態, 為什麼這情況沒有出現在其它名校呢?

3. 這個 "真道書院兩個學生一張椅" 題目的討論, 應該不是由於個別 BK Member 的攻擊. 而是源自一些報章的報導, 從丘日謙先生對記者的回應來看, 似乎確有其事. 如果報導有誤, 大家指證出來便可. 是嗎?

4. mothershoe, 在BK你可以暢所欲言, 但請善用 BK 的資源, 不要將同一個段說話不斷重貼, 好嗎?

5. 有些言論似乎想說"不是真道的家長, 不應在這裡留言討論它", 但想想:
(a)這個討論的題目是 "真道書院兩個學生一張椅", 不是"真道書院家長專區";
(b) "真道書院" 不是私校, 而是直資學校, 由納稅人資助, 納稅人是否真的不容置喙?
(c)一些支持者如 didima 似乎也不是"真道"的家長

6. 真理是越辯越明的, 大家不如平心靜氣, 實事求是的討論, 好嗎?


Rank: 1

發表於 05-9-20 22:06 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅


Rank: 1

發表於 05-9-20 22:12 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-20 22:18 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅

行政出錯當然間間都有啦, 但觀乎邱校長, 佢從來冇自覺可有改進的必要 !

真道學生同家長都好盡力, 但可惜有個"一言堂"及永冇做錯 的校長!

至於呀謙叔的高調, 只好歸功於佢星爸, 星媽同佢個星校長!


Rank: 1

發表於 05-9-20 23:05 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅

所謂"真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅"的真相:



Rank: 1

發表於 05-9-21 00:55 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅


首先要向幾位昔日戰友打個招呼,cow, WK, PoYi, 雖然我躲在臻美的話題內,但每一段真道的留言,我都沒有錯過,我仍然關心真道和你們的孩子。


自 2003 年開始,每年的九月至十二月,總有很多對真道(或是其他學校)不利的網上留言,這些留言大部份到十二月之後便會自動消失,以前總會擔心這些留言會誤導那些欲替小朋友申請入讀真道的家長,所以會即時回應。這一兩年的想法卻有不同,所謂「孤掌難鳴」,若沒有人回應這些留言的話,它們便會很快自然地消失。




Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-21 10:59 |只看該作者

Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅

I want to mention one IMPORTANT thing. You know, in LOGO's there are no text books for Primary One - Two and Three. We do NOT know what are they teaching or what are they learning. If you wonder your kid is NOT suitable in LOGO's, please make your decision early in the first year. I mean Primary One. Just like ME.
Some of Logo's pupils transfer to other primary schools MUST REPEAT Primary One. So poor they are.
Once you ignored the problem for two acedamic years. I can sure that your kid hard to find other schools for repeat P-1 or P-2. It is because the syllabus is totally difference.

At last, Good Luck to all.
[img align=right]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/Bruceleehk.jpg[/img]
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