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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 BHS or KJS?
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BHS or KJS? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-7-15 14:57 |顯示全部帖子
hong0706 發表於 15-7-15 13:21
I will be a TY kinder parent but with no siblings in ESF. Which of BHS and KJS will be easier to get ...
This is my personal opinion only so please take it as internet hearsay rather than any kind of solid advice.

ESF has 5 primary schools on HK Island but only 4 covering the vastness of Kowloon and NT. This distribution of schools was perhaps appropriate years ago when ESF was mainly accepting expat children and these children tend to reside on the island side, but now that ESF is accepting more local children that distribution probably no longer coincides with demand.

So if you want to better your child's chances by moving, may be you should consider moving to the island side. The MTR ride from Central to Tsing Yi only takes 15 minutes and the kindergarten is right next to the MTR station, so HK island is not as far as it sounds.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-7-15 15:46 |顯示全部帖子
hong0706 發表於 15-7-15 15:20
Thanks. Which Esf primary on the HK side would be easier you think?
Also, I know the Esf primary sch ...
I cannot say which particular ESF primary school on HK island would be easier, but overall they should be slightly easier than those in Kowloon and NT because of the uneven distribution.

If you assume this forum is a good random sample of local HK families applying to international schools, then take note of those ESF primary schools that are most discussed here, namely KJS and SJS, these are likely to be in higher demand hence more difficult than the others. Likewise those that are mentioned less are probably in less demand, e.g. Peak School, Kennedy School, and CWBS.

> If I apply for HK side primary, how this work

You already know ESF primary schools go by catchment zones, so if you want to apply to a particular school, you just move to the school's zone or "borrow" an appropriate address somehow.

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