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local school should adopt putonghua as teaching medium [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-1-22 18:18 |顯示全部帖子
Oh! My God! Intra-racism among Chinese!

原帖由 wicked 於 11-1-22 15:05 發表
well, all up to how its taken.
for example some might get offended instead of just finding it interesting.

for me its enlightening. the implications and elaborations from "the least evolved" are fol ...

[ 本帖最後由 friendlyguy 於 11-1-22 18:20 編輯 ]

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發表於 11-1-24 02:58 |顯示全部帖子
cantonese is one of the least evolved dialects of the chinese language. less evolved means less aesthetically appreciated

Evolve basically is a biological terms. The idea of least or most evolved is meaningless. All species in the world have all evolved for the same length of time. It just that some species remain largely unchange. Evolution is about what fits the situation best for survival. So, if a species remain unchange over time, it means that it already very well adapted to the environment. I have not study lingistic. However, I think this can also apply to language development. I would say Cantonese is more 'ancient' than Mandarin. I also heard some scholars said 詩詞歌賦 is better appreciate in Cantonese.

many mandarin speakers resent the cantonese background accent

Many Cantones speakers resent the Mandarin background accent too.

cantonese actually sounds closer to vietnamese and thai than mandarin in terms of pronouciation

Sorry, I speak Cantonese but I can't understand a word of Vietnamese and Thai. However, I can understand Mandarin.

cantonese ppl's mental ability is also near the low end of the spectrum across china

Can you quote a scientifc study about this?

in the coarse of evolution, the less efficient will be replaced by the more efficient; the less aesthetically appreciated will be assimilated and replaced by the more appreciated.

Have you heard of 劣幣驅逐良幣Bad money drives out good)http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hant/ ... 0%E8%89%AF%E5%B9%A3

the mandarin spoken by the beijing residents is probably the most pleasant to ears


why cantonese ppl are the least popular group in places like universities and armies in the mainland.

Again, can you quote some scientific study.

racism is an easily abused word. i dont like snake but i have yet to hear speciesism.  

Yes, 佛家有云:眾生平等。

why are there hardly any notable intellectuals or administrators of cantonese origin in chinese history?

How about 孫中山,葉劍英.........

While I agree Mandarin should be given a more important place in Hong Kong education for the sake of that this being the national language, your comments of phyical appearance and IQ of Cantonese make me sick!

[ 本帖最後由 friendlyguy 於 11-1-24 12:26 編輯 ]

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發表於 11-1-30 05:18 |顯示全部帖子

回復 28# eviepa 的帖子


In contrast to you, I don’t see Wicked ‘s method is good.

See through all his posts, the reasons why Hong Kong should adopt PTH as teaching medium is because:

1.        PTH is a more evolved and esthetic pleasing language
2.        Cantonese culture is inferior to the Northern Chinese culture
3.        Cantonese people is less esthetical pleasing
4.        Cantonese people’s gene pool is inferior so that Cantonese’s IQ is among the lowest in China

1, 2.and 3 are just subjective opinions, that means they can’t be measured objectively. With regard to 4., Uncleedward has already discuss the downfall of IQ measurement. I do agree that there should be difference in intellectual level between different races. However, if you want to convince me that one race is more intelligent that the other, please show me a real science report with methodology, sampling method, what statistical test has been done, how and why you come to that conclusion. Even where the funding of that particular study came from will influence the result. Not just say that I heard last year a symposium in China said so, but I can’t find the material, or it has been reported in a newspaper. The only evidence he show us in his posts is a web site http://www.worldmaps.co.uk/free-world-maps which show average IQ by country. This map didn’t say how it come to these figures. It also not say what average parameter is using (mean, median or mode), what is the standard derivation, and is there a significant difference between countries. More importantly, this map make a serious mistake: it means to show different country ‘s IQ level, however, Hainan is not a country. This map also do not show separate IQ level of different provinces in China. But, Wicked use it to deduced that IQ level of Cantonese is less than 100 which is lower than people in Northern China. Since these deduction is groundless, his conclusion that Cantonese only suitable for low skill work and why there are hardly any notable intellectuals or administrators of cantonese origin in chinese history cannot stand. You may think I am very harsh, but since this is a very controversial subject, the standard should set a bit higher.

Even if Cantonese people’s IQ level is really lower, Cantonese cultural is inferior, and Cantonese language is less aesthetically pleasing, are these reasons to shift Hong Kong’ teaching medium to PTH? Let say, we do adopt PTH as teaching medium, will Cantonese culture improve? May be, If you think Cantonese culture is really inferior. Will Cantonese IQ level improve? May be, we all know IQ can be trained. Will Cantonese gene pool improve? Definitely no. I think we all know that to improve gene pool, mutation or inter-breed is needed. Mutation is a chance process and most of it changes to worse side instead of better and most of it is recessive. Vast majority of it will die down very soon. Education is definitely not a factor for mutation. Making our future generations subject to X-ray radiation may be more efficient! I also don’t see education has any relationship with inter-breeding of one lower IQ group with a higher IQ one!

Doing a scientific study is one thing. Policy making is the other. If we base on this and change the medium teaching medium to PTH, I can see that in a generation later, someone still say that Cantonese is only suitable for low skill work, no important notable intellectual and administrator. Taking an extreme, someone may suggest moving all Cantonese northward and make them subject to the same environment where their northern brothers live and let them become more “evolve”. Someone may even says evolution take millions years. It is too slow. In order to improve the gene pool of Chinese as a whole, we better eradicate them!

You may think I am 杞人憂天, but I see it is a real danger and it is a danger that we human being cannot risk.

I have to stress that I agree PTH should have a more important role in Hong Kong’s eduation for the sake of PTH being the National language of China and all other reasons except racial difference (if you think Cantonese is another race.).



[ 本帖最後由 friendlyguy 於 11-1-30 08:43 編輯 ]

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發表於 11-2-7 22:51 |顯示全部帖子

回復 37# wicked 的帖子


Yes, my job requires me doing most of the things on a scientific basis. I agree that we do most things based on intuition in everyday life. However, when it comes to your posts, you are using seemingly scientific arguments to support your proposal of replacing Cantonese with PTH and it seems that there is obvious bias in your intuition. I also think this is a big issue and very controversial subject (both PTH is superior to Cantonese and Cantonese people is less “evolved” and less intelligent), therefore I think the standard should be set a bit higher. I think I have been deeply influenced by my university teachers that they will ask for scientific reference if someone says something they didn’t understand, didn’t heard of or didn’t agree. I think this is a right thing to do, since a very meaningful discussion can be started if there is really a scientific basis, or to stop someone boasting around if otherwise.

Policymaking is a big deal to all the people in the society. I think you won’t like the policy makers to do things just on intuition without any scientific basis. Right?

Can you give an example that a modern human race (Homo sapiens sapiens) is eradicated by gene dilution alone in human history? I don’t quite understand what you say. Even if a race is eradicated by natural selection alone without any human intervention (e.g. a race may be eradicated by a particular disease if they all lack genes for immunity to it.), I don’t think that there is any problem although it is a tragedy. Yes, genocide still happens in some part of Africa. Basically different races are fighting for the complete control of the resources (land, wealth, food and water). Can you tell me the relevance with the current discussion about adopting PTH in Hong Kong? I hope you are not proposing eradicating Cantonese genes. Right?

Not to offend, you have a funny idea of why we learn English. I showed it to my wife and my young kid, they both laughed to death! We all don’t understand why knowing English can find a partner with better genes. Since you know English, did you find your right one with better genes than those who don’t know English? How can you prove that? Mind you, some of the well-educated people in Hong Kong and China chose not to have offspring these days.

Of course many mutations change the course of evolution to new light
Otherwise why there are single cell animals evolved to complex animals. In my last post, I only pointed out that mutation is a very slow process. Judging by your last post, you have just watched a TV series “Human ape” produced by National Geographic, which was shown on ATV World Channel a few weeks ago. These series have been produced a few years ago. It says that when we compare the skull bone of Australopithecus boisei and Homo erectus, A. boisei has a prominent sagittal crest on it skull caused by attachment of jaw muscle (presumably the Temporalis, a masticatory muscle) while H. erectus don’t have it. They postulated that this muscle produced a huge masticatory force on the skull and constrained the development of the brain, and that is why H. erectus had larger brain case, more intelligent, and they evolved to use tool. However, there are some more points to note:

1.        In genus Australopithecus, only aethopicus, robustus, boisei have these sagittal crests. There are still debates that whether they should be put in a separate Genus Paranthropus (it is the latest thinking, and since they are very different morphologically, I like to use Paranthropus to represent them).
2.        The first species of Homo should be H. habilis (the ‘Handy man’ that were universally agreed who could use more sophisticated tool. I don’t know why they did not compare with this species) It is probably directly descended from Australopithecus garhi, Australopithecus africanus or Australopithecus afarensis (there is still debate about it) that all these three species do not have sagittal crest. Ancestor of Genus Homo is definitely not Paranthropus.
3.        Australopithecus afarensis, the species that ‘Lucy’ belongs to, is not considered to be the first hominin nowadays. It is Australopithecus anamensis that appeared 4.2-3.9mya (million years ago) who is given the credit. It appeared earlier than ‘Lucy’.
4.        Hominin walked out of the forest long before the appearance of Paranthropus.
5.        The huge jaw muscle of Genus Paranthropus was probably due to their diet that they ate tough vegetation. Genus Homo were omnivores and they could find food more easily and their food was more nutritive so they could easily out compete Paranthropus. Some people even say that Homo preyed on Paranthropus. Paranthropus is only considered as a side branch of human evolution chain that represented an unsuccessful path of evolution parallel to that followed by our direct ancestor.
6.        There was sexual dimorphism in Paranthropus. Females didn’t have that sagittal crest, so there was no muscle constraint on skull bone. However, there was no evidence of brain case of female Paranthropus being larger.
7.        They compared the jaw muscle of modern apes to modern human and found that jaw muscle fibre of ape was larger than that of human. They then extrapolated this result to H. erectus and P. boisei and said that there might be a single mutation of gene that changed the size of jaw muscle fiber hence producing less force.
8.        When we study modern apes, only gorillas have this sagittal crest. Chimpanzees do not have it, and their brain volume is still significantly smaller than modern human. Mind you, gorilla is herbivorous and Chimp is omnivorous.
9.        By common sense, the magnitude of force exerted by a muscle depends on the size of the muscle as a whole, not to the size of muscle fiber. Therefore, in this experiment, the wrong parameter might have been chosen.
10.        By modern research, we know that the size of muscle can be trained. That means, if a skinny person goes through vigorous training, his muscle volume can increase and their muscle fiber can increase in size (hypertrophy). Therefore, the difference in muscle size from Genus Paranthropus to Genus Homo may be due to diet change instead of mutation of gene controlling size of muscle.
11.        Although the jaw muscle is larger in Paranthropus, the larger force did not necessarily constrain the skull. If you look at the anatomy of its skull, there is a sagittal suture between the left and right side of the skull. If there is growth potential of brain, the Skull can easily expand by bone growth in this suture.
12.        Larger brain size species (Which is said to be more intelligent) did not necessarily out compete smaller brain one. One example is Homo neanderthalensis (another human species that co-existed with Homo sapiens for a period of time in Europe) that had a larger brain volume than Homo sapiens was out competed by our immediate ancestors.

The above may make other people bored to death. However, since you have a background in life science, I think you know what I mean. I haven’t read the scientific report about this. If I can have a copy of it, I may think otherwise. I am not here to boast my knowledge but just to show you that it could be dangerous to believe popular newspaper, TV shows (in this case, I think only 5 to 10min spent on it) so easily.

You have mentioned another experiment comparing short-term memory of Chimp to young human kid. I think their conclusion is correct. However, your extrapolation of good short-term memory to speed and reflexes really shock me. We don’t know for sure what make memory in our brain. It may be some chemical mediator or inter-connection between nerve fibers (Central nervous system). Speed and reflex are more of concern with the peripheral nervous system. They are totally different things. If your theory is correct, the NBA team can select their player by testing their short-term memory. Isn’t it weird? If you want to prove Black people is more ‘monkey like’ (‘Ape like’, is a more appropriate term. I think you know the difference between monkey and ape.), a small experiment can be easily conducted by slightly modifying the current one. You can just recruit a number of young kids, group them according to their skin colour and test their short-term memory. If the results show that black kids have a more powerful short-term memory, than you theory is right. You may also derive an experiment to compare the speed of reflex between Chimp and difference colour skinned people. But, to do that, you have to get the approval of the University Ethical committee first. Doing thing mostly by intuition without proper and careful reasoning is more of ‘monkey like’ in your own words.

I think nobody in this forum says everyone is equal genetically (you and your offspring also have genetic difference. This is what makes an individual an “individual”) or in any other aspect. However, is this small difference really makes one race more ‘evolved’ than the other? Mind you, we are the same sub-species Homo sapiens sapiens. Furthermore, we are all Chinese, no matter where we come from.

I really don’t think genetic and evolution have any relevant in the discussion of teaching medium. May be we just stop here (as you say, judging by my understanding of evolution, we are hardly on a close level for a meaningful discussion and you don’t owe any one an education) and go back to pros and cons of teaching in PTH and Cantonese. I have to confess that I know very little about the good and bad of both dialects. After reading kaykaychow’s post, I hope someone can give some more scholastic information about the beauty of PTH. May be Wicked can give some more information. BTW, can you tell me in what circumstances, 蘇東坡give his comment about the local Southern dialect? Where did it come from? I can’t find it in the Internet. I know you don’t owe anyone a lecture here, but I really want to learn more. One of my most respected Professors said,’ Once a student, always a student!’ I think it is very true!

Basically, I am an easygoing person. I am not planning to reply in this thread anymore after reading your reply. However, after reading Eviepa’s post, I think I have an obligation to tell others that there may be misleading information in some seemingly scientific arguments. Reminding someone is also a friendly gesture, isn’t it?

Ah! One more thing, who is the Father of psychology is in dispute. William James, Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt and Sigmund Freud have been given the credit. There was no one single person found psychology for sure. Freud is better to be considered as Father of psychoanalysis according to his work. I think you know what’s the difference between psychology and psychoanalysis. Right?

I think I will not answer your post if you insist on there is a relationship between teaching medium and genetics or evolution. I have been blamed by my wife that I have been 無聊 in discussing these things with a nonsensical person (I have to apologize for my wife to make such a rude comment.) In order to keep my family in harmony, I better stop here. 廣東話:怕老婆會發達!



P.S. I did not study anthropology. All the information on human evolution came from my son who is still a primary student. Believe it or not, he is the expert in this field in my family. So, if you find anything wrong in this post, don’t blame me! 廣東話:有怪莫怪,細路仔唔識世界。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-12 03:00 |顯示全部帖子

回復 42# wicked 的帖子


First of all, I have to apologize that I thought you were a science-oriented person. The reasons of my misunderstanding may be:

1.        You talked about evolution----a biological science term
2.        IQ-----a psychological term
3.        You said you were trained in the life-science field.
4.        Your quotation of seemly scientific evidence: (a map showing IQ distribution of different countries and a hear say in a Chinese symposium)

Correct me if I am wrong, the word ‘intuition’ only appeared in the post no 37 dated 6/2/2011.

If I know it sooner that you do not value science and do things according to intuition only, I would probably never reply to this thread and have my energy conserved. It is because I totally agree with uncleedward’s idea ‘I do think everyone is allowed his/her own biases no matter how weird or how wicked they may seem.’ as long as he/she doesn’t act like he has concrete evidence. Moreover, I must thank God for you are not the policymaker and pray for that you never become one.

“when one is obsessed with science, one might trade off his trust in his own senses. for example, let me work out my girlfriend’s attractiveness in statistical details before i make a proposal to marry her. marriage is a big thing in life, a high scientific standard must be commanded.”

Your idea of learning English to find a mate with better genes to produce offspring with you makes me feel you will really act this way!

I believe in 見微知著,ignorance in ‘common sense’ in certain field, e.g. psychology, biology indicates that this person is a 門外漢.

I also agree with Einstein (one of my son’s favourite scientists)’s words. ‘ The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.’ However, not everyone with seemingly intuitive mind is gifted. Also, once an idea comes out, one must use scientific method to prove it. I think it is exactly what Einstein had done!

‘yes we are all chinese but all the creatures on earth are all earth beings, why bother categorizing them into different groups under hideous scientific latin names? ur sudden relax of scientific standard shocks me.’  

If we continue to categorize, the ultimate classification will be individual names. Then, we have no need to discuss the differences in IQ and esthetics anymore, since everyone should know every individual is different. Can you tell me which individual is most ‘evolved’ in China using your intuition?

I came across a web site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQ_ ... ons#Related_studies

Although I am not a great fan of comparing IQs in different Nations, I think these data are more trustable than what you quoted. These data also had been questioned like other IQ studies, but at least we can trace the reference and a book had been published. Not like the symposium, which you had never given its name and the obviously wrong map.

The data show Hong Kong’s average IQ is 107, which ranked no. 1 in the whole world. China has a score of 100, which is no.12. Can you use your superb intuition to enlighten me what the indication is? Don’t tell me China’s score is lowered by the scores of Cantonese and Hainan, since everyone knows the predominated population in Hong Kong is Cantonese.

Can you also enlighten me, according to this data, what teaching medium should Hong Kong use? Should we continue to use the less ‘evolved’ language Cantonese that, according to your logic, proved to make Hong Kong’s high IQ. Or, should we change to PTH that is used in mainland, which showed a lower IQ? Or, the less ‘evolved’, less esthetically pleasing dialect Cantonese should be use in mainland as teaching medium so as to raise China’s IQ level? Or, the gene pool of Hong Kong people suddenly became most ‘evolved’ in the world? Does it show Hong Kong people are the most aesthetically pleasing in the world (Hong Kong’s female should be very happy!)?

In order not to be Chimpanzee like as Iamfine commented, I better stop here.



P.S. My son is not a child prodigy, he is just an ordinary kid who likes to read. I think it is not a waste of time for him since he has a lot of things to learn (good or bad, of-course under guidance) from you. He feels it is fun and became a fan of uncleedward. So, please well behave, Uncle!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-13 23:38 |顯示全部帖子

回復 49# wicked 的帖子


My intuition tells me I am not welcome here. Holding a different opinion is considered to be an unfriendly act. But I am here to make some final remarks thick skinned.

1.        ‘I actually came across this link before but I didn't quote it here bcoz i thought data of city vs nation can be misleading’ If you quote this link well before hand and say this is misleading, I will give you this credit. But now, my intuition tells me you are very skillful in manipulating data. That means you only show others the information in favor of your opinion.
2.        Yes, it may be inappropriate to compare a city to a nation. In fact it is not appropriate to compare different nations due to social and economical differences. That’s why I say I am not a fan of IQs studies.
3.        Your explanation of the reasons why Hong Kong’s high IQ score is full of double standard. I won’t elaborate here. Please refer to your own argument of the importance of gene and education in post no. 1 and post no.11.
4.        The only person who knows the IQ data about different regions of China here is you. You can say anything about that. But, I have to stress that this is of little relevance if any. You have also forgotten to tell us the IQ score of your birthplace. Maybe it is over 200.
5.        If you read the web site carefully, you will find the data of N. Korea is estimated to be the same as that of S. Korea since no data can be found for N. Korea. This shows your………….
6.        In biology, hybrid is not known to have a survival advantage. Some may even result in stillbirth, sterility and other defects.
7.        ‘"Your idea of learning English to find a mate with better genes to produce offspring with you makes me feel you will really act this way!" is it of much ur concern how i would act? or r u trying to say u did just the opposite? be that the case, good for u to have made such a sacrifice for humanity. Waste of resources can be cut short’ My answer: I haven’t thought about it when I fell in love with my wife. Love should not be so calculative. That’s why we laughed to death when we read your statement. Do you understand now? I feel pity for your wife.
8.        Statement A: Ignorance in ‘common sense’ in a certain field, e.g. psychology, biology.  Statement B: This person is a 門外漢. If statement A is true than statement B is true. However, if statement A is false (not ignorance in ‘common sense’ in certain field, e.g. psychology, biology) does not indicate statement B is false (this person is not a 門外漢). Simple logic, my son also knows that.
9.        ‘Bergman’s rule: Mammals’ body size tends to be greater in populations that live in cooler climates because a smaller surface area to mass ratio allows for better heat retention.” -- another good example of an energy efficient adaptation, which is why we aspire to be tall instead of short.

whats the point of energy efficiency? -- so u can save energy for something else, for example, to support a higher level of mental functioning such as becoming more empathetic, more insightful and more sophisticated. ’
No. Energy efficiency was needed because finding food was difficult in the old days. We are homoeothermic. It is important for survival, a matter of life and death. Tall people are not energy efficient unless they are fat. Please consider the surface area to volume ratio.
10.       ‘Genetic make up is more important than education.’ Yes, if we are pre-historic human. ‘gene respresents the survival wisdom crystalized from the accumulated exposures our ancestors had over the course of evolution(which is of billions of years)’ However, after civilization started, a much much more efficient means of passing survival wisdom to the descendants was invented ------ writing. Our ancestors past their wisdom and inventions by writing to the later generations, and they got it by education. There is no need to go through the inefficient, random occurring and uncontrollable mutation. Education is getting more and more important and efficient nowadays due to invention of Internet. In fact Human evolution practically stopped for the last 10000 years as mentioned by Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa the writer of your bible ‘IQ vs Attractiveness study’. http://bigthink.com/ideas/19486
11.        Concept of esthetic changes with time. In Tang Dynasty, fat woman was considered as beauty, but now most ladies want to be slim. About 2 decades ago, people liked tanned skin since it look healthier, but now most ladies like to become whiter and use whitening products. Thick lips are considered as a sexy sign now. Please have a good look at Angelina Jolie, she is considered as one of the most beautiful actress now. 舒琪 is another example. Many ladies want to have their lips thicken by plastic surgery nowadays. Believe it or not, most people favor a more full lower facial profile since there will be fewer skin wrinkles and look younger. In short, esthetic standard changes but genetic make up is very stable.

As I said I agree with uncleedward’s idea ‘I do think everyone is allowed his/her own biases no matter how weird or how wicked they may seem.’ as long as he/she doesn’t act like he/she has concrete evidence and you have admitted (willingly or unwillingly) that your opinion is largely based on your own intuition only, I will leave you in peace. You can continue with your ‘nonsensical mumblings’. My intuition also tells me that a different opinion is not welcome here. But I will continue to pray for that you will not be a policymaker.

It is a pity that a very meaningful discussion topic had been lead to a very wrong direction.

Finally, let me say a Cantonese statement again: 跌落地挪番揸沙. I may refer to anyone here, including you and me. As you say:歡迎對號入座.


A not so friendly friendlyguy

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發表於 11-2-16 18:18 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 62# wicked 的文章

唉!本來唔想覆,因為睇唔到IQ同teaching medium 有何關係,但,你又睇D唔睇D。


为什么广东8—10岁儿童智商会低于全国平均智商?為什麼廣東8—10歲兒童智商會低於全國平均智商? 昨天(14日),中国地方病协会常务副会长陈吉祥在接受记者采访时提到,碘缺乏会对智力造成影响。昨天(14日),中國地方病協會常務副會長陳吉祥在接受記者採訪時提到,碘缺乏會對智力造成影響。 今天是全国第十三届“防治碘缺乏病日”宣传日,这次的活动主题是:“普及碘食盐十年,人口素质提高”。今天是全國第十三屆“防治碘缺乏病日”宣傳日,這次的活動主題是:“普及碘食鹽十年,人口素質提高”。



据了解,去年卫生部首次将智商纳入消除碘缺乏病监测的必测指标,对31个省份的37288例8-10岁儿童进行了智力测查,全国平均智商为103.5,处于正常水平。據了解,去年衛生部首次將智商納入消除碘缺乏病監測的必測指標,對31個省份的37288例8-10歲兒童進行了智力測查,全國平均智商為103.5,處於正常水平。 北京、上海和浙江等省的平均智商在110以上,而且高智商所占比例明显增加,与此同时,这些地区的平均碘盐覆盖率在94%以上。北京、上海和浙江等省的平均智商在110以上,而且高智商所佔比例明顯增加,與此同時,這些地區的平均碘鹽覆蓋率在94%以上。 海南、贵州、青海和宁夏4个省份的平均智商在95以下,而这些地区除碘缺乏病病情较严重外,非碘盐率也较高。海南、貴州、青海和寧夏4個省份的平均智商在95以下,而這些地區除碘缺乏病病情較嚴重外,非碘鹽率也較高。 监测结果显示,广东8-10岁儿童智商是101. 1.据介绍,广东早在2000年就已经实现消除碘缺乏病的阶段性目标,但据卫生部组织的全国消除碘缺乏病检测结果显示,广东从2004年开始出现大幅反弹,非碘盐率远超过10%,重新沦为不达标地区。監測結果顯示,廣東8-10歲兒童智商是101. 1.據介紹,廣東早在2000年就已經實現消除碘缺乏病的階段性目標,但據衛生部組織的全國消除碘缺乏病檢測結果顯示,廣東從2004年開始出現大幅反彈,非碘鹽率遠超過10%,重新淪為不達標地區。 特别是2005年,广东合格碘盐食用率跌至75.1%,重新沦为不达标地区,碘盐覆盖率跌至79.9%,为全国倒数第四,双双低于90%的国家标准,而8—10岁儿童的尿碘中位数低于50μɡ/L的比率也由2002年的5.9%下滑到了2005年的 12.5%.陈吉祥表示,目前广东没有一个地方不缺碘,只是缺碘的程度不同,粤西、粤北山区属于重度缺碘,沿海和珠三角部分地区属于轻度缺碘,其他地方则属于中度缺碘。特別是2005年,廣東合格碘鹽食用率跌至75.1%,重新淪為不達標地區,碘鹽覆蓋率跌至79.9%,為全國倒數第四,雙雙低於90%的國家標準,而8— 10歲兒童的尿碘中位數低於50μɡ/L的比率也由2002年的5.9%下滑到了2005年的12.5%.陳吉祥表示,目前廣東沒有一個地方不缺碘,只是缺碘的程度不同,粵西、粵北山區屬於重度缺碘,沿海和珠三角部分地區屬於輕度缺碘,其他地方則屬於中度缺碘。



I can only say that it is totally unnecessary and waste of time if we base on this to discuss the teaching medium of Hong Kong.

2006-8-18 16:59 2006-8-18 16:59 回复 回复  
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發表於 11-2-16 18:32 |顯示全部帖子
If you want to discuss the reason for Hong Kong's success, please open another thread!

原帖由 wicked 於 11-2-16 15:46 發表
i maintain my opinion that hk’s success has more to do with good luck, head start and british influence than the trained up high IQ score bcoz of increased exposure.

pls dont put words into my mout ...
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