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教育王國 討論區 嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園 請問有冇人知聖心幾時2nd 註冊
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請問有冇人知聖心幾時2nd 註冊 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-3-20 23:15 |顯示全部帖子
This year's second registration is early June as I heard from other parents.

原帖由 brima 於 10-3-20 19:10 發表
想知幾時知有人放棄, waitlist有冇机会

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發表於 10-3-24 00:47 |顯示全部帖子
hi twins_parent,

An interesting point you raised.  Apparently from what we saw in the campus, SHCK may be one of the kindergartens which have plenty of twins studying together.  It seems (just my guess) they do want both children to be able to study in the same kindergarten so they would try to accept both.  I am not sure whether this will become a factor to lower the chance of them to be admitted together.

This is just my guess and try to look at it from a positive angle:  If one of the twins performed better and be considered thru waiting list to be accepted, it may help the chance of the other one.  

However, it goes back to the question of the chance to be accepted thru waiting list.  I would say there are certainly chances.  However, I haven't done the statistics to compare this year (since it is a very time-consuming task and I don't wanna do it again) for the acceptance between SPK and SHCK.  Since SPK is usually being protraited as the "perfect" or "dream" school that appeals to many parents, so if there are double-acceptance, normally parents would tend to choose SPK automatically and then release some seats out.  Also, another important reason is if you don't go to SPK, then chances to be accepted to SPCS(Primary) is close to zero, where SHCSPS and SHCS offers plenty of places for outsiders too.  Anyway, just by visual check causally, it seems there are less double acceptance this year so I really dunno how many spaces will be released finally.  However, many other factors like location of the campus and small things like staircase inside the kindergarten may not appeal to some parents so I would say there are still places to be released at SHCK.

Good luck to you and I hope to hear good news from you later!


原帖由 twins_parent 於 10-3-23 16:50 發表

Do you know how is the chance of waiting-list applicants.  As my daughters are twins, will it be more difficult for my case.

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發表於 10-5-27 18:14 |顯示全部帖子
Yes, correct.

原帖由 ak1473 於 10-5-27 13:28 發表
請問係唔係1/6 second registration?

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發表於 10-5-30 12:05 |顯示全部帖子
Two Cheques: one for books and one for uniforms.

原帖由 didikoko 於 10-5-30 09:36 發表
No further information will be received? say .. the price of book? the price of uniform? hahah...i read the note which was issued before...just ask us to bring two cheques... so...so...strange..

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 10-5-31 12:01 |顯示全部帖子
I only know 3 people would so far, much less than last year.  Of course, much less discussions in bk as compared with last year too.

brima, you have the offer already, right?

原帖由 brima 於 10-5-31 10:15 發表
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