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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 囝囝由英轉中,現準備返int'school的K1,又到要學英文而 ...
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囝囝由英轉中,現準備返int'school的K1,又到要學英文而煩惱 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-7-30 14:16 |顯示全部帖子
i have the same worry that my child cannot express well , my case is : i plan to send her in IS (the best she can get in), so i was communicating to her in english (i am not a Native speaker).  my husband speaks to her in cantonese (but he only get 1-2 hours max . daily to communicate with her). she is attending NET playgroups, and will attend ENG/PHT PN coming sept., i am afraid if i communicate to her in cantonese, she will not be as competitive during interviews of various IS, altho i am not targeting ESF as first priority, still most IS tend to pick childs who are high in english proficiency.

as i aware that using mother tongue is better as i can express myself better plus she can understand better, but in the sake of getting in those IS (i target CDNIS, GSIS.... or Renaissance, CIS etc), i doubt if i will switch to mother tongue as the medium of communication, her competitiveness will be low!

please comment!!

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發表於 11-8-1 22:03 |顯示全部帖子

回復 27# MaryBrown 的帖子

Which IS your kid is studying?

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發表於 11-8-3 00:27 |顯示全部帖子

回復 31# reneeleung 的帖子

may i also know which IS your sons are going? i agreed using mother tongue to communicate to the kids, but worried that they will get use to speak cantonese and less time to practise their english.... end up lower her english proficiency by the time for the IS interviews. i also want my child to enter an IS with caring teachers and cirriculum that can improve their english proficiency in a later time.

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發表於 11-8-3 15:09 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 33# Brisingr 的文章

thanks brisingr,

actually i m sending her to Eng/mandarin PN coming year (3 hours a day), not exclusive english.  my helper is speaking to her in english (but you know that's philipino english which is not really native type), do i still need to arrange extra english environment for her?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-3 22:29 |顯示全部帖子

回復 35# Brisingr 的帖子

thanks brisingr for your reply.  my kid will be going to PIPS which is an international kinder, of course if she can enter a better kinder in K1, i may switch her to e.g. ESF, anfield etc.,

radiomama: is your kid regard as cat 1 ? otherwise may not easy to consider by ESF primary.  or your kid must be very fluent in english.  is your kid in english/mandarin class in Victoria?

brisingr: i have no choice if i am not free and only my helper will be taking care my child. they must communicate in english altho i noticed her phillipino english is not accurate (both accent and grammer)....
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