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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 2009年10月17日, 第一間幼稚園面試....但亞囡仲未識講野 ...
樓主: Queenies

2009年10月17日, 第一間幼稚園面試....但亞囡仲未識講野喎 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-10-14 03:49 |顯示全部帖子
the most important thing is that: don't angry with yr kids after every single interview. if you think there is no chance for yr kid to get a place bcoz of deadair or something....you still need to say something to encourage her/him, then maybe he/she will need to take another interview. so, don't give up. besides, if he/she likes to go to Mcdondon, stop to go there for more than a week/10 days+ b/4 the interview, you may tell him/her, if you can play with the teacher/answer the teacher simple question (name/color/ sing a song) in the interview, we may go to Mcdondon after that, then he/she will have a goal inside his/hers mind. good try!!

i did it for my daughter few years ago, it works!!

原帖由 甜豆 於 09-10-13 19:52 發表
我都有報迦南, 但無期IN, 我個女係0708 , 唔LIKE講野,見到人唔敢出聲,  我覺得8月出世仲衰過11, 12月,起碼今年真係考唔好, 都可以有個機會出年再試, 但係8月就一定係IN 今年,  我真係到現在為止, 我都想唔到, 會有邊 ...

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