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點解有人讀左國際學校既英文... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-4 13:07 |顯示全部帖子
I suggest the child's parents have a good open-minded talk with him and find out why he does not want to speak English.

There may be some hidden factors affecting this that we are not aware of unless the child opens up.  Perhaps he does not like the school, and is psychologically rejecting it?  Perhaps someone is bullying him and he feels he does not fit in?  

There are lots of emotional areas we need to consider in addition to the child's ability.  We should always give the child the benefit of the doubt.

原文章由 wlk168win 於 07-12-4 11:55 AM 發表

如果呢個係grade2 既學生寫既, ok!


我諗....係講緊兩個唔同既例子, 而我想知係我位小朋友既...
thanks! ...

[ 本文章最後由 YOSASHTO 於 07-12-4 13:12 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-4 22:53 |顯示全部帖子

I can't help but reply to your statement "This is exactly the purpose of this kind of forum so that everyone can freely express what they want to say without the need of wearing a mask or be reminded of any curtesy required."

It is true that we don't know each other's true identity, and we don't have to hide behind a mask, but courtesy should never be ignored.  Even if we do not agree with the other person's viewpoints, we, as responsible adults, should respect each other's differences in opinions, and give our own views objectively.  Isn't this what the teachers teach our kids at school?  Furthermore, hostile language and tones are not good tools for helping each other, are they?  Isn't that why we come to this forum, to seek and give guidance?

An important internet etiquette is: don't write anything that you won't say to the person face-to-face.

If we all respect each other, wouldn't this world be a better place?

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-4 09:27 PM 發表
Hi thankful

As you replied in a more reasonable tone, I would like to talk a little bit more.

Who is christf?  I am new to BK forum and had not read too many posts before and I just remembered a few ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-5 12:38 |顯示全部帖子

I think you stepped on quite a few toes with your first posting.  Regardless of whether you are who we all think you are, using the name "freshman" gives the impression you have a fresh mind, and are open to ideas.  However, by just entering the discussion thread and throwing out a piece of written work to challenge wlk168win is very threatening, especially the way you hinted that she is not making good judgement.  This is similar to going to a Karaoke, going on stage, and pointing out at someone to say s/he sang poorly.  I suggest you reflect on your actions, which initated this hostile exchange.

Anyway, to answer your question, yes, my son is an international school student.  Like many parents have shared here, no matter how good a school is, the parents have to understand and accept the teaching methodologies, and work together with the teachers so that their child can grow and blossom.

Having said that, when selecting a school, not so much is dependent on what others say about it, but your own understading and "buy-in" to the school's systems, curriculum, and methodologies.  A clear picture of and alignment with the school's vision, mission, and guiding principle is also vital to your child's success and your satisfaction with the school in later years.

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-5 09:10 AM 發表
Hi Yosashto,

Yes, I think you are right. If we respect each other's views, it can foster more fruitful discussions.  

Similarly, I don't like the tone of those postings like "一條毛" . I don't know  ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-6 19:19 |顯示全部帖子

I disagree with your view that just because you don't know the person, and they cannot see you, you can be rude to them.  This is just like saying that it's ok to throw rubbish on the streets if no one can see you, or if there is no punishment.  It is a matter of good and bad citizenship, and in my opinion, Hong Kong is lagging behind western cultures in citizenship education (公文教育).

I have been teaching students about blogging.  When they write a blog, it is to a general audience who they may not know, and who may not even respond.  However, it is extremely important to respect each other, both in the original blog and in any responding comments to others' blogs.  As adults, we need to set a good example of respecting each other, even complete strangers.

I agree with you that it is good to positively challenge each other's thoughts and opinions.  However, let's not be rude and put down other people in the process of doing so.  This is what we call "Cyber-Bullying", and is a very hot topic in International Schools right now.  As IS parents, we all should be following these rules, and be teaching them to our children.

Hope this does not offend anyone.

原文章由 christf 於 07-12-6 11:27 AM 發表
I have a different view with you.  At internet, if we are communicating with someone we know or for some business purposes, etc. we should of course behave properly.

However, for this kind of open forum, we should not have too many binds. That is why we have no need to disclose our own idenities otherwise many of us would have a lot of hesitations in expressing ourselves freely.  This is exactly the beauty of such imaginary web world.

[ 本文章最後由 YOSASHTO 於 07-12-6 19:25 編輯 ]
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