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基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-23 23:57 |只看該作者


Hello LCU ma ma,

Welcome to our new room. Let us chat  here.


Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-24 09:38 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

Hi Connie,

Thanks for yr input.

My daughter will start to leave school at 4:00pm today. It's a big improvement. How about yr child?

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-24 12:49 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

Hi, 我又嚟報到呀! 我囝囝今年讀B班呀!

你囝囝返學返成點呀? 鍾唔鍾意返學呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-24 15:26 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

Dear queeniengyy:



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-24 16:38 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

Dear Roycema,

I am a working mom, my husband used to pick up him at around 6:00pm. Teachers said Mong Hei is ok la, he could ate all the foods (but feed by the  teacher) and sleep by himself.  Yesterday, Miss Lo said to me ,she saw  Hong Hei running  with a classmate(girl) ,she took him back to his place and sit down.  But when Miss Lo went out and back, she saw Mong Hei running with the girl again. Miss Lo said to him not to run again, then Mong Hei started crying.  So Miss Lo said Mong Hei is started naughty, she has to 對他嚴一點.


Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-24 17:23 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

Dear Connie,

I'm a woking mami too, but my mother help me to take care of my child. So, my daughter, Pui Ching can leave the school earlier.

I think when the children is familiar with the evironment and people in school, they will become naughty and need more guidance.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-24 23:48 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

Hi, Connie and Roycema,

I join u la!  Hei Hei left school at 4:00pm yesterday and 4:15pm today.  In these 2-3 days, he could eat all the meal.  Sometimes, he was even feeded by himself.  Every morning, my husband bring him to school and my mother pick him up in the afternoon.  He is quite good in adapting school-life and I also found the teachers in LCU are very nice, patent and responsible.  They can tell me some details of Kwok Hei at daytime(as I also know Kwok Hei's character) and that means they pay many attention to each child.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-24 23:49 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進


Pls check pm for PW.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-25 00:05 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

Dear Roycema,

You are so lucky la, you know, we do not have  any other relative who can help us ga!


Rank: 2

發表於 06-8-25 12:27 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

All LCU mama (s),

    Hello, nice to meet you all in our new topic, hope we share closely and encourage each other over this page.   Glad to hear all of your sons and daughter have great improvement for the school life.

My son still crying when we separate every morning, he eat half of rice, sleep a while in the afternoon, so as of today, he go to school at 9:00 and return at 3:00.

   My husband's mother is a very nice helper, she will pick up my son  every afternoon, teacher will tell her about my son's status.  I also feel good about the teachers and I found there are 2 assistances in the classroom to help Man C and Miss Lo, so that they can aware each kids ' status.

    Add oil, all ma ma (s). Hope we enjoy take care of our children although we are a busy working mama.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-25 13:16 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

Dear all,

I am at lunch time with my lunch box ar!  Today I can bring my son to school with my husband.  I am very happy with it.  As I need to attend work at 8:30am, I cannot bing him to school normally.  Today, I know Cheuk Hei Mama and understand that they live in Tsing Yi ar! So, you c LCU is so good that so many mama apply even if it is far away.

I originally want my son to stay at home as he has several "Cut".  When I told him that he should stay at home and go to c doctor today.  He said that 我要番學.  I then call school and Miss told me that if he is having good status and no fever, we can bring him to school with mask and Miss will closely observe his situation.  I wonder he really accept to wear mask upon entering school.  I think he really like LCU very much.

Meanwhile, he told me that Chi Yu was crying yesterday.  When I asked him why, he said she wanted to find her mama.  Today, I asked Miss Lo about this and Miss Lo told me that it's truth as Chi Yu mama was a bit late in picking up her yesterday.  I am so happy that Kwok Hei can tell me what is happened at school.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-25 14:04 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

Hi Winnie,

我個女不太願意返學, 每天落巴士後就要婆婆抱返學, 但老師說她回校後心情很快就會平靜下來. 下午還可以睡1小時左右.

我的返工時間都是8:30, 不過當大兒子9月1日開學後, 我都要自己湊女兒返學. 希望可以在10月俾佢坐校車返學.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-26 00:03 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進


想分享一些開心事,望希一直很少講話,事實上我們己為他排期政府做評估, 自從返學校後,我晚上和他唱ball ball,他也會跟住啍一些語調,會說個大字及做大ball ball的的手勢,這己令我好似中獎的開心了, 另外, 今日敏詩老師話,望希今日很鍾意講[哎唷],當她講故事時,望希就經常講[哎唷][哎唷],替她助慶,十分惹笑.


Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-26 10:07 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進


好鄧你開心呀! 小朋友返咗學之後講野係會叻好多嫁, 我仔仔宜家經常講一啲好深0既詞語, 問佢知唔知點解, 佢又知嫁喎。

Rank: 2

發表於 06-8-26 12:07 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

Dear Connie,

     Glad to hear your son learn to speak more, as we chatted before in school, my son same as your son and already waiting for further checking of Government clinic.  My son also has some improvement but still cannot tell some important word, e.g. water, we we, so Miss told me that sometime cannot catch his need in school immediately.

Dear queenie,

     Is your daughter in class B? when did your daughter join in this school?  What do you feel about this school and what is your opinion about consider  Primary school in this district?

Thanks for your opinion in advance.


Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-26 12:35 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

Hi danbychan:

我嗰個係仔仔嚟嫁, 佢由C班開始喺呢度讀, 冇讀過N1嫁, 我覺得學校啲老師個個都好有愛心, 會好留意每個小朋友0既問題, 然後去幫佢哋。至於小學0既問題我仲未得閒去硏究, 不過只會考慮屋企附近, 唔想去咁遠呀!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-28 12:45 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

Dear Danby and Connie,

Glad that your sons also have improvement.  Hope the result from test will be positive.

My son has take sick today as he was fever yesterday morning and cut.  Although he is much better at nite, we let him one day leave so as to recover better and drink much water.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-28 16:32 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

Hi Dandy and Connie,

Don't worry, my son is also speak late, he start to talk at about 2-1/2 years. Before that, he won't talk to me, just point to the things that he want. Now he's 5 years, he talks a lot!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-28 18:17 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進


Kwok Hei also requested us to 抱him when get off the bus.  We try to put him down after walking for 1 street.  He is OK everytime before taking the escalator.  Think you daughter does not want to leave you before going to school.  I previously heard from Miss that some children may have such action.

Taking school bus will be more convenient. However, as it leaves school at 5:30pm.  I will try to see if my Husband (for morning) and my mum will be OK as the weather is getting cooler. If yes, may take school bus early next year when he is fully adapted the school-life.

RoyceMa 寫道:
Hi Winnie,

我個女不太願意返學, 每天落巴士後就要婆婆抱返學, 但老師說她回校後心情很快就會平靜下來. 下午還可以睡1小時左右.

我的返工時間都是8:30, 不過當大兒子9月1日開學後, 我都要自己湊女兒返學. 希望可以在10月俾佢坐校車返學.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-28 18:22 |只看該作者

Re: 基督教服務處李鄭屋幼兒學校家長請進

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