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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 ABC Pathways School 意见?
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ABC Pathways School 意见? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-11 10:18 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ABC Pathways School 意见?

Absolutely agree your view.

My son studied there for about 2 years for its kindergarten English course.  There were nice teachers, polite staff and pleasant classmates.  That's all.

My son told me that he watched TV cartoon programs, played games and so on in the 10 student classroom.  There were no course materials or summary to parents showing what they had learnt for each week such that we was not able to practice with him at home.  All books and exercises were returned to us only after completion of the course.  After that, my son was invited to promote to the primary course but his reading and writing skills are still below average.

I understand it is also parents' responsiblity to develop his English language but his teacher always told me that my son did well.  Probably, there was an expectation gap that I expected more in virtue of the course fee and their expertise.

Worst still, they changed the teacher quietly and even named the new teacher with the same name (unusual name) of the former one.

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