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Stafford Kindergarten - Did anyone's kids graduate from this school? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-9 10:58 |只看該作者

Stafford Kindergarten - Did anyone's kids graduate from this school?

May i know if anyone's kids graduated from Stafford Kindergarten? Which primary school your kid studying now? Any comments on this Stafford? I want to enrol this school for my kid but don't know if it will be in less advantage for entering primary school as this is not a famous school (but I think it is a good school).  Please advise. Thanks.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-9 23:49 |只看該作者

Re: Stafford Kindergarten - Did anyone's kids graduate from this school?

Could anyone know anything about this school? Please advise. Thanks.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-10 08:48 |只看該作者

Re: Stafford Kindergarten - Did anyone's kids graduate from this school?

I don't know anyone studying in/graduated from this kindergarten.  But if you feel this is a good one, why not go for it.  What matters is that whether you agree with their way of teaching and kids enjoy their school life there.  A famous traditional school might not suit every child.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-10 09:46 |只看該作者

Re: Stafford Kindergarten - Did anyone's kids graduate from this school?

Thanks for the advice. Actually I agree with your comments. I feel good & will visit this school to make sure my belief is right.
Just want to ask to collect more info on it. I don't want to rely on the school's info & my own feeling. I want to take some third parties' experience & comments as reference. I don't want to make a wrong decision. thanks.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-10-10 12:07 |只看該作者

Re: Stafford Kindergarten - Did anyone's kids graduate from this school?


stafford 是雙班主任制,其中一位是外藉老師,所以小朋友聽英文方面一定好,學校重另外加插不同的英文課程(如劍橋及jetset等)劍橋會上大陸考試,JetSet就在香港考,所以英文會好好,中文都幾深K2已寫(鼻,蛋,晴,陰,蟲,青蛙,船,風扇等等),K3開始寫句字.數學全英文.但最好讀全日班,上午正常上課時間,下午就會讀此類課程(半日班要另收費),另外還有畫班,體操,戶外活動.不過K2先有全日班.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-11 00:27 |只看該作者

Re: Stafford Kindergarten - Did anyone's kids graduate from this school?

Thanks for the information. Actually, I've visited the school today & a Miss Chan introduced the school in detail to me (about 30 mintues) & showed me around the campus. She also told me information you mentioned.
Overall, I think it is a good school & suitable for my kid. The best things of it are 雙班主任制, high English statndard & small class size.
Thanks again!


Rank: 4

發表於 05-10-11 16:21 |只看該作者

Re: Stafford Kindergarten - Did anyone's kids graduate from this school?

me too ~ anyone can comment? thanks!

jychan 寫道:
May i know if anyone's kids graduated from Stafford Kindergarten? Which primary school your kid studying now? Any comments on this Stafford? I want to enrol this school for my kid but don't know if it will be in less advantage for entering primary school as this is not a famous school (but I think it is a good school).  Please advise. Thanks.
我叫伯謙 - 媽咪叫我Bebe,我係2003年10月23日出世,依家有28磅、89cm高、啱啱2歲啦!! ***** Singapore trip ******* SINGAPORE TRIP PHOTO - LOT 2

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-11 22:26 |只看該作者

Re: Stafford Kindergarten - Did anyone's kids graduate from this school?

I think both u & me have been trying to collect more info of this school as we think it's good & just want to make sure.

dear all,
please forgive us for asking these questions. i am basically confident in this school can really teach my kid well. but as in a forum, we just ask to see if additional info. thanks.      

Rank: 4

發表於 05-10-12 18:15 |只看該作者

Re: Stafford Kindergarten - Did anyone's kids graduate from this school?

Hi jychan,

我相信 bk 家長會好明白我哋既心情架,個個父母都係咁忐忑 & 發問到 last moment gar la!!   

jychan 寫道:
I think both u & me have been trying to collect more info of this school as we think it's good & just want to make sure.
我叫伯謙 - 媽咪叫我Bebe,我係2003年10月23日出世,依家有28磅、89cm高、啱啱2歲啦!! ***** Singapore trip ******* SINGAPORE TRIP PHOTO - LOT 2

Rank: 4

發表於 05-10-13 11:26 |只看該作者

Re: Stafford Kindergarten - Did anyone's kids graduate from this school?

half-day - $3308 x 12 months + misc. fee
full-day - $56xx x 12 months + misc. fee

Pudding 寫道:

How much is the school fee for half-day and full-day classes?
我叫伯謙 - 媽咪叫我Bebe,我係2003年10月23日出世,依家有28磅、89cm高、啱啱2歲啦!! ***** Singapore trip ******* SINGAPORE TRIP PHOTO - LOT 2
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