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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因
樓主: tsznok

安排子女入讀國際學校的原因 [複製鏈接]

發表於 05-6-29 02:37 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 05-6-29 09:52 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

Yes, I agree w/ much w/ stccmc. The biggest reason why I put my son in IS is the culture and value. I don't like the culture and value of local schools that "results is every thing" while disregard how painful and tricky (just memorizing all the books without really understand/appreciate) is the process. Of course, there are still values from IS that we don't agree, e.g. too much freedom, too little discipline, which are quite unacceptable to us Chinese. Then I think it's the parents' job to balance that and give our kids the "correct" values.

Of course, nothing is perfect, there are always goods and bads, pros and cons. However, value is very fundamential thing that we should consider when we choose the school for our kid.

"Good English" or "High proportion of foreigners" is definitely not my top consideration factor in choosing IS.
stccmc 寫道:
//I think what I like to say is, joining IS is not just because of its English environment, culture is also an important aspect to consider.//

I think this is a key consideration.  No one will say that schools have nothing to do with moral training and do not contribute to the formation of ones character.   If parents do not fully appreciate western culture and values, think twice before sending your children to an IS.  As to what are western culture and values, there is no clear cut answer.

Coming back to the topic, better English alone is never a very good reason.

發表於 05-6-30 11:16 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-7-15 19:21 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

你認為只有讀國際學校的學生 take drugs?

我相信壞份子無處不在,大家經常將國際學校學生的 drug problems 掛在咀邊,其實對大部份的國際學校學生真係好唔公平。坦白講,我都有些朋友的子女讀國際學校中學部 ( incl 英基),情形並非如出面 "傳言" 一般。

作為家長,我覺得我其中一個責任就係,要教我的子女,分辨是非,不要因為受到朋輩壓力,就做出不當的行為,要在某些情形下 "say no";無論是讀國際學校,或者時主流學校,都應這樣,同意嗎?

不錯 , 壞份子真是無處不在 , Band one 名校亦不能免 , 好像以下一則令人痛心的新聞 :

(From NEXT Magazine )
「社 會 愈 避 忌 , 問 題 愈 嚴 重 , 學 生 賣 淫 已 不 是 新 鮮 事 , 目 前 就 連 名 校 女 生 亦 爭 先 下 海 為 妓 。
上 週 五 晚 , 警 方 在 旺 角 代 號 「 Bitter Wood 」 的 掃 黃 行 動 中 , 於 兩 間 以 標 榜 「 陀 地靚 妹 場 」 的 卡 拉 OK 夜 總 會 內 , 拘 捕 了 八 名 女 中 學 生 , 年 齡 由 十 六 至 十 八 歲 , 其 中七 人 是 應 屆 會 考 生 。
而 最 令 人 吃 驚 是 , 其 中 五 人 是 來 自 九 龍 區 五 間 Band 1 名 校 , 過 往 社 會 人 士 以 為 ,淪 落 風 塵 的 女 生 多 是 無 心 向 學 , 逃 學 多 過 上 堂 的 邊 緣 學 生 , 但 事 實 上 , 是 愈 聰 明 愈墮 落 。
雖 然 上 述 被 拘 捕 的 Band 1 女 學 生 , 均 表 示 自 願 到 卡 拉 OK 夜 總 會 上 班 , 但 原 來 卡 拉 OK 夜 總 會 為 吸 納 女 中 學 生 當 暑 期 工 , 竟 在 報 上 大 登 廣 告 , 無 恥 到 亂 吹 聘 請 店 務 員, 然 後 以 厚 利 游 說 女 生 跌 落 陷 阱  . . . .. 」

. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .  

所以我覺得 , 管他名校不名校 , 子女是我們的 , 家庭教育才是最重要 . 要教我們的子女,分辨是非 !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-7-16 06:22 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

Studying in IS increase the exposure and knowledge, which enhance the chance to enter more local or international universities.  See news below:







發表於 05-7-16 16:34 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-7-16 19:25 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

It is good to see that local students from elite schools can get excellent IB diploma results after joining international schools.  This proves to me that studying in good local elite schools can also build strong English foundation for our kids.  Further studies in IS can widen their exposure, as said by the twins in another news, they feel that the study of IB is very lively, arouse their interest in studying literature, and studying in 李寶椿 allows them to interact with people from different countries. Such experience is really valuable.  This reinforce my belief that studying in IS is not mainly for learning native English, but is more to motivate the kids to learn and have a global view.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-7-19 13:21 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

Dear WYmom,

Is 李寶椿 located in Ma On Shan ?

Thanks !
BB Wong Ma Ma
WYmom 寫道:
It is good to see that local students from elite schools can get excellent IB diploma results after joining international schools.  This proves to me that studying in good local elite schools can also build strong English foundation for our kids.  Further studies in IS can widen their exposure, as said by the twins in another news, they feel that the study of IB is very lively, arouse their interest in studying literature, and studying in 李寶椿 allows them to interact with people from different countries. Such experience is really valuable.  This reinforce my belief that studying in IS is not mainly for learning native English, but is more to motivate the kids to learn and have a global view.
My Blue Blue Pig born on 2005May05. Nice to meet all of you.javascript: justReturn() :-)

Rank: 4

發表於 05-7-19 13:48 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

The web site of 李寶椿 is:

From the web site:

- 所有學生都學習國際預科會考文憑課程(IB)

- 我校與眾不同的一點是我們的獎學金制度。視乎需要,幾乎所有學生都獲發不同數額的獎學金。有些更獲發全額獎學金。如此我們得以最大限度地吸納來自社會不同階層的學子精英。

That is why the IB results of the students are so good.  I think that Shatin College is as good if not better, she accepts all the students from Shatin Junior and some feeder schools.  Maybe Shatin Junior is also a good school.  Of course, some other IS are also good. I just want to say don't just look at the results.
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